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Test Coverage
# Display Conditions

- Refer to all files in this directory (other than `index.js`) for real examples.
- See [this Mural]( for a visual diagram of the display conditions
for the PACT Act wizard flow.
- `SERVICE_PERIOD` is the first question in the flow. The answer to this question controls the display of
every other question after it. Its responses ("1990 or later", "1989 or earlier" and "During both of these time periods")
are used to refer to question sets throughout this document.
- All examples below are for demonstration only and may not represent accurate display conditions for the PACT Act wizard

## Basic Display Conditions - Questions

BURN_PIT_2_1: {

The above means that `BURN_PIT_2_1` will display if "1990 or later" or "During both of these time periods" is selected

More Notes:
- `BURN_PIT_2_1` is a `SHORT_NAME` representing a question.
- `BURN_PIT_2_1` does not display at all for "1989 or earlier".
- All questions within `BURN_PIT_2_1`'s object control display of `BURN_PIT_2_1`.
- The array of responses for `SERVICE_PERIOD` represents an **OR** (`||`) condition if multiple responses exist

## Nested Display Conditions

When a question has different display conditions depending on the response to `SERVICE_PERIOD`, the `SERVICE_PERIOD_SELECTION`
key is used to differentiate.


ORANGE_2_2_A: {
      BURN_PIT_2_1: [YES],
      BURN_PIT_2_1_1: [YES],

The question flows can be either of these:
- Scenario 1
  - `SERVICE_PERIOD` "1989 or earlier"
  - `ORANGE_2_2_A`
- Scenario 2: 
  - `SERVICE_PERIOD` "During both of these time periods"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1` "No"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1_1` "No"
  - `ORANGE_2_2_A`

## Nested and Forked Display Conditions

Nested and forked display conditions use all of the above logic with an added layer of complexity. **Nested and forked** display conditions handle `SERVICE_PERIOD_SELECTION` flows that further split (referred to as a `FORK`).

When this applies, both `SHORT` and `LONG` must be included together.


ORANGE_2_2_A: {
      FORK: {
        SHORT: {
          ONE_OF: {
            BURN_PIT_2_1: [YES],
            BURN_PIT_2_1_1: [YES],
        LONG: {
          BURN_PIT_2_1: [NO, NOT_SURE],
          BURN_PIT_2_1_1: [NO, NOT_SURE],
          BURN_PIT_2_1_2: [YES, NO, NOT_SURE],

There are many different flows that would work for these display conditions. Here are a few:
- Scenario 1:
  - `SERVICE_PERIOD` "1989 or earlier"
  - `ORANGE_2_2_A`
- Scenario 2: ("Short")
  - `SERVICE_PERIOD` "During both of these time periods"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1` "Yes"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1_1` "No"
  - `ORANGE_2_2_A`
- Scenario 3: ("Long")
  - `SERVICE_PERIOD` "During both of these time periods"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1` "I'm not sure"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1_1` "I'm not sure"
  - `BURN_PIT_2_1_2` "I'm not sure"
  - `ORANGE_2_2_A`

The **Short** flow (line(s) above the main flow line) includes follow-up questions regarding locations chosen and/or `Yes` responses that skip remaining questions in the batch (e.g. Burn Pit) and/or direct to a results page.

The **Long** flow (main flow line) follows the `No` and `I'm not sure` response flows through all of the questions for that
`SERVICE_PERIOD_SELECTION` leading to the results pages.

## Nested, Forked and Pathed Display Conditions

Nested, forked and pathed display conditions use all of the functionality above plus a layer of complexity. The example below demonstrates a `FORK` with a
`SHORT` and `LONG` flow. The added complexity is inside the `SHORT` `FORK` below. It is unlikely that this structure will be used for the `LONG` `FORK`.

## Display Conditions - Results Pages

Results pages' display conditions follow the same general structure as that of the questions. But they are
different in a couple of ways. Results pages care about "Yes" answers only and filter everything else

Results page 3 is reached when there are no "Yes" responses at all. If any are found, it will not

With the exception of Results page 4, results pages are driven by question batches (`/constants/question-batches.js`). These constants group the question categories together for easy assessment and comparison by the Results pages.


In the above example, this results page will display if there is a "Yes" response to any of the 3 Burn Pit


In the above example, this results page will display if there is a "Yes" response to any of the Burn Pit,
Agent Orange or Radiation questions. "B" questions (multi-checkboxes) will be ignored, as their display
conditions are already outlined in other files, and they can't be reached without a "Yes" response on
their parent.

    YES: 'None',

In the above example, this results page will display if there are no "Yes" responses in the form.

### Results page 4
Results page 4 requires a "Yes" response to either of two specific questions. Because either or both of these questions could have a "Yes" among "Yes" responses to other questions (thus meeting the criteria for other results pages), the conditions for results page 4 must be evaluated first.

// Results page 4
    YES: [BURN_PIT_2_1, MAIN_FLOW_2_5]

// Results page 1

The above examples are criteria for results pages 1 and 4. Results page 4 should display if there is a "Yes" response to either the first Burn Pit question or the Main Flow 2.5 question, or both. Results 1 should display if there is a "Yes" response to any Burn Pit question. Because results page 4 has more specific criteria, it will take precedence.