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/* eslint-disable camelcase */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */

export const PAGE_TITLE = 'GI Bill® CT Redesign Sandbox';

export const NAV_WIDTH = 951;

// WAIT_INTERVAL is in milliseconds.
export const WAIT_INTERVAL = 333;

// ELIGIBILITY_LIFESPAN is in milliseconds
export const ELIGIBILITY_LIFESPAN = 3600000;

// QUERY_LIFESPAN is in milliseconds
export const QUERY_LIFESPAN = 3600000;

// SMALL_SCREEN_WIDTH is in pixels
export const SMALL_SCREEN_WIDTH = 481;


export const MINIMUM_RATING_COUNT = 5;

// Max search area distance in miles
export const MAX_SEARCH_AREA_DISTANCE = 150;

export const KEY_CODES = Object.freeze({
  enterKey: 13,

 * Mapbox init values
 * Lat/long are for Turkey Creek, NE
 * This combined with zoomInit value cause map to show continental USA before user searches
export const MapboxInit = {
  zoomInit: 3,
  centerInit: {
    longitude: -99.27246093750001,
    latitude: 40.17887331434698,

 * Mapbox api request types

export const TypeList = ['place', 'region', 'postcode', 'locality'];

export const TABS = Object.freeze({
  name: 'name',
  location: 'location',

export const LC_TABS = {
  test: 'test',
  admin: 'admin',

export const INSTITUTION_TYPES = [
  'For profit',
  'High school',

  Public: 'Public',
  'For profit': 'For-profit',
  Private: 'Private',
  Foreign: 'Foreign',
  Flight: 'Flight',
  Correspondence: 'Correspondence',
  'High school': 'High School',

export const ariaLabels = Object.freeze({
  learnMore: {
      'Learn more about the different accreditation types and why it matters',
    allCampusComplaints: 'Learn more about student complaints',
    bookStipend: 'Learn more about the book stipend',
      'Learn more about enrollment status and how it may affect your education benefits',
      'Learn more about how the number of hours you work affects your housing allowance',
    calcScholarships: 'Learn more about what to include for scholarships',
    calcSchoolCalendar: 'Learn more about school calendar options',
      'Learn more about why caution flags might appear on an institution profile',
    cautionaryWarning: 'Learn more about cautionary Warnings',
    eightKeys: 'Learn more about 8 Keys to Veteran Success',
    facilityCode: 'Learn more about the VA facility code',
    giBillBenefits: 'Learn more about VA education and training programs',
    housingAllowance: 'Learn more about how housing allowance is determined',
    independentStudy: 'Learn more about Independent study',
    inState: 'Learn more about qualifying for in-state tuition.',
      'Learn more about why we ask for in-state tuition and fees',
    ipedsCode: 'Learn more about the ED IPEDS code',
    kickerEligible: 'Learn more about the kicker bonus',
    majorityOfClasses: 'Learn more about the location-based housing allowance',
    militaryTrainingCredit: 'Learn more about credit for military training',
    militaryTuitionAssistance: 'Learn more about Military Tuition Assistance',
      'Learn more about how we calculate the number of GI Bill students',
      'Learn more about how we calculate your housing allowance based on where you take classes',
    opeCode: 'Learn more about the ED OPE code',
    paysToProvider: 'Learn more about how we pay providers',
    post911Chapter33: 'Learn more about Cumulative Post-9/11 service',
    preferredProvider: 'Learn more about Preferred providers',
    principlesOfExcellence: 'Learn more about Principles of Excellence',
    priorityEnrollment: 'Learn more about priority enrollment',
      'Learn more about how the length of Montgomery GI Bill active-duty service affects your benefits',
      'Learn more about how the length of your REAP active-duty service affects your benefits',
    scholarships: 'Learn more about what types of scholarships to include',
    singlePoint: 'Learn more about single point of contact for Veterans',
    sizeOfInstitution: 'Learn more about institution size',
    specializedMission: 'Learn more about community filters',
    studentVeteranGroup: 'Learn more about Student Veteran Groups',
    tuitionAndFees: 'Learn more about the tuition and fees covered by VET TEC',
    tuitionFees: 'Learn more about tuition and fees',
      'Learn more about what costs to include for your tuition and fees',
    vetSuccess: 'Learn more about VetSuccess on Campus',
    vetTecProgram: 'Learn more about the VET TEC program',
    whenUsedGiBill: 'Learn more about your monthly housing allowance rate',
      'Learn more about what is covered by the Yellow Ribbon program and who can use it',

