const _ = require('lodash');
const delay = require('mocker-api/lib/delay');
// endpoint data or generator functions
const user = require('./endpoints/user');
const mhvAcccount = require('./endpoints/mhvAccount');
const address = require('./endpoints/address');
const emailAddress = require('./endpoints/email-adresses');
const phoneNumber = require('./endpoints/phone-number');
const ratingInfo = require('./endpoints/rating-info');
const {
} = require('./endpoints/personal-information');
const {
} = require('./endpoints/communication-preferences');
const { generateFeatureToggles } = require('./endpoints/feature-toggles');
const mockDisabilityCompensations = require('./endpoints/disability-compensations');
const directDeposits = require('./endpoints/direct-deposits');
const bankAccounts = require('./endpoints/bank-accounts');
const serviceHistory = require('./endpoints/service-history');
const fullName = require('./endpoints/full-name');
const {
} = require('./endpoints/user-transition-availabilities');
const error500 = require('../tests/fixtures/500.json');
const error401 = require('../tests/fixtures/401.json');
const error403 = require('../tests/fixtures/403.json');
const maintenanceWindows = require('./endpoints/maintenance-windows');
// seed data for VAMC drupal source of truth json file
const mockLocalDSOT = require('./script/drupal-vamc-data/mockLocalDSOT');
const contacts = require('../tests/fixtures/contacts.json');
// const contactsSingleEc = require('../tests/fixtures/contacts-single-ec.json');
// const contactsSingleNok = require('../tests/fixtures/contacts-single-nok.json');
// utils
const { debug, delaySingleResponse } = require('./script/utils');
const {
} = require('./endpoints/status');
const handleUserUpdate = require('./endpoints/user/handleUserUpdate');
// use one of these to provide a generic error for any endpoint
const genericErrors = {
const requestHistory = [];
const logRequest = req => {
const { body, url, method, params, query } = req;
const historyEntry = {};
// only add variables to requestHistory if they are not empty
if (!_.isEmpty(params)) {
historyEntry.params = params;
if (!_.isEmpty(query)) {
historyEntry.query = query;
if (!_.isEmpty(body)) {
try {
historyEntry.body = JSON.parse(body);
} catch (e) {
historyEntry.body = body;
historyEntry.method = method;
historyEntry.url = url;
debug(JSON.stringify(historyEntry, null, 2));
requestHistory.push({ ...historyEntry, url, method });
const responses = {
'GET /v0/feature_toggles': (_req, res) => {
const secondsOfDelay = 0;
() =>
authExpVbaDowntimeMessage: false,
profileHideDirectDeposit: false,
profileShowCredentialRetirementMessaging: true,
profileShowPaymentsNotificationSetting: true,
profileShowNewBenefitOverpaymentDebtNotificationSetting: false,
profileShowNewHealthCareCopayBillNotificationSetting: false,
profileShowMhvNotificationSettingsEmailAppointmentReminders: false,
profileShowMhvNotificationSettingsEmailRxShipment: true,
profileShowMhvNotificationSettingsNewSecureMessaging: true,
profileShowMhvNotificationSettingsMedicalImages: true,
profileShowQuickSubmitNotificationSetting: false,
profileShowNoValidationKeyAddressAlert: false,
profileUseExperimental: false,
profileShowPrivacyPolicy: true,
veteranOnboardingContactInfoFlow: true,
veteranStatusCardUseLighthouse: true,
'GET /v0/user': (_req, res) => {
const [shouldReturnUser, updatedUserResponse] = handleUserUpdate(
if (shouldReturnUser) {
return res.json(updatedUserResponse);
// return res.status(403).json(genericErrors.error500);
// example user data cases
return res.json(user.loa3User72); // default user LOA3 w/ (success)
// return res.json(user.dsLogonUser); // user with dslogon signIn.serviceName
// return res.json(user.mvhUser); // user with mhv signIn.serviceName
// return res.json(user.loa1User); // LOA1 user w/
// return res.json(user.loa1UserDSLogon); // LOA1 user w/dslogon
// return res.json(user.loa1UserMHV); // LOA1 user w/mhv
// return res.json(user.badAddress); // user with bad address
// return res.json(user.nonVeteranUser); // non-veteran user
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoFacilities); // user without facilities and not a vaPatient
// return res.json(user.externalServiceError); // external service error
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithoutLighthouseServiceAvailable); // user without lighthouse service available / no icn or participant id
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoMobilePhone); // user with no mobile phone number
