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Test Coverage
  "benefits--reg-only-title": "Health care for your service-connected conditions",
  "benefits--reg-only-label" : "What type of health care do you want to apply for?",
  "benefits--reg-only-full-package-label": "I want to apply to enroll in the full medical benefits package",
  "benefits--reg-only-service-connected-label": "I want to register for care for my service-connected conditions only",
  "button-back": "Back",
  "household-dependent-info-basic-title": "%s\u2019s basic information",
  "household-dependent-info-addtl-title": "%s\u2019s additional information",
  "household-dependent-info-support-title": "Financial support for %s",
  "household-dependent-info-income-title": "%s\u2019s annual income from %d",
  "household-dependent-info-education-title": "%s\u2019s education expenses",
  "enrollment-alert-title--active-duty": "Our records show that you\u2019re an active-duty service member",
  "enrollment-alert-title--deceased": "Our records show that this Veteran is deceased",
  "enrollment-alert-title--enrolled": "You\u2019re already enrolled in VA health care",
  "enrollment-alert-title--inelig": "We determined that you don\u2019t qualify for VA health care based on your past application",
  "enrollment-alert-title--more-info": "We need more information to complete our review of your VA health care application",
  "enrollment-alert-title--non-military": "We see that you aren\u2019t a Veteran or service member",
  "enrollment-alert-title--reapply": "You applied before. But you can apply again now.",
  "enrollment-alert-title--review": "We\u2019re reviewing your application",
  "enrollment-alert-application-date-label": "You applied on:",
  "enrollment-alert-enrolled-date-label": "We enrolled you on:",
  "enrollment-alert-facility-label": "Your preferred VA medical center is:",
  "form-title": "Apply for VA health care",
  "form-subtitle": "Enrollment Application for Health Benefits (VA Form 10-10EZ)",
  "insurance-info--facility-title": "VA facility",
  "insurance-info--policy-title": "Health insurance information",
  "insurance-info--array-noun-singular": "health insurance policy",
  "insurance-info--array-noun-plural": "health insurance policies",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-add-title": "Cancel adding this health insurance policy",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-title": "Cancel editing this health insurance policy",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-add-yes": "Yes, cancel adding",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-yes": "Yes, cancel editing",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-description": "If you cancel, you\u2019ll lose any changes you made on this screen and you will be returned to the health insurance policy review page.",
  "insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-review-description": "If you cancel, you\u2019ll lose any changes you made on this screen and you will be returned to the form review page.",
  "insurance-info--card-description": "Policyholder: %s",
  "insurance-info--provider-label": "Name of insurance provider",
  "insurance-info--provider-error-message": "Enter the insurance provider name",
  "insurance-info--policyholder-label": "Name of policyholder (person whose name the policy is in)",
  "insurance-info--policyholder-error-message": "Enter the policyholder\u2019s name",
  "insurance-info--policy-number-label": "Policy number",
  "insurance-info--policy-number-hint": "Either this or the group code is required",
  "insurance-info--policy-number-error-message": "Enter the policyholder\u2019s name",
  "insurance-info--group-code-label": "Group code",
  "insurance-info--group-code-hint": "Either this or the policy number is required",
  "insurance-info--group-code-error-message": "Enter the policyholder\u2019s name",
  "insurance-info--summary-page-title": "Health insurance policies",
  "insurance-info--policy-page-title": "Health insurance policy information",
  "load-app": "Loading application...",
  "load-enrollment-status": "Verifying your enrollment status...",
  "page-title--before-you-begin" : "Before you start your application",
  "page-title--check-your-information" : "Check your personal information",
  "sip-start-form-text": "Start the health care application",
  "vet-info--birthplace-title" :"Your place of birth",
  "vet-info--birthplace-description" :"Enter your place of birth, including city and state, province or region.",
  "vet-info--home-address-title": "Home address",
  "vet-info--home-address-description": "Any updates you make here to your address will apply only to this application.",
  "vet-info--mailing-address-title": "Mailing address",
  "vet-info--mailing-address-description": "We\u2019ll send any important information about your application to this address. Any updates you make here to your address will apply only to this application.",
  "vet-info--demographic-info-title": "What is your race, ethnicity, or origin? (Please check all that apply.)",
  "vet-info--demographic-info-description": "Information is gathered for statistical purposes only."