import _ from 'platform/utilities/data';
import some from 'lodash/some';
import moment from 'moment';
import {
} from './utils';
import {
} from './constants';
* Checks if the user has received military retirement pay
* @param {Object} data - Form data
* @returns true if the user has received military retired pay, false otherwise
export const hasMilitaryRetiredPay = data =>
_.get('view:hasMilitaryRetiredPay', data, false);
* Checks if the user expects to receive training pay
* @param {Object} data - Form data
* @returns true if the user expects to receive training pay, false otherwise
export const hasTrainingPay = data => _.get('view:hasTrainingPay', data, false);
* Checks if a zip code is in a valid 5 or 9 digit format
* @param {string} value - Zip code
* @returns true if the zip code is in a valid format, false otherwise
export function isValidZIP(value) {
if (value !== null) {
return /^\d{5}(?:(?:[-\s])?\d{4})?$/.test(value);
return true;
* Validates a given zip code. Add error message if invalid.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} zip - Zip code
export function validateZIP(errors, zip) {
if (zip && !isValidZIP(zip)) {
'Please enter a valid 5- or 9-digit postal code (dashes allowed)',
* Contact info validation. If using a military state, validates for military
* city. Adds error message if the city is invalid.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} city - City or APO/FPO/DPO
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} messages - Validation error messages
* @param {Object} options - Validation options
* @param {number} arrayIndex - If using an array, includes the index of the page
export function validateMilitaryCity(
) {
const isMilitaryState = MILITARY_STATE_VALUES.includes(
`${pathWithIndex(options.addressPath, arrayIndex)}.state`,
const isMilitaryCity = MILITARY_CITIES.includes(city.trim().toUpperCase());
if (isMilitaryState && !isMilitaryCity) {
'City must match APO, DPO, or FPO when using a military state code',
* Contact info validation. If using military city, validates for appropriate
* military state. Adds error message if the state is invalid.
* @param {Object} errors - Validation errors
* @param {string} state - State code
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} messages - Validation error messages
* @param {Object} options - Validation options
* @param {number} arrayIndex - If using an array, includes the index of the page
export function validateMilitaryState(
) {
const isMilitaryCity = MILITARY_CITIES.includes(
`${pathWithIndex(options.addressPath, arrayIndex)}.city`,
const isMilitaryState = MILITARY_STATE_VALUES.includes(state);
if (isMilitaryCity && !isMilitaryState) {
errors.addError('State must be AA, AE, or AP when using a military city');
* VA treatment facility validation. If using a military state, validates for
* military city. Adds error message if city is invalid.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} city - City or APO/FPO/DPO
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} messages - Validation error messages
* @param {number} index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
export function validateMilitaryTreatmentCity(
) {
const isMilitaryState = MILITARY_STATE_VALUES.includes(
const isMilitaryCity = MILITARY_CITIES.includes(city.trim().toUpperCase());
if (isMilitaryState && !isMilitaryCity) {
'City must match APO, DPO, or FPO when using a military state code',
* VA treatment facility validation. If using military city, validates for
* appropriate military state. Adds error message if invalid state.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} state - State code
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} messages - Validation error messages
* @param {Object} index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
export function validateMilitaryTreatmentState(
) {
const isMilitaryCity = MILITARY_CITIES.includes(
const isMilitaryState = MILITARY_STATE_VALUES.includes(state);
if (isMilitaryCity && !isMilitaryState) {
errors.addError('State must be AA, AE, or AP when using a military city');
* Validate that at least one type of evidence is selected. Adds error message
* if no evidence types are selected.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Boolean group
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} messages - Validation error messages
* @param {Object} options - Validation options
* @param {number} index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
export const validateIfHasEvidence = (
) => {
const { wrappedValidator } = options;
if (_.get('view:hasEvidence', formData, true)) {
wrappedValidator(errors, fieldData, formData, schema, messages, index);
// Need the Lambda to pass the disability list type, so only 1 disability list has the error message.
* Validates at least one disability is selected. Adds an error message if no
* disabilities are selected.
* @param {string} disabilityList - The type of list, 'rated' or 'new'
export const oneDisabilityRequired = disabilityList => (
) => {
const ratedDisabilities = _.get('ratedDisabilities', formData, []);
const newDisabilities = _.get('newDisabilities', formData, []);
const hasNewDisabilitiesSelected = some(
[...newDisabilities, ...ratedDisabilities],
disability => disability.unemployabilityDisability,
if (!hasNewDisabilitiesSelected) {
const errMsg =
disabilityList === 'new' && ratedDisabilities.length
? ''
: 'Please select at least one disability from the lists below.';
export const isInFuture = (err, fieldData) => {
const fieldDate = new Date(fieldData);
if (fieldDate.getTime() < {
err.addError('Start date must be in the future');
* Validates anticipated separation date. Adds error if date is not in the
* future or if date is more than 180 days in the future.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Expected separation date
export const isLessThan180DaysInFuture = (errors, fieldData) => {
const enteredDate = moment(fieldData);
const in180Days = moment().add(180, 'days');
if (enteredDate.isValid()) {
if (enteredDate.isBefore()) {
errors.addError('Enter a future separation date');
} else if (enteredDate.isSameOrAfter(in180Days)) {
'Enter a separation date less than 180 days in the future',
* Validation for Release from Active Duty date and Activation date. Adds an
* error if expected separation date is not after activation date.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} pageData - The data associated with the current schema
export const title10BeforeRad = (errors, pageData) => {
const { anticipatedSeparationDate, title10ActivationDate } =
pageData?.reservesNationalGuardService?.title10Activation || {};
const rad = moment(anticipatedSeparationDate);
const activation = moment(title10ActivationDate);
if (rad.isValid() && activation.isValid() && rad.isBefore(activation)) {
'Enter an expected separation date that is after your activation date',
* Validates the given year is in a valid format. Adds an error if invalid
* format numeric format or is in the future.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Year.
