/* eslint-disable react/jsx-key */
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import moment from 'moment';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import fastLevenshtein from 'fast-levenshtein';
import environment from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-utilities/environment';
import { apiRequest } from 'platform/utilities/api';
import _ from 'platform/utilities/data';
import { toggleValues } from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-site-wide/selectors';
import { isValidYear } from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/utilities/validations';
import {
} from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-patterns';
import FEATURE_FLAG_NAMES from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/platform-utilities/featureFlagNames';
import { VaBreadcrumbs } from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/component-library/dist/react-bindings';
import {
} from '../constants';
import { getBranches } from './serviceBranches';
* Returns an object where all the fields are prefixed with `view:` if they aren't already
export const viewifyFields = formData => {
const newFormData = {};
Object.keys(formData).forEach(key => {
const viewKey = /^view:/.test(key) ? key : `view:${key}`;
// Recurse if necessary
newFormData[viewKey] =
typeof formData[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(formData[key])
? viewifyFields(formData[key])
: formData[key];
return newFormData;
* Show one thing, have a screen reader say another.
* @param {ReactElement|ReactComponent|String} srIgnored -- Thing to be displayed visually,
* but ignored by screen readers
* @param {String} substitutionText -- Text for screen readers to say instead of srIgnored
export const srSubstitute = (srIgnored, substitutionText) => (
<span aria-hidden>{srIgnored}</span>
<span className="sr-only">{substitutionText}</span>
export const isUndefined = value => (value || '') === '';
export const formatDate = (date, format = DATE_FORMAT) => {
const m = moment(date);
return date && m.isValid() ? m.format(format) : 'Unknown';
export const formatDateRange = (dateRange = {}, format = DATE_FORMAT) =>
dateRange?.from || dateRange?.to
? `${formatDate(dateRange.from, format)} to ${formatDate(,
: 'Unknown';
// moment().isSameOrBefore() => true; so expirationDate can't be undefined
export const isNotExpired = (expirationDate = '') =>
export const isValidFullDate = dateString => {
// expecting dateString = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
const date = moment(dateString);
return (
(date?.isValid() &&
// moment('2021') => '2021-01-01'
// moment('XXXX-01-01') => '2001-01-01'
dateString === formatDate(date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') &&
// make sure we're within the min & max year range
isValidYear(date.year())) ||
export const isValidServicePeriod = data => {
const { serviceBranch, dateRange: { from = '', to = '' } = {} } = data || {};
return (
(!isUndefined(serviceBranch) &&
getBranches().includes(serviceBranch) &&
!isUndefined(from) &&
!isUndefined(to) &&
isValidFullDate(from) &&
isValidFullDate(to) &&
moment(from).isBefore(moment(to))) ||
export const isActiveITF = currentITF => {
if (currentITF) {
const isActive = currentITF.status ===;
return isActive && isNotExpired(currentITF.expirationDate);
return false;
export const hasGuardOrReservePeriod = formData => {
const serviceHistory = formData?.servicePeriods;
if (!serviceHistory || !Array.isArray(serviceHistory)) {
return false;
return serviceHistory.reduce((isGuardReserve, { serviceBranch }) => {
// For a new service period, service branch defaults to undefined
if (!serviceBranch) {
return isGuardReserve;
const { nationalGuard, reserve } = RESERVE_GUARD_TYPES;
return (
isGuardReserve ||
serviceBranch.includes(reserve) ||
}, false);
export const ReservesGuardDescription = ({ formData }) => {
const { servicePeriods } = formData || {};
if (
!servicePeriods ||
!Array.isArray(servicePeriods) ||
) {
return null;
const mostRecentPeriod = servicePeriods
.filter(({ serviceBranch }) => {
const { nationalGuard, reserve } = RESERVE_GUARD_TYPES;
return (
serviceBranch.includes(nationalGuard) || serviceBranch.includes(reserve)
.map(({ serviceBranch, dateRange }) => {
const dateTo = new Date(;
return {
to: dateTo,
.sort((periodA, periodB) => -[0];
if (!mostRecentPeriod) {
return null;
const { serviceBranch, to } = mostRecentPeriod;
return (
Please tell us more about your {serviceBranch} service that ended on{' '}
ReservesGuardDescription.propTypes = {
formData: PropTypes.object,
export const title10DatesRequired = formData =>
const capitalizeWord = word => {
const capFirstLetter = word[0].toUpperCase();
return `${capFirstLetter}${word.slice(1)}`;
* Takes a string and returns the same string with every word capitalized. If no valid
* string is given as input, returns NULL_CONDITION_STRING and logs to Sentry.
