# mhv-supply-reordering
## Background Info
About: This app provides an interface to re-order Hearing Aid and Sleep Apnea accessories
Slack Channel: [#va-cto-supply-reordering](
## App
Form app generated with `yarn new:app`. Changes to the following files were reverted, since `VA_FORM_IDS.FORM_VA_2346A` already exists.
- `src/platform/forms/constants.js`
- `src/platform/forms/tests/forms.unit.spec.js`
## Quick start to get running locally
Before you get started check [this page]( first to make sure you are setup to use the correct version of Node and Yarn.
- clone vets-website repo `git clone`
- run `yarn install`
- turn on local mocks `yarn mock-api --responses src/applications/mhv-supply-reordering/mocks/index.js`
- start app `yarn watch --env entry=mhv-supply-reordering`
- Run this in your browser console to simulate being logged in `localStorage.setItem('hasSession', true);`
- visit the app: `http://localhost:3001/my-health/order-supplies`
Note: The application fetches supply data from `/v0/in_progress_forms/mdot`. This endpoint is mocked in the local development environment.
## Running tests
Unit tests can be run using this command: `yarn test:unit --app-folder mhv-supply-reordering`. To get detailed errors, run this command with `--log-level=error`. To get coverage reports run this command `yarn test:unit --app-folder mhv-supply-reordering --coverage --coverage-html`. View the report at `/coverage/index.html`
Cypress tests can be run with the GUI using this command: `yarn cy:open`. From there you can filter by `mhv-supply-reordering` to run end to end tests for this app.
Run Cypress from command line:
- Run all `yarn cy:run --spec "src/applications/mhv-supply-reordering/**/**/*"`
- Specify browser `-b electron`
## VA Forms - Web Component Fields and Patterns
A web-component-field is a design system web component for use in forms. These can be found at `src/platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-fields`.
A web-component-pattern is a group of web-component-fields that can span one or more pages (e.g. - a multi-page form). These can be found at `src/platform/forms-system/src/js/web-component-patterns`.
## Form Flow
- IntroductionPage
- ChooseSupplies
- ContactInformation (optionally: EditEmail, EditAddress)
- ReviewPage
- ConfirmationPage
## API Responses
[[vets-api OpenAPI documentation](]
`GET /v0/in_progress_forms/MDOT` returns the following... (note the lack of a `data` property)
"formData": {
"fullName": {},
"permanentAddress": {},
"temporaryAddress": {},
"ssnLastFour": "",
"gender": "",
"vetEmail": "",
"dateOfBirth": "",
"eligibility": {},
"supplies": []
"metadata": {
"version": 0,
"prefill": true,
"returnUrl": ""
When requesting `GET /v0/in_progress_forms/MDOT`, the MDOT client in vets-api will make a request to the system of record for veteran details and supplies available to the veteran. See `V0::InProgressFormsController.camelized_prefill_for_user` and `FormProfiles::MDOT#prefill`. On the front-end, test against the possible responses for `` which are mapped to `mdot.exceptions` values in `vets-api/config/locales/exceptions.en.yml` and then passed along in the response. Also, see `vets-api/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/mdot/get_supplies*.yml`.
## Dynamic Form Fields
[[using update and replace schema funcs](]
see `src/applications/disability-benefits/all-claims/pages/toxicExposure/toxicExposureConditions.js` for an example.
## Device Types, Device Names
How do we access other device types? (e.g. - assistive devices, nebulizers). Are these included in the request for supplies?
The `productGroup` property of a supply can be one of the following values: `['accessories', 'batteries', 'apnea']`. `'assistive devices'` will be added to this list in the near future.
The `deviceName` property of a supply indicates the associated device for the supply.