import { parse, addDays, format, isAfter, isFuture, isValid } from 'date-fns';
import { toggleValues } from '~/platform/site-wide/feature-toggles/selectors';
import FEATURE_FLAG_NAMES from '~/platform/utilities/feature-toggles/featureFlagNames';
import { formatDateLong } from 'platform/utilities/date';
import { deductionCodes } from '../constants/deduction-codes';
import { ignoreFields } from '../constants/ignoreFields';
export const fsrWizardFeatureToggle = state => {
return toggleValues(state)[
export const fsrFeatureToggle = state => {
return toggleValues(state)[FEATURE_FLAG_NAMES.showFinancialStatusReport];
export const reviewPageNavigationFeatureToggle = state => {
return toggleValues(state)[
export const fsrConfirmationEmailToggle = state =>
export const allEqual = arr => arr.every(val => val === arr[0]);
export const isNumber = value => {
const pattern = /^\d*$/; // This pattern ensures only whole numbers
return pattern.test(value);
* Helper function to format date strings with only month and year
* @param {string} dateString - e.g. '2021-01-XX' or '2021-01'
* @returns {string} e.g. '01/2021'
export const monthYearFormatter = dateString => {
if (!dateString) return '';
// Replace any '-XX' legacy markers with '-01'
const safeDate = dateString.replace(/-XX$/, '-01');
// If it’s only "YYYY-MM" (length 7), parse it as year-month
let parsedDate;
if (safeDate.length === 7) {
parsedDate = parse(safeDate, 'yyyy-MM', new Date());
} else {
// Otherwise assume "YYYY-MM-dd"
parsedDate = parse(safeDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd', new Date());
// If parsed successfully, format as "MM/yyyy"
return isValid(parsedDate) ? format(parsedDate, 'MM/yyyy') : '';
export const endDate = (date, days) => {
if (!date) return '';
const parsed = new Date(date);
return isValid(parsed) ? formatDateLong(addDays(parsed, days)) : '';
export const currency = amount => {
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
const value =
typeof amount === 'number'
? amount
: parseFloat(amount?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0);
return formatter.format(value);
const hasProperty = (arr, key) => {
return arr.filter(item => item[key]).length > 0 ?? false;
export const sumValues = (arr, key) => {
const isArrValid = Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length && hasProperty(arr, key);
if (!isArrValid) return 0;
return arr.reduce(
(acc, item) =>
acc + (item[key] ? Number(item[key]?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '')) : 0),
export const filterReduceByName = (deductions, filters) => {
if (!deductions?.length) return 0;
return deductions
.filter(({ name = '' }) => filters.includes(name))
(acc, curr) =>
acc + Number(curr.amount?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0),
export const otherDeductionsName = (deductions, filters) => {
if (!deductions.length) return '';
return deductions
.filter(({ name = '' }) => !filters.includes(name))
.map(({ name }) => name)
.join(', ');
export const otherDeductionsAmt = (deductions, filters) => {
if (!deductions.length) return 0;
return deductions
.filter(({ name = '' }) => name && !filters.includes(name))
(acc, curr) =>
acc + Number(curr.amount?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0),
export const nameStr = (socialSecurity, compensation, education, addlInc) => {
const benefitTypes = [];
if (socialSecurity) {
benefitTypes.push('Social Security');
if (compensation) {
benefitTypes.push('Disability Compensation');
if (education) {
const vetAddlNames = addlInc?.map(({ name }) => name) ?? [];
const otherIncNames = [...benefitTypes, ...vetAddlNames];
return otherIncNames?.map(item => item).join(', ') ?? '';
// safeNumber will return 0 if input is null, undefined, or NaN
export const safeNumber = input => {
if (!input) return 0;
const num = Number(input.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, ''));
return Number.isNaN(num) ? 0 : num;
export const fsrReasonDisplay = resolutionOption => {
switch (resolutionOption) {
case 'monthly':
return 'Extended monthly payments';
case 'waiver':
return 'Waiver';
case 'compromise':
return 'Compromise';
return '';
export const getFsrReason = debts => {
const reasons ={ resolutionOption }) =>
const uniqReasons = [ Set(reasons)];
return uniqReasons.join(', ');
export const getAmountCanBePaidTowardDebt = debts => {
return debts
.filter(item => item.resolutionComment !== undefined)
(acc, debt) =>
acc + Number(debt.resolutionComment?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0),
export const mergeAdditionalComments = (additionalComments, expenses) => {
const individualExpenses = expenses
?.map(expense => `${} (${currency(expense.amount)})`)
.join(', ');
const individualExpensesStr = `Individual expense amount: ${individualExpenses}`;
return individualExpenses
? `${
additionalComments !== undefined ? additionalComments : ''
: additionalComments;
export const getTotalAssets = ({ assets, questions }) => {
const totOtherAssets = sumValues(assets.otherAssets, 'amount');
const totRecVehicles = Number(
assets?.recVehicleAmount?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0,