* @param {string} name the lower-case name of a disability
* @returns {string} the input name, but with all words capitalized
export const capitalizeEachWord = name => {
if (name && typeof name === 'string') {
return name.replace(/\w[^\s-]*/g, capitalizeWord);
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
`form_526_v2: capitalizeEachWord requires 'name' argument of type 'string' but got ${typeof name}`,
return null;
export const hasForwardingAddress = formData =>
_.get('view:hasForwardingAddress', formData, false);
export const forwardingCountryIsUSA = formData =>
_.get('', formData, '') === USA;
export function getSeparationLocations() {
return apiRequest('/disability_compensation_form/separation_locations')
.then(({ separationLocations }) => => ({
id: separationLocation.code,
label: separationLocation.description,
.catch(error => {
Sentry.withScope(scope => {
scope.setExtra('error', error);
Sentry.captureMessage('Error getting separation locations');
return [];
export const disabilityIsSelected = disability => disability['view:selected'];
* Takes a string and returns another that won't break SiP when used
* as a property name.
* @param {string} str - The string to make SiP-friendly
* @return {string} The SiP-friendly string
const regexNonWord = /[^\w]/g;
export const sippableId = str =>
(str || 'blank').replace(regexNonWord, '').toLowerCase();
export const hasVAEvidence = formData =>
_.get(DATA_PATHS.hasVAEvidence, formData, false);
export const hasOtherEvidence = formData =>
_.get(DATA_PATHS.hasAdditionalDocuments, formData, false);
export const hasPrivateEvidence = formData =>
_.get(DATA_PATHS.hasPrivateEvidence, formData, false);
* Inspects all given paths in the formData object for presence of values
* @param {object} formData full formData for the form
* @param {array} fieldPaths full paths in formData for other fields that
* should be checked for input
* @returns {boolean} true if at least one path is not empty / false otherwise
export const fieldsHaveInput = (formData, fieldPaths) =>
fieldPaths.some(path => !!_.get(path, formData, ''));
export const bankFieldsHaveInput = formData =>
fieldsHaveInput(formData, [
* Returns the path with any ':index' substituted with the actual index.
* @param {string} path - The path with or without ':index'
* @param {number} index - The index to put in the string
* @return {string}
export const pathWithIndex = (path, index) => path.replace(':index', index);
const post911Periods = createSelector(
data => _.get('serviceInformation.servicePeriods', data, []),
periods =>
periods.filter(({ dateRange }) => {
if (!(dateRange && {
return false;
const toDate = new Date(;
const cutOff = new Date(NINE_ELEVEN);
return toDate.getTime() > cutOff.getTime();
export const servedAfter911 = formData => !!post911Periods(formData).length;
export const isDisabilityPtsd = disability => {
if (!disability || typeof disability !== 'string') {
return false;
const strippedDisability = disability.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '');
return PTSD_MATCHES.some(ptsdString => {
const strippedString = ptsdString.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, '');
if (strippedString === strippedDisability) {
return true;
// does the veteran's input contain a string from our match list?
if (strippedDisability.includes(strippedString)) {
return true;
return (
fastLevenshtein.get(strippedString, strippedDisability) <
Math.ceil(strippedDisability.length * TYPO_THRESHOLD)
export const hasRatedDisabilities = formData =>
formData?.ratedDisabilities?.length > 0;
export const isClaimingNew = formData =>
// force default to true if user has no rated disabilities
export const isClaimingIncrease = formData =>
_.get('view:claimType.view:claimingIncrease', formData, false);
export const isBDD = formData => {
const isBddDataFlag = Boolean(formData?.['view:isBddData']);
const servicePeriods = formData?.serviceInformation?.servicePeriods || [];
// separation date entered in the wizard
const separationDate = window.sessionStorage.getItem(SAVED_SEPARATION_DATE);
// this flag helps maintain the correct form title within a session
// Removed because of Cypress e2e tests don't have access to 'view:isBddData'
// window.sessionStorage.removeItem(FORM_STATUS_BDD);
// isActiveDuty is true when the user selects that option in the wizard & then
// enters a separation date - based on the session storage value; we then
// set this flag in the formData.