export const isValidYear = (err, fieldData) => {
const parsedInt = Number.parseInt(fieldData, 10);
if (!/^\d{4}$/.test(fieldData) || parsedInt < 1900 || parsedInt > 3000) {
err.addError('Please provide a valid year');
if (parsedInt > new Date().getFullYear()) {
err.addError('The year can’t be in the future');
* Verifies treatment start date is within service periods. Adds an error if
* the start date is not after the start of the earliest service period.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Date
* first visited the facility.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
export function findEarliestServiceDate(servicePeriods) {
return servicePeriods
.filter(({ serviceBranch } = {}) => (serviceBranch || '') !== '')
.map(period => moment(period.dateRange.from, 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
(earliestDate, current) =>
current.isBefore(earliestDate) ? current : earliestDate,
export function isMonthOnly(fieldData) {
return /^XXXX-\d{2}-XX$/.test(fieldData);
export function isYearOnly(fieldData) {
return /^\d{4}-XX-XX$/.test(fieldData);
export function isYearMonth(fieldData) {
return /^\d{4}-\d{2}-XX$/.test(fieldData);
export function isTreatmentBeforeService(
) {
return (
(isYearOnly(fieldData) &&
treatmentDate.diff(earliestServiceDate, 'year') < 0) ||
(isYearMonth(fieldData) &&
treatmentDate.diff(earliestServiceDate, 'month') < 0)
export function startedAfterServicePeriod(err, fieldData, formData) {
if (!_.get('servicePeriods.length', formData.serviceInformation, false)) {
const treatmentDate = moment(fieldData, 'YYYY-MM');
const { servicePeriods } = formData.serviceInformation;
const earliestServiceDate = findEarliestServiceDate(servicePeriods);
if (isMonthOnly(fieldData)) {
err.addError('Enter a month and year.');
if (isTreatmentBeforeService(treatmentDate, earliestServiceDate, fieldData)) {
'Your first treatment date needs to be after the start of your earliest service period.',
* Verifies the given dates are within service periods. Adds error if the dates
* are not within a service period.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Dates of confinement.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} _schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} _uiSchema - UI Schema object
* @param {number} _index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
* @param {Object} appStateData - Data from appStateSelector. Service information.
export const isWithinServicePeriod = (
) => {
// formData === fieldData on review & submit - see #20301
const servicePeriods =
formData?.serviceInformation?.servicePeriods ||
appStateData?.serviceInformation?.servicePeriods ||
const inServicePeriod = servicePeriods.some(pos =>
isWithinRange(fieldData, pos.dateRange),
if (!inServicePeriod) {
const dateIsComplete = dateString =>
dateString && !dateString.includes('X');
if (dateIsComplete(fieldData.from) && dateIsComplete( {
getPOWValidationMessage( => period.dateRange)),
);'Please provide your service periods');
export const missingConditionMessage =
'Enter a condition, diagnosis, or short description of your symptoms';
* Validates a given disability name for length and duplication.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Disability name.
* @param {Object} _formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} _schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} _uiSchema - The UI Schema object
* @param {number} _index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
* @param {Object} appStateData - Data from appStateSelector
export const validateDisabilityName = (
fieldData = '',
) => {
// We're using a validator for length instead of adding a maxLength schema
// property because the validator is only applied conditionally - when a user
// chooses a disability from the list supplied to autosuggest, we don't care
// about the length - we only care about the length of unique user-entered
// disability names. We could've done this with `updateSchema` but this seems
// lighter-touch.