export const complaintData = [
    key: 'financial',
    definition: 'The school is charging you a higher tuition or extra fees.',
    type: 'Financial Concern',
    key: 'quality',
    definition: 'The school doesn’t have qualified teachers.',
    type: 'Quality of Education',
    key: 'refund',
    definition: 'The school won’t refund your GI Bill payment.',
    type: 'Refund Issues',
    key: 'marketing',
      'The school made inaccurate claims about the quality of its education or its school requirements.',
    type: 'Recruiting/Marketing Practices',
    key: 'accreditation',
    definition: 'The school is unable to get or keep accreditation.',
    type: 'Accreditation',
    key: 'degreeRequirements',
      'The school added new hour or course requirements after you enrolled.',
    type: 'Change in degree plan/requirements',
    key: 'studentLoans',
      'The school didn’t provide you a total cost of your school loan.',
    type: 'Student Loans',
    key: 'grades',
      'The school didn’t give you a copy of its grade policy or it changed its grade policy in the middle of the year.',
    type: 'Grade Policy',
    key: 'creditTransfer',
    definition: 'The school isn’t accredited for transfer of credits.',
    type: 'Transfer of Credits',
    key: 'job',
      'The school made promises to you about job placement or salary after graduation.',
    type: 'Post-Graduation Job Opportunities',
    totalKey: 'jobs',
    key: 'transcript',
    definition: 'The school won’t release your transcripts.',
    type: 'Release of Transcripts',
    key: 'other',
    definition: '',
    type: 'Other',
    type: 'Total Complaints',
    totals: ['facilityCode', 'mainCampusRollUp'],

const CTRatingsHeaders = {
  m1: 'Learning Experience',
  m2: 'GI Bill Support',
  m3: 'Veteran Community',
  m4: 'Overall Experience',
  m5: 'for furture use',
  m6: 'for furture use',
  m7: 'for furture use',

const CTRatingsQuestions = {
  q1Long: `Instructors' knowledge in the subject being taught`,
  q1: 'Instructor knowledge',
  q2Long: `Instructors' ability to engage with students around course content`,
  q2: 'Instructor engagement',
  q3Long: `Support of course materials in meeting learning objectives`,
  q3: 'Course material support',
  q4Long: `Contribution of school-supplied technology and/or facilities to successful learning experience`,
  q4: 'Successful learning experience',
  q5Long: `Contribution of learning experience to skills needed for career journey`,
  q5: 'Contribution career learning experience',
  q6Long: `Did you interact with the School Certifying Officials `,
  q7Long: `Supportiveness of School Certifying Officials `,
  q7: 'Support of school officials',
  q8Long: `Availability of School Certifying Officials`,
  q8: 'Availability of school officials',
  q9Long: `School's timely completion of VA enrollment documentation`,
  q9: 'Timely completion of VA documents',
  q10Long: `Helpfulness of school-provided information about GI Bill, other VA benefits`,
  q10: 'Helpfulness of school',
  q11Long: `Extent of school's support for its Veteran community`,
  q11: 'Extent support school',
  q12Long: `Extent of support from others in the school's Veteran community`,
  q12: 'Extent support others',
  q13: `Overall learning experience`,
  q14: `Overall school experience`,
  q15: `for future use`,
  q16: `for future use`,
  q17: `for future use`,
  q18: `for future use`,
  q19: `for future use`,
  q20: `for future use`,

export const CTRatingsHeaderQuestions = [
    title: {
      heading: CTRatingsHeaders.m1,
      m1Avg: '0',
    questions: [
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q1,
        q1Avg: '0',
        q1Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q2,
        q2Avg: '0',
        q2Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q3,
        q3Avg: '0',
        q3Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q4,
        q4Avg: '0',
        q4Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q5,
        q5Avg: '0',
        q5Count: 0,
    title: {
      heading: CTRatingsHeaders.m2,
      m2Avg: '0',
    questions: [
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q7,
        q7Avg: '0',
        q7Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q8,
        q7Avg: '0',
        q7Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q9,
        q9Avg: '0',
        q9Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q10,
        q10Avg: '0',
        q10Count: 0,
    title: {
      heading: CTRatingsHeaders.m3,
      m3Avg: '0',
    questions: [
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q11,
        q11Avg: '0',
        q11Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q12,
        q12Avg: '0',
        q12Count: 0,
    title: {
      heading: CTRatingsHeaders.m4,
      m4Avg: '0',
    questions: [
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q13,
        q13Avg: '0',
        q13Count: 0,
        question: CTRatingsQuestions.q14,
        q14Avg: '0',
        q14Count: 0,
export const filterKeys = [

