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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import EnhancedEligibilityDescription from './EnhancedEligibilityDescription';

const ToxicExposureDescription = (
      Next we’ll ask you more questions about your military service history.
      It’s your choice whether you want to answer these questions. Before you
      decide, here’s what you should know about how we’ll use this information.
      This will help us determine if you may have had exposure to any toxins or
      other hazards in either of these ways:
        While deployed to certain areas linked to exposures like Agent Orange,
        burn pits, radiation, or contaminated water
        By working with chemicals, pesticides, lead, asbestos, certain paints,
        nuclear weapons, x-rays, or other toxins during training or active duty
      We’ll also determine if you’re more likely to get VA health care benefits.
      We call this "enhanced eligibility status."
    <EnhancedEligibilityDescription />

export default ToxicExposureDescription;