import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import recordEvent from 'platform/monitoring/record-event';
import { PAGE_NAMES } from '../constants';
const DebtError = () => {
useEffect(() => {
event: 'howToWizard-alert-displayed',
'reason-for-alert': 'debt is due to an error',
}, []);
return (
<div className="vads-u-background-color--gray-lightest vads-u-padding--2 vads-u-margin-top--2">
className="vads-u-margin-top--0 vads-u-font-size--h6 vads-u-font-weight--normal vads-u-font-family--sans"
Based on the information you provided, this isn’t the form you need.
<strong className="vads-u-margin-x--0p5">
If you think your debt or the amount of your debt is due to an error,
you can dispute it. Submit a written statement to tell us why you
dispute the debt.
<p>You can submit your dispute statement online or by mail.</p>
<strong>Online: </strong>
onClick={() => {
event: 'howToWizard-alert-link-click',
'Contact us through Ask VA',
Contact us through Ask VA
<strong>Mail: </strong>
<div>Debt Management Center</div>
<div>P.O. Box 11930</div>
<div>St. Paul, MN 55111-0930</div>
<strong>Note: </strong>
You have <strong>1 year</strong> from the date you received your first
debt letter to submit your dispute statement. After this time, we can’t
consider the request.
We encourage you to submit your dispute statement within
<strong className="vads-u-margin-left--0p5">30 days</strong>. If we
receive the statement within 30 days, we won’t add late fees and
interest, or take other collection action, while we review your dispute.
export default {
name: PAGE_NAMES.error,
component: DebtError,