export const POST_911_ARRAY = [
  { optionValue: 'veteran', optionLabel: 'Veteran' },
  { optionValue: 'active duty', optionLabel: 'Active Duty' },
    optionValue: 'national guard / reserves',
    optionLabel: 'National Guard / Reserves',

export const FRY_SCHOLARSHIP_ARRAY = [
  { optionValue: 'spouse', optionLabel: 'Surviving Spouse' },
  { optionValue: 'child', optionLabel: 'Child' },

  { optionValue: 'veteran', optionLabel: 'Veteran' },
  { optionValue: 'active duty', optionLabel: 'Active Duty' },

    optionValue: 'national guard / reserves',
    optionLabel: 'National Guard / Reserves',

  { optionValue: 'veteran', optionLabel: 'Veteran' },

  { optionValue: 'spouse', optionLabel: 'Spouse' },
  { optionValue: 'child', optionLabel: 'Child' },

export const yellowRibbonColumns = {
  degree: {
    id: 0,
    description: 'Degree Level',
    key: 'degreeLevel',
  program: {
    id: 1,
    description: 'School or Program',
    key: 'divisionProfessionalSchool',
  students: {
    id: 2,
    description: 'Funding available (for students)',
    key: 'numberOfStudents',
  funding: {
    id: 3,
    description: 'Maximum Yellow Ribbon funding amount (per student, per year)',
    key: 'contributionAmount',

export const ERROR_MESSAGES = {
    'Please fill in a school, employer, or training provider.',
  searchbyLocationInputEmpty: 'Please fill in a city, state, or postal code.',
  invalidZipCode: 'Please enter a valid postal code.',
  checkBoxFilterEmpty: 'Please select at least one filter.',

