import React from 'react';
export default function AccreditationModalContent() {
return (
The goal of accreditation is to ensure the education provided by
institutions of higher learning meets acceptable levels of quality.
Accreditation matters if you plan to start school at one institution and
transfer to another to complete your degree. Be sure to ask any
potential school about their credit transfer policy.
Schools are accredited regionally or nationally by private educational
associations. While the Department of Education (ED) doesn't say whether
regional or national accreditation is better, a recent ED study revealed
that, “Nearly 90 percent of all student credit transfer opportunities
occurred between institutions that were regionally, rather than
nationally, accredited.”{' '}
<a href="" id="anch_386">
Read the ED report on credit transferability
To learn more about the accreditation process and types of
accreditation, visit the{' '}
rel="noopener noreferrer"
About this tool
</a>{' '}