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoEmail); // user with no email address
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoEmailOrMobilePhone); // user without email or mobile phone
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoHomeAddress); // home address is null
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithoutMailingAddress); // user with no mailing address
// data claim users
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoRatingInfoClaim);
// return res.json(user.loa3UserWithNoMilitaryHistoryClaim);
'OPTIONS /v0/maintenance_windows': 'OK',
'GET /v0/maintenance_windows': (_req, res) => {
return res.json(maintenanceWindows.noDowntime);
// downtime for VA Profile aka Vet360 (according to service name in response)
// return res.json(
// maintenanceWindows.createDowntimeActiveNotification([
// maintenanceWindows.SERVICES.VAPRO_PROFILE_PAGE,
// maintenanceWindows.SERVICES.VAPRO_CONTACT_INFO,
// ]),
// );
'GET /v0/profile/direct_deposits/disability_compensations': (_req, res) => {
// return res.status(500).json(genericErrors.error500);
// Lighthouse based API endpoint for direct deposit CNP
// happy path response / user with data
return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.base);
// user with no dd data but is eligible
// return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.isEligible);
// direct deposit blocked edge cases
// return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.isDeceased);
// return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.isFiduciary);
// return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.isNotCompetent);
// return res.json(mockDisabilityCompensations.isNotEligible);
'PUT /v0/profile/direct_deposits/disability_compensations': (_req, res) => {
const secondsOfDelay = 2;
() => res.status(200).json(mockDisabilityCompensations.updates.success),
// return res
// .status(400)
// .json(mockDisabilityCompensations.updates.errors.invalidRoutingNumber);
// return res.status(200).json(mockDisabilityCompensations.updates.success);
'GET /v0/profile/direct_deposits': (_req, res) => {
const secondsOfDelay = 2;
() => res.status(200).json(directDeposits.base),
// this endpoint is used for the single form version of the direct deposit page
// return res.status(500).json(genericErrors.error500);
// return res.status(400).json(directDeposits.updates.errors.unspecified);
// user with no dd data but is eligible
// return res.json(directDeposits.isEligible);
// direct deposit blocked edge cases
// return res.json(directDeposits.isDeceased);
// return res.json(directDeposits.isFiduciary);
// return res.json(directDeposits.isNotCompetent);
// return res.json(directDeposits.isNotEligible);
'PUT /v0/profile/direct_deposits': (_req, res) => {
const secondsOfDelay = 1;
// () => res.status(500).json(error500),
// () => res.status(200).json(mockDisabilityCompensations.updates.success),
() => res.status(400).json(directDeposits.updates.errors.invalidDayPhone),
'POST /v0/profile/address_validation': address.addressValidation,
'GET /v0/mhv_account': mhvAcccount.needsPatient,
'GET /v0/profile/personal_information': handleGetPersonalInformationRoute,
'PUT /v0/profile/preferred_names': handlePutPreferredNameRoute,
'PUT /v0/profile/gender_identities': handlePutGenderIdentitiesRoute,
'GET /v0/profile/full_name': fullName.success,
'GET /v0/profile/ch33_bank_accounts': (_req, res) => {
// return res.status(200).json(bankAccounts.noAccount); // user with no account / not eligible
// return res.status(500).json(bankAccounts.errorResponse); // error response
return res.status(200).json(bankAccounts.anAccount);
'PUT /v0/profile/ch33_bank_accounts': (_req, res) => {
return res.status(200).json(bankAccounts.saved.success);
'GET /v0/profile/service_history': (_req, res) => {
// user doesnt have any service history or is not authorized
// return res.status(403).json(genericErrors.error403);
return res.status(200).json(serviceHistory.airForce);
// return res
// .status(200)
// .json(serviceHistory.generateServiceHistoryError('403'));
'GET /v0/disability_compensation_form/rating_info': (_req, res) => {
// return res.status(200).json(ratingInfo.success.serviceConnected0);
return res.status(200).json(ratingInfo.success.serviceConnected40);
// return res.status(500).json(genericErrors.error500);
'PUT /v0/profile/telephones': (req, res) => {
if (req?.body?.phoneNumber === '1111111') {
