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Test Coverage
import React from 'react';

const EnhancedEligibilityDescription = () => (
    trigger="Learn more about enhanced eligibility status for VA health care"
    <p className="vads-u-font-weight--bold">
      You may qualify for enhanced eligibility status if you receive any of
      these benefits:
      <li>VA pension</li>
      <li>VA service-connected disability compensation</li>
      <li>Medicaid benefits</li>
    <p className="vads-u-font-weight--bold">
      You may also qualify for enhanced eligibility status if you fit one of
      these descriptions:
        You were discharged for a disability resulting from something that
        happened to you in the line of duty.
        You were discharged for a disability that got worse in the line of duty.
        You’re a combat Veteran discharged or released on or after September,
        11, 2001.{' '}
        <a href="/health-care/eligibility/active-duty" target="_blank">
          Learn more about eligibility for transitioning active-duty service
          members and returning combat Veterans (opens in new tab)
      <li>You’re a former Prisoner of War (POW).</li>
      <li>You received a Purple Heart.</li>
      <li>You received a Medal of Honor.</li>
        You served in Southwest Asia during the Gulf War between August 2, 1990,
        and November 11, 1998.
        You were exposed to toxins or hazards by working with chemicals,
        pesticides, lead, asbestos, certain paints, nuclear weapons, x-rays, or
        other toxins. This exposure could have happened while training or
        serving on active duty, even if you were never deployed.
        You served at least 30 days at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and
        December 31, 1987.
        You served in a location where you had exposure to Agent Orange during
        the Vietnam War era.

export default EnhancedEligibilityDescription;