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import { inRange } from 'lodash';
import { replaceStrValues } from './general';
import content from '../../locales/en/content.json';

 * Helper that determines if user is unauthenticated
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the viewfield is truthy
export function isLoggedOut(formData) {
  const { 'view:isLoggedIn': isLoggedIn } = formData;
  return !isLoggedIn;

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran has a lower disability rating
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the viewfield value is less than the high-
 * disability minimum
export function hasLowDisabilityRating(formData) {
  return formData['view:totalDisabilityRating'] < HIGH_DISABILITY_MINIMUM;

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran has high-disability compensation from VA
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if `vaCompensationType` is set to 'highDisability'
export function hasHighCompensation(formData) {
  const { vaCompensationType } = formData;
  return vaCompensationType === 'highDisability';

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran has low-disability compensation from VA
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if `vaCompensationType` is set to 'lowDisability'
export function hasLowCompensation(formData) {
  const { vaCompensationType } = formData;
  return vaCompensationType === 'lowDisability';

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran has no compensation from VA
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if `vaCompensationType` is set to 'none'
export function hasNoCompensation(formData) {
  const { vaCompensationType } = formData;
  return vaCompensationType === 'none';

 * Helper that determines if the user is short form eligible
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the total disability rating is less than the
 * minimum percetage and the user does not self-declares they receive
 * compensation equal to that of a high-disability-rated Veteran
export function notShortFormEligible(formData) {
  return hasLowDisabilityRating(formData) && !hasHighCompensation(formData);

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that require users
 * to upload their military discharge papers
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is unauthenticated and was not found
 * in the MPI database
export function dischargePapersRequired(formData) {
  const { 'view:isUserInMvi': isUserInMvi } = formData;
  return (
    isLoggedOut(formData) && notShortFormEligible(formData) && !isUserInMvi

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that indicate an
 * authenticated user is missing date of birth information from their profile
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is logged in and viewfield is empty
export function isMissingVeteranDob(formData) {
  const { 'view:userDob': userDob } = formData;
  return !isLoggedOut(formData) && !userDob;

 * Helper that determines if the feature flag status for the registration-only question
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the form data is `true`
export function isRegOnlyEnabled(formData) {
  return formData['view:isRegOnlyEnabled'];

 * Helper that determines if the feature flag status for the gender identity question
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the form data is `true`
export function isSigiEnabled(formData) {
  return formData['view:isSigiEnabled'];

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran's home and mailing address are the same
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the viewfield is set to `false`
export function hasDifferentHomeAddress(formData) {
  return !formData['view:doesMailingMatchHomeAddress'];

 * Helper that determines if the registration-only questions should be show to authenticated users
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is logged in, feature flag is active & total disability
 * rating is 10-40%
export function includeRegOnlyAuthQuestions(formData) {
  const { 'view:totalDisabilityRating': totalRating } = formData;
  return (
    !isLoggedOut(formData) &&
    isRegOnlyEnabled(formData) &&
    inRange(totalRating, 10, 40)

 * Helper that determines if the registration-only questions should be show to guest users
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is logged out, feature flag is active & VA
 * compensation is set to `lowDisability`
export function includeRegOnlyGuestQuestions(formData) {
  return (
    isLoggedOut(formData) &&
    isRegOnlyEnabled(formData) &&

 * Helper that determines if the registration-only alert should be shown to
 * authenticated users
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is logged in and users selected the
 * `regOnly` package
export function showRegOnlyAuthConfirmation(formData) {
  const { 'view:vaBenefitsPackage': vaBenefitsPackage } = formData;
  return (
    includeRegOnlyAuthQuestions(formData) && vaBenefitsPackage === 'regOnly'

 * Helper that determines if the registration-only alert should be shown to
 * guest users
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user is logged out and users selected the
 * `regOnly` package
export function showRegOnlyGuestConfirmation(formData) {
  const { 'view:vaBenefitsPackage': vaBenefitsPackage } = formData;
  return (
    includeRegOnlyGuestQuestions(formData) && vaBenefitsPackage === 'regOnly'

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that indicate the
 * user wants to fill out information related to toxic exposure
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the toxic exposure quesions are enabled and
 * the user indicated they wanted to fill out questions related to exposure
export function includeTeraInformation(formData) {
  const { hasTeraResponse } = formData;
  return hasTeraResponse;