export const yellowRibbonDegreeLevelTypeHash = {
  aas: ['Associates'],
  'aas in accounting': ['Associates'],
  'aas/bs - undergraduate': ['Associates', 'Undergraduate'],
  'aos - undergraduate': ['Undergraduate'],
  all: ['All'],
  'all (arts & science)': ['All'],
  'all (bachelor of arts)': ['All'],
  'all (biological sciences division)': ['All'],
  'all (brandeis school of law)': ['All'],
  'all (chicago booth)': ['All'],
  'all (college of arts and sciences)': ['All'],
  'all (college of graduate studies)': ['All'],
  'all (college of lifelong learning)': ['All'],
  'all (college of undergraduate studies)': ['All'],
  'all (college of veterinary medicine)': ['All'],
  'all (dental school)': ['All'],
  'all (divinity school)': ['All'],
  'all (engineering school)': ['All'],
  'all (financial planning program)': ['All'],
  'all (fine arts)': ['All'],
  'all (friendman school of nutrition science and policy)': ['All'],
  'all (graham school of general studies)': ['All'],
  'all (hsc programs)': ['All'],
  'all (harris school of public policy)': ['All'],
  'all (humanities division)': ['All'],
  'all (jd, llm)': ['All'],
  'all (juris doctor)': ['All'],
  'all (law school)': ['All'],
  'all (meadows school of arts)': ['All'],
  'all (nursing school)': ['All'],
  'all (peabody college)': ['All'],
  'all (pharmacy)': ['All'],
  'all (pritzker school of medicine)': ['All'],
  'all (school of architecture - professional)': ['All'],
  'all (school of architecture/urban planning)': ['All'],
  'all (school of art & design)': ['All'],
  'all (school of arts & sciences)': ['All'],
  'all (school of business administration)': ['All'],
  'all (school of business)': ['All'],
  'all (school of education)': ['All'],
  'all (school of engineering)': ['All'],
  'all (school of information)': ['All'],
  'all (school of kinesiology)': ['All'],
  'all (school of law)': ['All'],
  'all (school of literature, science, & arts)': ['All'],
  'all (school of medicine)': ['All'],
  'all (school of music, theatre, and dance)': ['All'],
  'all (school of natural resources)': ['All'],
  'all (school of nursing)': ['All'],
  'all (school of nursing/health)': ['All'],
  'all (school of pharmacy)': ['All'],
  'all (school of physical sciences)': ['All'],
  'all (school of public health)': ['All'],
  'all (school of public policy)': ['All'],
  'all (school of social services administration)': ['All'],
  'all (school of social work)': ['All'],
  'all (seminary)': ['All'],
  'all (social sciences division)': ['All'],
  'all (thayer school of engineering)': ['All'],
  'all (the flethcher school of law and diplomacy)': ['All'],
  'all medical': ['All'],
  associates: ['Associates'],
  'associates (lakeland college japan - associate)': ['Associates'],
  bachelors: ['Bachelors'],
  certificate: ['Certificate'],
  certification: ['Certificate'],
  college: ['Other'],
  dentistry: ['Other'],
  diploma: ['Other'],
  doctoral: ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (all)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (cmb)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (college of arts and sciences)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (college of business)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (college of education)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (dental school)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (education)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (law)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (leadership studies)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (los angeles college of chiropractic)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (medical school)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (national college of education)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (nursing)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (professional psychology)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (school of education)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (school of law)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (school of medicine)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (school of psychology)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral (st ambrose & accel-college of professional studies)': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral, school of law': ['Doctoral'],
  'doctoral/graduate': ['Doctoral', 'Graduate'],
  'doctoral/professional': ['Doctoral', 'Other'],
  doctorate: ['Doctoral'],
  'executive mba': ['Masters'],
  'gradauate (natural sciences)': ['Graduate'],
  graduate: ['Graduate'],
  'graduate & doctoral': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate (all non-law)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (all students)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (all)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (architecture)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (breech school business admin)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (business & nursing education)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (business school)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (business)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (caspersen school of graduate studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (chester)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (college of arts and sciences)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (college of graduate studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (college of lifelong learning)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (cox school of business)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (cox school of engineering)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (dedman college)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (dedman school of law)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (doctoral)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (education)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (eduction)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (engineering)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (executive mba)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (graduate college)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (graduate studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (int’l education mgmt)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (int’l envirmental policy)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (intl policy studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (jd)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (law school)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (law)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (loyola college of arts & sciences)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (ma public administration)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (mba & masters)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (md&master)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (mfa)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (master of education degree/master of education degree)': [
  'graduate (master of engineering program)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (masters)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (med/dent/law/pharm)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (national college of education)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (owen graduate school of management)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (peace corps programs)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (perkins school of theology)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (professional psychology)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (sit graduate institute)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of architecture)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of art)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of arts and sciences)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of behavioral science)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of business administration)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of business)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of communication)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of conflict transformation)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of continuing and professional studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of counseling)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of education)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of engineering)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of graduate & professional studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of jewish studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of law)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of management)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of music)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of nursing)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of occupational therapy)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of psychology)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of social work)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of teacher education)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (school of theology )': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (sellinger school)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (seminary)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (simmons school of ed & hd)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (social work)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (st ambrose & accel-college of professional studies)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (stuart school of business)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (t&i)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (tfl)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (tlm)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (the guildhall)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (theological school)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (tuck school of business)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (ucla anderson/mba)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (university college)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (all but school of dentistry)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate (except doctoral physical therapy)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate certificates': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate jd': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate mfa in creative writing/ mfa in interdisciplinary studies': [