return res.json(phoneNumber.transactions.receivedNoChangesDetected);
return res.status(200).json(phoneNumber.transactions.received);
'POST /v0/profile/telephones': (_req, res) => {
return res.status(200).json(phoneNumber.transactions.received);
'POST /v0/profile/email_addresses': (_req, res) => {
return res.status(200).json(emailAddress.transactions.received);
'PUT /v0/profile/email_addresses': (_req, res) => {
return res.status(200).json(emailAddress.transactions.received);
'PUT /v0/profile/addresses': (req, res) => {
// uncomment to test 401 error
// return res.status(401).json(require('../tests/fixtures/401.json'));
// trigger NO_CHANGES_DETECTED response
// based on the text 'same' being put into address line 1 of ui
if (req?.body?.addressLine1 === 'same') {
return res.json(address.mailingAddressUpdateNoChangeDetected);
// simulate a initial request returning a transactionId that is
// subsequently used for triggering error from GET v0/profile/status
// uncomment to test, and then uses the transactionId 'erroredId' in the status endpoint
// the status endpoint will return a COMPLETED_FAILURE status based on the string 'error' being in the transactionId
// return res.json(
// _.set(
// address.mailingAddressUpdateReceived,
// 'data.attributes.transactionId',
// 'erroredId',
// ),
// );
// to test the update that comes from the 'yes' action on the address change modal prompt,
// we can create a success response with a transactionId that is unique using date timestamp
// if (req.body.addressPou === 'CORRESPONDENCE') {
// return res.json(
// set(
// { ...address.mailingAddressUpdateReceived },
// 'data.attributes.transactionId',
// `mailingUpdateId-${new Date().getTime()}`,
// ),
// );
// }
// default response
return res.json(address.homeAddressUpdateReceived);
'POST /v0/profile/addresses': (req, res) => {
return res.json(address.homeAddressUpdateReceived);
'DELETE /v0/profile/addresses': (_req, res) => {
const secondsOfDelay = 1;
() => res.status(200).json(address.homeAddressDeleteReceived),
'GET /v0/profile/status': getEmptyStatus, // simulate no status / no transactions pending
'GET /v0/profile/status/:id': (req, res) => {
// this function allows some conditional logic to be added to the status endpoint
// to simulate different responses based on the transactionId param
return generateStatusResponse(req, res);
'GET /v0/profile/communication_preferences': (req, res) => {
if (req?.query?.error === 'true') {
return res.status(500).json(genericErrors.error500);
return delaySingleResponse(() => res.json(maximalSetOfPreferences), 1);
'PATCH /v0/profile/communication_preferences/:pref': (req, res) => {
const {
communicationItem: {
id: communicationItemId,
communicationChannel: {
id: communicationChannelId,
communicationPermission: { allowed },
} = req.body;
const mockedRes = _.cloneDeep(generateSuccess());
_.merge(mockedRes, {
bio: {
// uncomment to test 500 error
// return res.status(500).json(error500);
delaySingleResponse(() => res.json(mockedRes), 1);
'GET /v0/user_transition_availabilities': baseUserTransitionAvailabilities,
// 'GET /v0/profile/contacts': { data: [] }, // simulate no contacts
// 'GET /v0/profile/contacts': (_req, res) => res.status(500).json(genericErrors.error500), // simulate error
'GET /v0/profile/contacts': contacts,
'GET /v0/mocks/history': (_req, res) => {
return res.json(requestHistory);
function terminationHandler(signal) {
debug(`\nReceived ${signal}`);
process.env.HAS_RUN_AE_MOCKSERVER = false;
const boot = cb => {
// this runs once when the mock server starts up
// uses a environment variable to prevent this from running more than once
if (!process.env.HAS_RUN_AE_MOCKSERVER) {
process.env.HAS_RUN_AE_MOCKSERVER = true;
process.on('SIGINT', terminationHandler);
process.on('SIGTERM', terminationHandler);
process.on('SIGQUIT', terminationHandler);
// here we can run anything that needs to happen before the mock server starts up
// this runs every time a file is mocked
// but the single boot function will only run once
const generateMockResponses = () => {
// set DELAY=1000 when running mock server script
// to add 1 sec delay to all responses
const responseDelay = process?.env?.DELAY || 0;
Object.entries(responses).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
// add logging to all responses
responses[key] = (req, res) => {
return value(req, res);
return responseDelay > 0 ? delay(responses, responseDelay) : responses;
module.exports = generateMockResponses();