// Creates form object with basic structure
// Example:
// {
// BURN_PIT_2_1: null,
// BURN_PIT_2_1_1: null,
// }
export const createFormStore = shortNameMap => {
const storeObject = {};
for (const question of Object.keys(shortNameMap)) {
if (!question.includes('HOME') && !question.includes('RESULTS')) {
storeObject[question] = null;
return storeObject;
// Remove a checkbox response from its array; return new value for the SHORT_NAME in the store
export const getNewStoreAfterRemovingResponse = (
) => {
const removalIndex = currentFormContents.indexOf(action.payload);
currentFormContents.splice(removalIndex, 1);
return currentFormContents?.length ? currentFormContents : null;
// Return updated form structure with reassigned value for SHORT_NAME
export const setShortNameValue = (SHORT_NAME, newFormContents, state) => {
return {
form: {
[SHORT_NAME]: newFormContents,
// Make adjustments to form store and set the new value
export const updateFormValue = (SHORT_NAME, checkbox, state, action) => {
// Multi-checkbox responses
if (checkbox) {
const currentFormContents = state.form?.[SHORT_NAME];
const removeResponse = currentFormContents?.includes(action.payload);
let newFormContents;
if (removeResponse) {
newFormContents = getNewStoreAfterRemovingResponse(
} else {
newFormContents = currentFormContents
? [...currentFormContents, action.payload]
: [action.payload];
return setShortNameValue(SHORT_NAME, newFormContents, state);
// Radio button responses
return setShortNameValue(SHORT_NAME, action.payload, state);