// If the user doesn't choose the active duty wizard option, but enters a
// future date in their service history, this may be associated with reserves
// and therefor should not open the BDD flow
const isActiveDuty = isBddDataFlag || separationDate;
if (
!isActiveDuty ||
// User hasn't started the form or the wizard
(servicePeriods.length === 0 && !separationDate)
) {
return false;
const mostRecentDate = separationDate
? moment(separationDate)
: servicePeriods
.filter(({ dateRange }) => dateRange?.to)
.map(({ dateRange }) => moment(dateRange?.to))
.sort((dateA, dateB) => (dateB.isBefore(dateA) ? -1 : 1))[0];
if (!mostRecentDate) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem(FORM_STATUS_BDD, 'false');
return false;
const result =
isActiveDuty &&
mostRecentDate.isAfter(moment().add(89, 'days')) &&
!mostRecentDate.isAfter(moment().add(180, 'days'));
// this flag helps maintain the correct form title within a session
window.sessionStorage.setItem(FORM_STATUS_BDD, result ? 'true' : 'false');
return Boolean(result);
export const hasNewPtsdDisability = formData =>
!isBDD(formData) &&
isClaimingNew(formData) &&
_.get('newDisabilities', formData, []).some(disability =>
// NOTE: this will need to be updated or removed when we have a usecase for the
// Additional Forms chapter beyond the new 0781 flow
export const showAdditionalFormsChapter = formData =>
formData?.syncModern0781Flow === true;
export const showPtsdCombat = formData =>
hasNewPtsdDisability(formData) &&
_.get('view:selectablePtsdTypes.view:combatPtsdType', formData, false);
export const showPtsdNonCombat = formData =>
hasNewPtsdDisability(formData) &&
_.get('view:selectablePtsdTypes.view:nonCombatPtsdType', formData, false) &&
// skip non-combat question if Veteran says yes to combat question
!_.get('skip781ForCombatReason', formData, false);
export const skip781 = formData =>
_.get('skip781ForCombatReason', formData) === true ||
_.get('skip781ForNonCombatReason', formData) === true;
export const needsToEnter781 = formData =>
hasNewPtsdDisability(formData) &&
(showPtsdCombat(formData) || showPtsdNonCombat(formData)) &&
export const needsToEnter781a = formData =>
hasNewPtsdDisability(formData) &&
(_.get('view:selectablePtsdTypes.view:mstPtsdType', formData, false) ||
_.get('view:selectablePtsdTypes.view:assaultPtsdType', formData, false));
export const isUploading781Form = formData =>
_.get('view:upload781Choice', formData, '') === 'upload';
export const isUploading781aForm = formData =>
_.get('view:upload781aChoice', formData, '') === 'upload';
export const isAnswering781Questions = index => formData =>
needsToEnter781(formData) &&
_.get('view:upload781Choice', formData, '') === 'answerQuestions' &&
(_.get(`view:enterAdditionalEvents${index - 1}`, formData, false) ||
index === 0);
export const isAnswering781aQuestions = index => formData =>
needsToEnter781a(formData) &&
_.get('view:upload781aChoice', formData, '') === 'answerQuestions' &&
(_.get(`view:enterAdditionalSecondaryEvents${index - 1}`, formData, false) ||
index === 0);
export const isUploading781aSupportingDocuments = index => formData =>
isAnswering781aQuestions(index)(formData) &&
_.get(`secondaryIncident${index}.view:uploadSources`, formData, false);
export const isAddingIndividuals = index => formData =>
isAnswering781Questions(index)(formData) &&
_.get(`view:individualsInvolved${index}`, formData, false);
export const isUploading8940Form = formData =>
_.get('view:unemployabilityUploadChoice', formData, '') === 'upload';
export const getHomelessOrAtRisk = formData => {
const homelessStatus = _.get('homelessOrAtRisk', formData, '');
return (
homelessStatus === HOMELESSNESS_TYPES.homeless ||
homelessStatus === HOMELESSNESS_TYPES.atRisk
export const isNotUploadingPrivateMedical = formData =>
_.get(DATA_PATHS.hasPrivateRecordsToUpload, formData) === false;
export const needsToEnterUnemployability = formData =>
_.get('view:unemployable', formData, false);
export const needsToAnswerUnemployability = formData =>
needsToEnterUnemployability(formData) &&
_.get('view:unemployabilityUploadChoice', formData, '') === 'answerQuestions';
export const hasDoctorsCare = formData =>
needsToAnswerUnemployability(formData) &&
_.get('unemployability.underDoctorsCare', formData, false);
export const hasHospitalCare = formData =>
needsToAnswerUnemployability(formData) &&
_.get('unemployability.hospitalized', formData, false);
export const isUploadingSupporting8940Documents = formData =>
needsToAnswerUnemployability(formData) &&
_.get('view:uploadUnemployabilitySupportingDocumentsChoice', formData, false);
export const wantsHelpWithOtherSourcesSecondary = index => formData =>
_.get(`secondaryIncident${index}.otherSources`, formData, '') &&
export const wantsHelpWithPrivateRecordsSecondary = index => formData =>
) &&
isAnswering781aQuestions(index)(formData) &&
export const wantsHelpRequestingStatementsSecondary = index => formData =>
) &&
isAnswering781aQuestions(index)(formData) &&
const isDateRange = ({ from, to }) => !!(from && to);
const parseDate = dateString => moment(dateString, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
// NOTE: Could move this to outside all-claims
* Checks to see if the first parameter is inside the date range (second parameter).
