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Test Coverage
# 10-10EZ

## Description

Mission: Make it easier for Veterans to apply for enrollment in VA health-related benefits.

## Slack Channels

- [1010-health-apps](

## Approval Groups

- [1010 Health Apps](

## Project Documentation

- [Figma File](
- [Content Source or Truth](
- [Project Documents](
- [Product Outline](

### Project URLS

``` markdown

### How to run locally

Follow the standard directions to run the app. Vets API needs to be running in order to run the app locally.

### VA Forms

We are using version 1 of the forms library, Formation. This is a straight forward standard form. We are using [the vets-json-scheam]( to validate the shape of the data.  

### What API(s) does this use?

- `/v0/health_care_applications` - Form submission API
- `/v0/hca_attachments` - File upload API for discharge documents
- `/health_care_applications/enrollment_status` - Enrollment status fetch API
- `/health_care_applications/rating_info` - Disability rating fetch API

### Feature toggles

- We have a feature toggle to enable a Self-Identified Gender Identity question, `hca_sigi_enabled`, show a page where we ask users if they would like to provide any gender
- identity declaration.
- We have a feature toggle to enable an override of enrollment status, `hca_enrollment_status_override_enabled`, to allow multiple submissions with same user.
- We have a feature toggle to enable DataDog's browser monitoring for the application, `hca_browser_monitoring_enabled`.

### How to test new features?

Each feature should have unit tests and e2e tests. We can use the Review Instances to review before merging a PR.

### Useful acronym and terms

- SIGI - Self-Identified Gender Identity
- TERA - Toxic Exposure Risk Activity