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import numberToWords from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/utilities/data/numberToWords';

// Link text for review & submit page errors
// key = "name" from `form.formErrors.errors`
// see src/platform/forms-system/docs/
export default {
    'Military service history (fill in any missing information for branch of service or service start and end dates)',
    'Did you serve in a combat zone after September 11, 2001? (select yes or no)',
    'Rated disability (select the disability you’re filing for)',
  // newDisabilities is returning null so it doesn't render because a missing
  // "condition" will show the error
  newDisabilities: () => null,
  condition: index =>
    `New conditions (in the ${numberToWords(
      index + 1,
    )} section, enter a condition or select one from the list)`,
  cause: 'What caused this condition? (select from the list of causes)',
    'Have you ever received military retirement pay? (select yes or no)',
    'Do you expect to receive active or inactive duty training pay? (select yes or no)',
  'view:powStatus': 'Are you a former POW? (select yes or no)',
    'What type of evidence do you want us to review as part of your claim? (select at least one type)',
  primaryPhone: 'Contact information (enter your phone number)',
  emailAddress: 'Contact information (enter your email address)',
  city: 'Contact information (enter a city for your mailing address)',
  addressLine1: 'Contact information (enter a street address)',
  state: 'Contact information (enter a state for your mailing address)',
  zipCode: 'Contact information (enter a postal code for your mailing address)',
    'Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? (select one of the answers)',
  isVaEmployee: 'Are you a VA employee? (select yes or no)',