* If the first parameter is a date range, it'll return true if both dates are inside the range.
* @typedef {Object} DateRange
* @property {string} to - A date string YYYY-MM-DD
* @property {string} from - A date string YYYY-MM-DD
* ---
* @param {String|DateRange} inside - The date or date range to check
* @param {DateRange} outside - The range `inside` must fit in
* @param {String} inclusivity - See
* NOTE: This function defaults to inclusive dates which is different
* from moment's default
export const isWithinRange = (inside, outside, inclusivity = '[]') => {
if (isDateRange(inside)) {
return (
isWithinRange(, outside, inclusivity) &&
isWithinRange(inside.from, outside, inclusivity)
if (typeof inside !== 'string') return false;
const insideDate = parseDate(inside);
const from = parseDate(outside.from);
const to = parseDate(;
return insideDate.isBetween(from, to, 'days', inclusivity);
// This is in here instead of validations.js because it returns a jsx element
export const getPOWValidationMessage = servicePeriodDateRanges => (
The dates you enter must be within one of the service periods you entered.
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{formatDateRange(range)}</li>
export const increaseOnly = formData =>
isClaimingIncrease(formData) && !isClaimingNew(formData);
export const newConditionsOnly = formData =>
!isClaimingIncrease(formData) && isClaimingNew(formData);
export const newAndIncrease = formData =>
isClaimingNew(formData) && isClaimingIncrease(formData);
// Shouldn't be possible, but just in case this requirement is lifted later...
export const noClaimTypeSelected = formData =>
!isClaimingNew(formData) && !isClaimingIncrease(formData);
* The base urls for each form
* @readonly
* @enum {String}
export const urls = {
* Returns the base url of whichever form the user needs to go to.
* @param {Object} formData - The saved form data
* @param {Boolean} isPrefill - True if formData comes from pre-fill, false if it's a saved form
* @return {String} - The base url of the right form to return to
export const claimingRated = formData =>
formData?.ratedDisabilities?.some(d => d['view:selected']);
// TODO: Rename this to avoid collision with `isClaimingNew` above
export const claimingNew = formData =>
formData?.newDisabilities?.some(d => d.condition);
export const hasClaimedConditions = formData =>
(isClaimingIncrease(formData) && claimingRated(formData)) ||
(isClaimingNew(formData) && claimingNew(formData));
* Finds active service periods—those without end dates or end dates
* in the future.
export const activeServicePeriods = formData =>
_.get('serviceInformation.servicePeriods', formData, []).filter(
sp => ! || moment(,
export const isUploadingSTR = formData =>
isBDD(formData) &&
orientation: {
path: 'disabilities/orientation',
// Only show the page if both (or potentially neither) options are chosen on the claim-type page
depends: formData => newAndIncrease(formData) && !isBDD(formData),
ratedDisabilities: {
path: 'disabilities/rated-disabilities',
depends: formData => isClaimingIncrease(formData),
addDisabilities: {
path: 'new-disabilities/add',
depends: isClaimingNew,
export const getPageTitle = formData => {
const showBDDTitle =
formData === true ||
isBDD(formData) ||
window.sessionStorage.getItem(FORM_STATUS_BDD) === 'true';
return PAGE_TITLES[showBDDTitle ? 'BDD' : 'ALL'];
// Intro page doesn't have formData
export const getStartText = isBDDForm => {
const showBDDText =
isBDDForm ||
isBDD() ||
window.sessionStorage.getItem(FORM_STATUS_BDD) === 'true';
return START_TEXT[showBDDText ? 'BDD' : 'ALL'];
export const showSeparationLocation = formData => {
const { serviceInformation = {} } = formData || {};
const { servicePeriods, reservesNationalGuardService } = serviceInformation;
// moment(undefined) => today
// moment(null) => Invalid date
const title10SeparationDate = moment(
?.anticipatedSeparationDate || null,
if (
!title10SeparationDate.isValid() &&
(!servicePeriods || !Array.isArray(servicePeriods))
) {
return false;
const today = moment();
const todayPlus180 = moment().add(180, 'days');
// Show separation location field if activated on federal orders & < 180 days
if (
title10SeparationDate.isValid() &&
title10SeparationDate.isAfter(today) &&
) {
return true;
const mostRecentDate = servicePeriods
?.filter(({ dateRange }) => dateRange?.to)
.map(({ dateRange }) => moment( || null))
.sort((dateA, dateB) => dateB - dateA)[0];