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that indicate the
 * user served in specific gulf war locations
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user indicated they served in the specified
 * Gulf War locations
export function includeGulfWarServiceDates(formData) {
  const { gulfWarService } = formData;
  return includeTeraInformation(formData) && gulfWarService;

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that indicate the
 * user has a specified other toxic exposure
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user indicated they have a specified
 * toxic exposure
export function includeOtherExposureDates(formData) {
  const { 'view:otherToxicExposures': otherToxicExposures = {} } = formData;
  const exposures = Object.values(otherToxicExposures);
  return includeTeraInformation(formData) && exposures.some(o => o);

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that indicate the
 * user has a specified other toxic exposure
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user indicated they had a toxic exposure
 * that was not on the specified list
export function includeOtherExposureDetails(formData) {
  return (
    includeTeraInformation(formData) &&

 * Helper that determines if financial confirmation alert is to be shown
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user indicated they did not want to
 * disclose their financials
export function showFinancialConfirmation(formData) {
  const { discloseFinancialInformation } = formData;
  return notShortFormEligible(formData) && !discloseFinancialInformation;

 * Helper that determines if financial information is being collected
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user indicated they wanted to disclose
 * their financials
export function includeHouseholdInformation(formData) {
  const { discloseFinancialInformation } = formData;
  return notShortFormEligible(formData) && discloseFinancialInformation;

 * Helper that determines if the form data contains values that require users
 * to fill out spousal information
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if the user declares they would like to provide their
 * financial data & have a marital status of 'married' or 'separated'
export function includeSpousalInformation(formData) {
  const { maritalStatus } = formData;
  const hasSpouseToDeclare =
    maritalStatus?.toLowerCase() === 'married' ||
    maritalStatus?.toLowerCase() === 'separated';
  return includeHouseholdInformation(formData) && hasSpouseToDeclare;

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran & their spouse cohabitated last year
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if cohabitedLastYear is set to `false` and spousal
 * information should be included in the form
export function spouseDidNotCohabitateWithVeteran(formData) {
  const { cohabitedLastYear } = formData;
  return includeSpousalInformation(formData) && !cohabitedLastYear;

 * Helper that determines if the Veteran's spouse has the same address
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if sameAddress is set to `false` and spousal
 * information should be included in the form
export function spouseAddressDoesNotMatchVeterans(formData) {
  const { sameAddress } = formData;
  return includeSpousalInformation(formData) && !sameAddress;

 * Helper that determines if dependent information needs to be collected
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if viewfield is set to `false`
export function includeDependentInformation(formData) {
  return (
    includeHouseholdInformation(formData) &&

 * Helper that determines if insurance policy information needs to be collected
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if viewfield is set to `false`
export function collectMedicareInformation(formData) {
  const { isEnrolledMedicarePartA } = formData;
  return notShortFormEligible(formData) && isEnrolledMedicarePartA;

 * Helper that determines if we should display the Lighthouse facility list
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if viewfield is set to `true`
export function useLighthouseFacilityList(formData) {
  return formData['view:isFacilitiesApiEnabled'];

 * Helper that determines if we should display the hardcoded facility list
 * @param {Object} formData - the current data object passed from the form
 * @returns {Boolean} - true if viewfield is set to `false`
export function useJsonFacilityList(formData) {
  return !useLighthouseFacilityList(formData);

 * Helper that determines if we should display the hardcoded facility list
 * @param {Object} testItem (optional) - mocked sample data for unit testing purposes
 * @returns {Array} - array of override values for the Array Builder options
export function insuranceTextOverrides() {
  return {
    getItemName: item => item?.insuranceName || '—',
    cardDescription: item =>
        item?.insurancePolicyHolderName || '—',
    cancelAddTitle: () => content['insurance-info--array-cancel-add-title'],
    cancelEditTitle: () => content['insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-title'],
    cancelEditDescription: () =>
    cancelEditReviewDescription: () =>
    cancelAddYes: () => content['insurance-info--array-cancel-add-yes'],
    cancelEditYes: () => content['insurance-info--array-cancel-edit-yes'],