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Test Coverage
# My VA frontend

Last updated: March 28, 2023 — still WIP 🚧

The React/Redux frontend for the MyVA. Modeled after [Profile's README](

- [My VA frontend](#my-va-frontend)
- [Purpose and overview](#purpose-and-overview)
- [Developing locally](#developing-locally)
- [Testing](#testing)
  - [Unit tests](#unit-tests)
  - [e2e tests](#e2e-tests)
    - [Open Cypress UI](#open-cypress-ui)
    - [Run Cypress from command line](#run-cypress-from-command-line)
  - [Test coverage](#test-coverage)
- [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
- [Resources](#resources)

# Purpose and overview

The authenticated experience team wants to work towards a concierge-like VA experience, one that puts veterans and other customers at the center of the interaction. 

My VA aims to meet this expectation by providing Veterans with a direct route to their most critical tasks and updates.

- [Authenticated Experience team charter](
- [Product outline: My VA](

# Developing locally

1. Make sure you have the `vets-website` repo cloned and installed. I prefer `yarn`, but you can also use `npm`.
git clone

cd vets-website/

yarn install

2. Start local server:
yarn watch --env entry=dashboard

3. Include mocked responses:
yarn mock-api --responses src/applications/personalization/dashboard/mocks/server.js

4. To simulate logged in status, copy and paste the following into your browser devtools:

localStorage.setItem('hasSession', true)

Visit [https://localhost:3001/my-va](https://localhost:3001/my-va).

# Testing

## Unit tests

Run all unit tests for My VA:
yarn test:unit src/applications/personalization/dashboard/tests/**/*.unit.spec.js*                 

## e2e tests

**Before running any Cypress tests**, first make sure that:
1. `vets-website` is being served locally on port 3001
2. any mock server is **NOT** running
   - this includes `vets-api` or our local mock server 

### Open Cypress UI
Caveat: can be buggy and laggy
yarn cy:open
### Run Cypress from command line
Run all e2e tests for My VA:
yarn cy:run --spec "src/applications/personalization/dashboard/tests/e2e/**/*"

Run specific test:
yarn cy:run --spec "path/to/test-file.cypress.spec.js"

## Test coverage
Adam from Profile team wrote [a command to output a test coverage report]( in HTML format (currently in PR as of 3/28/23).

Once this gets approved and merged, we can run the following:
yarn test:unit --app-folder personalization --coverage --coverage-html
Then navigate to **coverage/index.html** and serve it on any live server.

# Troubleshooting


# Resources

- [Authenticated Experience team charter](
- [Product outline: My VA](
- [`vets-website`](
- [Istabul - JavaScript test coverage tool](