const totVehicles = questions?.hasVehicle
? sumValues(assets.automobiles, 'resaleValue')
: 0;
const realEstate = Number(
assets.realEstateValue?.replaceAll(/[^0-9.-]/g, '') ?? 0,
const totAssets = sumValues(assets.monetaryAssets, 'amount');
return totVehicles + totRecVehicles + totOtherAssets + realEstate + totAssets;
export const getEmploymentHistory = ({ questions, personalData }) => {
const { employmentHistory } = personalData;
let history = [];
const defaultObj = {
veteranOrSpouse: '',
occupationName: '',
from: '',
to: '',
present: false,
employerName: '',
employerAddress: {
addresslineOne: '',
addresslineTwo: '',
addresslineThree: '',
city: '',
stateOrProvince: '',
zipOrPostalCode: '',
countryName: '',
if (questions.vetIsEmployed) {
const { employmentRecords } = employmentHistory.veteran;
const vetEmploymentHistory = => ({
veteranOrSpouse: 'VETERAN',
occupationName: employment.type,
from: monthYearFormatter(employment.from),
to: employment.isCurrent ? '' : monthYearFormatter(,
present: employment.isCurrent ? employment.isCurrent : false,
employerName: employment.employerName,
history = [...history, ...vetEmploymentHistory];
if (questions.spouseIsEmployed) {
const { spEmploymentRecords } = employmentHistory.spouse;
const spouseEmploymentHistory = => ({
veteranOrSpouse: 'SPOUSE',
occupationName: employment.type,
from: monthYearFormatter(employment.from),
to: employment.isCurrent ? '' : monthYearFormatter(,
present: employment.isCurrent ? employment.isCurrent : false,
employerName: employment.employerName,
history = [...history, ...spouseEmploymentHistory];
return history;
export const sortStatementsByDate = statements => {
return statements.sort(
(a, b) =>
new Date(b.pSStatementDateOutput) - new Date(a.pSStatementDateOutput),
// Returns name of debt depending on the type
export const getDebtName = debt => {
return debt.debtType === 'COPAY'
? debt.station.facilityName
: deductionCodes[debt.deductionCode] || debt.benefitType;
* Helper function to determine if date value is valid starting date:
* - date is in the past or today
* - date is not in the future
* @param {string} date - date string in ISO format ('YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY-MM-DD')
* @returns {boolean} true if date meets requirements above
export const isValidStartDate = date => {
if (!date) return false;
// Ensure the date is in a valid format (either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM)
const isProperFormat = date.length === 10 || date.length === 7;
if (!isProperFormat) return false;
// If only "YYYY-MM" is provided, append "-01" to make it complete
const safeDate = date.length === 7 ? `${date}-01` : date;
// Parse the date and check its validity
const parsedDate = new Date(safeDate.replace(/-/g, '/'));
const year = parsedDate.getFullYear();
if (year < 1900) return false;
// Check that it's a real date, and not in the future
return isValid(parsedDate) && !isFuture(parsedDate);
* Helper function to determine if date value is valid ending date:
* - ending date is not in the future
* - ending date is after start date
* @param {string} startDate - date string in ISO format ('YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY-MM-DD')
* @param {string} endingDate - date string in ISO format ('YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY-MM-DD')
* @returns {boolean} true if date meets requirements above
export const isValidEndDate = (startDate, endingDate) => {
if (!startDate || !endingDate) return false;
// Ensure both dates are in a valid format
const isProperStartFormat = startDate.length === 10 || startDate.length === 7;
const isProperEndFormat = endingDate.length === 10 || endingDate.length === 7;
if (!isProperStartFormat || !isProperEndFormat) return false;
// Append "-01" to incomplete dates this applies to months and days
const safeStart = startDate.length === 7 ? `${startDate}-01` : startDate;
const safeEnd = endingDate.length === 7 ? `${endingDate}-01` : endingDate;
// Parse the dates
const parsedStart = new Date(safeStart.replace(/-/g, '/'));
const parsedEnd = new Date(safeEnd.replace(/-/g, '/'));
if (!isValid(parsedEnd) || !isValid(parsedStart)) return false;
const year = parsedEnd.getFullYear();
if (year < 1900) return false;
// Ensure the end date is not in the future and is after the start date
return !isFuture(parsedEnd) && isAfter(parsedEnd, parsedStart);
* Generates a unique key based on the given data fields and an optional index.
export const generateUniqueKey = (data, fields, index = null) => {
if (data === null || !fields.length) {
return `default-key-${index}`;
const keyParts = => data[field] ?? 'undefined');
if (index !== null) {
return keyParts.join('-');
export const firstLetterLowerCase = str => {
if (!str || str.length === 0) return '';
// Check if the string is in the ignoreFields array
if (ignoreFields.includes(str)) {
return str;
return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);
export const setDocumentTitle = title => {
document.title = `${title} | FSR (VA Form 5655) | Veterans Affairs`;