  'graduate physician assistant': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate school/continuing professional studies': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate and professional': ['Graduate', 'Other'],
  'graduate(school of business and leadership)': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate, doctoral': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate-nr': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate/ doctoral/1st prof': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (center for urban sciences)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (gallatin school)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (global public health)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (graduate arts & sciences)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (graduate school of arts and sciences)': [
  'graduate/doctoral (law school)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (school of continuing ed and professional studies)': [
  'graduate/doctoral (school of dentisty)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (school of nursing)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (silver school of social work)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctoral (steinhardt school of education)': [
  'graduate/doctoral (tisch school of the arts)': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/doctorate': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'graduate/non-prof': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate/ph.d': ['Graduate'],
  'graduate/professional': ['Graduate', 'Other'],
  'graduate/undergraduate': ['Graduate', 'Undergraduate'],
  graudate: ['Graduate'],
  'graudate (tesol)': ['Graduate'],
  'graudate/doctoral': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'j.d/doctoral': ['Doctoral'],
  jd: ['Doctoral'],
  'jd, emba, amba': ['Doctoral'],
  'juris doctor': ['Doctoral'],
  'juris doctor (all)': ['Doctoral'],
  'juris doctorate': ['Doctoral'],
  'llm/jd': ['Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  law: ['Doctoral'],
  'law school': ['Doctoral'],
  md: ['Doctoral'],
  ms: ['Masters'],
  masters: ['Masters'],
  'medical asst aas': ['Associates'],
  'medical lab tech aas': ['Associates'],
  medicine: ['Other'],
  ncd: ['Other'],
  online: ['Other'],
  optometry: ['Other'],
  'other professional programs': ['Other'],
  phd: ['Other'],
  pharmacy: ['Other'],
  'post baccalaureate': ['Other'],
  private: ['Other'],
  professional: ['Other'],
  'rt, ota, pta': ['Other'],
  seminary: ['Other'],
  'traditional undergraduate': ['Undergraduate'],
  'ug-ba-graduate': ['Graduate'],
  'undergrad/graduate/doctoral': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  undergraduate: ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate & graduate': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate & graduate (art institute of boston)': [
  'undergraduate & graduate (online)': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate (aas)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (adn)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (accounting systems)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (administrative asst.)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (adult degree completion)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (adult education programs)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (all adult education programs)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (all uw oshkosh college)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (all)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (arts and sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (associate degree)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (ba intl studies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (bachelors)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (business management)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (business technologies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (business)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college of arts and sciences )': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college of arts and sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college of cont. studies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college of liberal arts)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college of management and business)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (college)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (continuing studies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (day college)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (day)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (digital graphics)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (engineering)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (evening)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (flight school)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (game design)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (information technology)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (lesley college)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (liberal arts/science/engineering)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (massage therapy)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (medical assisting)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (misenheimer)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (nr)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (national college of education)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (office, project mang.)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (paralegal studies/cj)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (practical nursing)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (sit study abroad)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of adult studies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of arts & science)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of arts & sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of business admin)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of business)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of computer information system)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of criminal justice)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of culinary arts & hospitality)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of culinary arts and hospitality)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of education)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of health science)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of health sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of liberal arts)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of nursing)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (school of professional studies/trine virtual campus)': [
  'undergraduate (school of undergraduate)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (sellinger school)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (st ambrose & accel-college of professional studies)': [
  'undergraduate (traditional - undergraduate)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (traditional)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (trinity arts and sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (wec)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate (assos of occup studies)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate - college': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate - nys residents (vta eligible)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate - nys residents (non-vta eligible)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate : dc': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate all (traditional campus)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate certificate': ['Certificate'],
  'undergraduate and graduate': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate and masters': ['Undergraduate', 'Masters'],
  'undergraduate(day program)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(loyola college of arts & sciences)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(school of art science)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(school of business admin)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(school of business and leadership)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(school of computer info science)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate(school of culinary art and hospitality mgt)': [
  'undergraduate(school of health science)': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate, biblical studies': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate, grad': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate, graduate': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate-non nys residents': ['Undergraduate'],
  'undergraduate/certificate': ['Undergraduate', 'Certificate'],
  'undergraduate/graduate': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate/graduate (cps)': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate/graduate (metropolitan school of professional studies)': [
  'undergraduate/graduate (out of state)': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate'],
  'undergraduate/graduate/doctoral': ['Undergraduate', 'Graduate', 'Doctoral'],
  'undergraduate: dc': ['Undergraduate'],

  { value: '5', label: 'within 5 miles' },
  { value: '15', label: 'within 15 miles' },
  { value: '25', label: 'within 25 miles' },
  { value: '50', label: 'within 50 miles' },
  { value: '75', label: 'within 75 miles' },

export const lacpCategoryList = [
  'prep course',