import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { LocationType } from '../../../constants';import { parsePhoneNumber } from '../../../utils/phoneNumbers';import CCProviderPhoneLink from './CCProviderPhoneLink'; Function `renderPhoneNumber` has 37 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `renderPhoneNumber` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.export const renderPhoneNumber = ( title, subTitle = null, phone, from, location,) => { if (!phone) { return null; } const { extension, contact, processed, international, countryCode, } = parsePhoneNumber(phone); // The Telephone component will throw an error if passed an invalid phone number. // Since we can't use try/catch or componentDidCatch here, we'll just do this: if (contact.length !== 10) { return null; } const phoneNumberId = `${}-${title.replaceAll(/\s+/g, '')}`; return ( <p> {from === 'FacilityDetail' && <va-icon icon="phone" size="3" />} {title && <strong id={phoneNumberId}>{title}: </strong>} {subTitle} {processed ? ( <va-telephone className={ subTitle ? 'vads-u-margin-left--0p5' : 'vads-u-margin-left--0p25' } contact={contact} extension={extension} message-aria-describedby={title} country-code={countryCode} international={international} /> ) : ( // eslint-disable-next-line @department-of-veterans-affairs/prefer-telephone-component <a href={`tel:${contact}`} aria-describedby={phoneNumberId}> {contact} </a> )} </p> );}; // NOTE: Do not use this component to display Covid19 appointment phone numbers.// Use Covid19PhoneLink instead. const LocationPhoneLink = ({ location, from, query, showHealthConnectNumber = false,}) => { const isProvider = location.type === LocationType.CC_PROVIDER; const { phone } = location.attributes; if (isProvider) { return ( <CCProviderPhoneLink location={location} query={query} renderPhoneNumber={renderPhoneNumber} /> ); } return ( <div className="facility-phone-group"> {renderPhoneNumber('Main number', null, phone.main, from, location)} {showHealthConnectNumber && renderPhoneNumber( 'VA health connect', null, phone.healthConnect, from, location, )} {renderPhoneNumber( 'Mental health', null, phone.mentalHealthClinic, from, location, )} </div> );}; Similar blocks of code found in 71 locations. Consider refactoring.LocationPhoneLink.propTypes = { from: PropTypes.string, location: PropTypes.object, query: PropTypes.object, showHealthConnectNumber: PropTypes.bool,}; export default LocationPhoneLink;