import React from 'react';
import get from 'platform/utilities/data/get';
import { IncomeInformationAlert } from '../../../components/FormAlerts';
export function doesHaveCareExpenses(formData) {
return formData.hasCareExpenses === true;
export function doesHaveMedicalExpenses(formData) {
return formData.hasMedicalExpenses === true;
export function ownsHome(formData) {
return formData.homeOwnership === true;
export function doesReceiveIncome(formData) {
return formData.receivesIncome === true;
export function otherExplanationRequired(formData, index) {
return get(['incomeSources', index, 'typeOfIncome'], formData) === 'OTHER';
export function dependentNameRequired(formData, index) {
return get(['incomeSources', index, 'receiver'], formData) === 'DEPENDENT';
export function childNameRequired(key, formData, index) {
return get([key, index, 'recipients'], formData) === 'DEPENDENT';
export function IncomeSourceDescription() {
return (
We want to know more about the gross monthly income you, your spouse,
and your dependents receive.
<IncomeInformationAlert />
export function MedicalExpenseDescription() {
return (
We want to know if you, your spouse, or your dependents pay medical or
certain other expenses that aren’t reimbursed.
Examples include these types of expenses:
Recurring medical expenses for yourself, or someone in your
household, that insurance doesn’t cover
One-time medical expenses for yourself, or someone in your
household, after you started this online application or after you
submitted an Intent to File, that insurance doesn’t cover
Tuition, materials, and other expenses for educational courses or
vocational rehabilitation for you or your spouse over the past year
<li> Burial expenses for a spouse or a child over the past year </li>
Legal expenses over the past year that resulted in a financial
settlement or award (like Social Security disability benefits)
export function SupportingDocumentsNotice() {
return (
Based on your answer, you’ll need to submit a supporting document about
your income and assets.
We’ll give you instructions for submitting your document at the end of
this application.