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Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import { CONTACTS } from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/component-library/contacts';

const SERVER_ERROR_REGEX = /^5\d{2}$/;
const CLIENT_ERROR_REGEX = /^4\d{2}$/;

export const isServerError = errCode => SERVER_ERROR_REGEX.test(errCode);
export const isClientError = errCode => CLIENT_ERROR_REGEX.test(errCode);

export const ServerErrorAlertContent = (
    <h2 slot="headline" className="vads-u-margin-y--0 vads-u-font-size--h3">
      We’re sorry. Something went wrong on our end
    <p className="vads-u-font-size--base">
      Please refresh this page or check back later. You can also sign out of and try signing back into this page.
    <p className="vads-u-font-size--base">
      If you get this error again, please call the help desk at{' '}
      <va-telephone contact={CONTACTS.VA_311} /> (
      <va-telephone contact={CONTACTS['711']} tty />
      ). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET

export const NoPaymentsContent = (
    <h2 slot="headline" className="vads-u-margin-y--0 vads-u-font-size--h3">
      We don’t have a record of VA payments for you
    <p className="vads-u-font-size--base">
      We can’t find any VA payments made to you, or returned VA payments. Some
      details about payments may not be available online. For example, payments
      less than $1 for direct deposit, or $5 for mailed checks, will not show in
      your online payment history. If you think this is an error, or if you have
      questions about your payment history, please call{' '}
      <va-telephone contact={CONTACTS.VA_BENEFITS} />
    <p className="vads-u-font-size--base">
      VA pays benefits on the first day of the month for the previous month.
      Please wait at least 3 business days (Monday through Friday) before
      reporting non-receipt of a payment.