return mostRecentDate?.isValid()
? mostRecentDate.isAfter(today) && !mostRecentDate.isAfter(todayPlus180)
: false;
export const show526Wizard = state => toggleValues(state).show526Wizard;
export const showSubform8940And4192 = state =>
export const wrapWithBreadcrumb = (title, component) => (
<div className="row vads-u-padding-x--1p5">
{ href: '/', label: 'Home' },
{ href: '/disability', label: 'Disability Benefits' },
href: '/disability/file-disability-claim-form-21-526ez',
label: title,
const today = moment().endOf('day');
export const isExpired = date => {
if (!date) {
return true;
// expiresAt: Ruby saves as time from Epoch date in seconds (not milliseconds)
const expires = moment.unix(date?.expiresAt);
return !(expires.isValid() && expires.endOf('day').isSameOrAfter(today));
* @typedef NewDisability~entry
* @property {String} condition - disability name
* @property {String} cause - disability type
* @property {String} primaryDescription - new disability description
* @property {String} causedByDisabilityDescription - name of rated disability
* @property {String} worsenedDescription - worsened description
* @property {String} worsenedEffects - result
* @property {String} vaMistreatmentDescription - VA involved
* @property {String} vaMistreatmentLocation - location
* @property {String} vaMistreatmentDate - date
* Truncate long descriptions
* @param {NewDisability~entry} data - new disability array entry
* @returns new disability array entry with over-the-limit descriptions
* truncated
export const truncateDescriptions = data =>
(entry, key) => ({
? data[key].substring(0, CHAR_LIMITS[key])
: data[key],
* Creates consistent form title
* @param {string} title
* @returns {string} markup with h3 tag and consistent styling
export const formTitle = title => (
<h3 className="vads-u-font-size--h4 vads-u-color--base vads-u-margin--0">
* Creates consistent form subtitle
* @param {string} subtitle
* @returns {string} markup with h4 tag and consistent styling
export const formSubtitle = subtitle => (
<h4 className="vads-u-font-size--h5 vads-u-color--gray-dark">{subtitle}</h4>
* Formats a raw date using month and year only. For example: 'January 2000'
* @param {string} rawDate - Assuming a date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
* @returns {string} A friendly date string if a valid date. Empty string otherwise.
export const formatMonthYearDate = (rawDate = '') => {
const date = new Date(rawDate.split('-').join('/')).toLocaleDateString(
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
return date === 'Invalid Date' ? '' : date;
* Creates a consistent checkbox group UI configuration for conditions
export function makeConditionsUI({
}) {
return checkboxGroupUI({
labels: {},
required: false,
* Adds an error if the 'none' checkbox is selected along with a new condition
* @param {object} conditions - Conditions object containing the state of various checkboxes
* @param {object} errors - Errors object from rjsf
* @param {string} errorKey - Identifies the section to which the error belongs
* @param {string} errorMessage - Specific message for 'none' checkbox conflict
export function validateConditions(conditions, errors, errorKey, errorMessage) {
if (
conditions?.none === true &&
Object.values(conditions).filter(value => value === true).length > 1
) {
* Builds the Schema based on user entered condition names
* @param {object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @returns {object} - Object with ids for each condition
export function makeConditionsSchema(formData) {
const options = (formData?.newDisabilities || []).map(disability =>
return checkboxGroupSchema(options);
* Formats the parts of a fullName object into a single string, e.g. "Hector Lee Brooks Jr."
* @param {object} fullName - Object holding name parts
* @returns {string} Name formatted into a single string. Empty string if all parts are missing.
export const formatFullName = (fullName = {}) => {
let res = '';
if (fullName?.first) {
res += fullName.first;
if (fullName?.middle) {
res += ` ${fullName.middle}`;
if (fullName?.last) {
res += ` ${fullName.last}`;
if (fullName?.suffix) {
res += ` ${fullName.suffix}`;
return res.trim();
* Uses an environment check to determine if changes should be visible. For now it
* should display on dev or below environments
* @returns true if the updates should be used, false otherwise
export const show5103Updates = () =>
environment.isDev() || environment.isLocalhost();