if (
!LOWERED_DISABILITY_DESCRIPTIONS.includes(fieldData.toLowerCase()) &&
fieldData.length > 255
) {
err.addError('This needs to be less than 256 characters');
const missingCondition =
!fieldData?.trim() ||
fieldData.toLowerCase() === NULL_CONDITION_STRING.toLowerCase();
if (missingCondition) {
// Alert Veteran to duplicates
const currentList =
appStateData?.newDisabilities?.map(disability =>
) || [];
// look for full text duplicates
const itemLowerCased = fieldData?.toLowerCase() || '';
// look for duplicates that may occur from stripping out
const itemSippableId = sippableId(fieldData || '');
const itemCount = currentList.filter(
item => item === itemLowerCased || sippableId(item) === itemSippableId,
if (itemCount.length > 1) {
err.addError('You’ve already added this condition to your claim');
* Validates that a disability has been selected. Adds an error if appropriate disability
* has not been chosen for the claim type.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. New conditions.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
export const requireDisability = (err, fieldData, formData) => {
if (!hasClaimedConditions(formData)) {
// The actual validation error is displayed as an alert field. The message
// here will be shown on the review page
err.addError('Please select a disability');
* Validation to enforce a max number of new disabilities. Adds an error when
* user attempts to add more than 100 new disabilities.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
export const limitNewDisabilities = (err, fieldData, formData) => {
if (formData.newDisabilities?.length > 100) {
'You’ve added the maximum number of conditions. If you’d like to add another one, you’ll need to remove a condition from your claim.',
* Requires a rated disability to be entered if the increase only path has been selected.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Rated disabilities.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
export const requireRatedDisability = (err, fieldData, formData) => {
if (isClaimingIncrease(formData) && !claimingRated(formData)) {
// The actual validation error is displayed as an alert field. The message
// here will be shown on the review page
err.addError('Please select a rated disability');
* Validates the separation location matches one of the auto suggested
* locations. Adds an error if the location is not in the list.
* @param {Object} err - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} fieldData - The data associated with the current schema. Separation location.
* @param {Object} formData - Full formData for the form
export const requireSeparationLocation = (err, fieldData, formData) => {
if (showSeparationLocation(formData) && !fieldData?.id) {
err.addError('Please select a separation location from the suggestions');
// Originally used the function from platform/forms-system/src/js/validation.js,
// but we need to ignore conditions that have been removed from the new
// disabilities array; the form data for treatedDisabilityNames doesn't remove
// previous entries and they may still be true - see
// the schema name is not altered, only the form data from SiPs
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {Object} userGroup
* @param {Object} form - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} errorMessages - Error messages for the schema
export function validateBooleanGroup(
errorMessages = {},
) {
const { atLeastOne = 'Please choose at least one option' } = errorMessages;
const group = userGroup || {};
const props = schema?.properties || {};
if (
item =>
group[item] === true && (props[item] || props[item.toLowerCase()]),
) {
/* Military history validations */
* Validates the Active Start date against DOB. Adds an error if minimum age is
* not met.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} dateString - Active service start date
* @param {Object} _formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} _schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} _uiSchema - The UI Schema object
* @param {number} _currentIndex - If using an array, includes the index of the page
* @param {Object} appStateData - Data from appStateSelector
export const validateAge = (
) => {
const dob = moment(appStateData.dob).add(13, 'years');
if (moment(dateString).isSameOrBefore(dob)) {
errors.addError('Your start date must be after your 13th birthday');
// partial matches for reserves
// NOAA & Public Health Service are considered to be active duty
const reservesList = Object.values(RESERVE_GUARD_TYPES);
* Validates Separation date for format, past, and future dates. Adds error if
* date is invalid.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} dateString - Active serviced end date
* @param {Object} _formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} _schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} _uiSchema - The UI Schema object
* @param {number} currentIndex - If using an array, includes the index of the page
* @param {Object} appStateData - Data from appStateSelector
export const validateSeparationDate = (
) => {
const { isBDD, servicePeriods = [] } = appStateData;
const branch = servicePeriods[currentIndex]?.serviceBranch || '';
// If a reservist is activated, they are considered to be active duty.
// Inactive or active reserves may have a future separation date.
// Regardless, no separation date should be greater than 180 days.
const isReserves = reservesList.some(match => branch.includes(match));
const in90Days = moment().add(90, 'days');
if (!isBDD && !isReserves && moment(dateString).isSameOrAfter(in90Days)) {
errors.addError('Your separation date must be in the past');
} else if (!moment(dateString).isValid()) {
`The separation date provided (${dateString}) is not a real date.`,
} else if (moment(dateString).isAfter(moment().add(180, 'days'))) {
? 'Your separation date must be before 180 days from today'
: 'You entered a date more than 180 days from now. If you are wanting to apply for the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program, you will need to wait.',
* Validates service periods for reserve or national guard. Adds an error if
* activation date is not after earliest reserve/guard start date.
* @param {Object} errors - Errors object from rjsf, which includes an addError method
* @param {string} dateString - Activation date (fieldData)
* @param {Object} _formData - Full formData for the form
* @param {Object} _schema - Schema for the form
* @param {Object} _uiSchema - The UI Schema object
* @param {number} _index - If using an array, includes the index of the page
* @param {Object} appStateData - Data from appStateSelector
export const validateTitle10StartDate = (
appStateData = {},
) => {
const startTimes = (appStateData.servicePeriods || [])
// include only reserve/guard service periods
.filter(period =>
reservesList.some(match => period.serviceBranch.includes(match)),
.map(period => period.dateRange.from)
.sort((a, b) => {
// string comparison of dates in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format work as expected
if (a === b) {
return 0;
return b > a ? -1 : 1;
if (moment(dateString).isAfter()) {
errors.addError('Enter an activation date in the past');
} else if (!startTimes[0] || dateString < startTimes[0]) {
'Your activation date must be after your earliest service start date for the Reserve or the National Guard',