import React from 'react';
import FormSignature from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/components/FormSignature';
import { capitalizeFirstLetter } from '../../utils/helpers';
* Checks that the provided signature string matches the existing
* applicantName in the formData.
* @param {string} signatureName string we want to check
* @param {object} formData standard formData object
* @returns Either a string representing an error, or undefined (representing a match)
export function signatureValidator(signatureName, formData) {
const firstName = formData?.veteranFullName.first || '';
const middle = formData?.veteranFullName.middle || '';
const lastName = formData?.veteranFullName.last || '';
const fullName = `${firstName} ${middle} ${lastName}`;
const name =
.filter(el => el)
.toLowerCase() || '';
const processedSignatureName = signatureName
.replaceAll(' ', '')
const processedName = name.replaceAll(' ', '');
if (processedSignatureName !== processedName) {
return `Please enter your full name exactly as entered on the form: ${capitalizeFirstLetter(
return undefined;
export default function StatementOfTruth(signatureProps) {
const pp = (
I have read and accept the{' '}
<va-link external href="/privacy-policy/" text="privacy policy" />
const isCorrect = (
I confirm that the identifying information in this form is accurate and
has been represented correctly.
const content = (
const validators = [signatureValidator];
return (
<div className="vads-u-margin-top--3">
<section className="box vads-u-background-color--gray-lightest vads-u-padding--3">
<h3 className="vads-u-margin-top--0">Statement of truth</h3>
signatureLabel="Your full name"