import React, { useState } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { setData } from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/actions';
import recordEvent from 'platform/monitoring/record-event';
import { VaRadio } from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/component-library/dist/react-bindings';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { isSponsorDescription } from '../utils/helpers';
export default function RadioWidget(props) {
const { options, formContext = {}, value, disabled, onChange, id } = props;
const { enumOptions, labels = {} } = options;
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const formData = useSelector(state => || {});
const onReviewPage = formContext?.onReviewPage || false;
const inReviewMode = (onReviewPage && formContext.reviewMode) || false;
const showRadio = !onReviewPage || (onReviewPage && !inReviewMode); // I think we need to take out first condition.
const [priorEvent, setPriorEvent] = useState();
const onChangeEvent = option => {
// title may be a React component
const title = options.title?.props?.children || options.title || '';
// this check isn't ideal since the message may exist and the question
// may be dynamically toggled between being required or not
let optionLabel =
enumOptions.find(item => item.value === option.detail.value)?.label || '';
if (optionLabel === 'Yes') optionLabel = 'yes';
else if (optionLabel !== '') optionLabel = 'no';
if (formData && option.detail.value === 'yes') {
const applicantData = formData?.application?.applicant;
const address = applicantData['view:applicantInfo']?.mailingAddress;
const updatedFormData = {
application: {
veteran: {
currentName: {
first: applicantData?.name?.first,
last: applicantData?.name?.last,
address: {
street: address?.street,
street2: address?.street2,
city: address?.city,
state: address?.state,
postalCode: address?.postalCode,
country: address?.country,
phoneNumber: applicantData['view:contactInfo'].applicantPhoneNumber,
email: applicantData['view:contactInfo'].applicantEmail,
} else if (formData) {
const updatedFormData = {
application: {
veteran: {
currentName: {
first: undefined,
last: undefined,
address: {
street: undefined,
street2: undefined,
city: undefined,
state: undefined,
postalCode: undefined,
phoneNumber: undefined,
email: undefined,
const currentEvent = {
event: 'int-radio-option-click',
'radio-button-label': title,
'radio-button-optionLabel': optionLabel,
'radio-button-required': true,
// if prior event is identical to current event it must be a duplicate.
if (
!priorEvent ||
JSON.stringify(currentEvent) !== JSON.stringify(priorEvent)
) {
return (
{showRadio ? (
<div className="sponsor-va-radio">
<VaRadio onVaValueChange={onChangeEvent}>
{, i) => {
const checked = option.value === value;
return (
<div className="form-radio-buttons" key={option.value}>
label={labels[option.value] || option.label}
<div className="sponsor-additonal-info">{isSponsorDescription}</div>
) : (
{enumOptions.find(item => item.value === value)?.label || ''}
RadioWidget.propTypes = {
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
id: PropTypes.string,
options: PropTypes.shape({
enumOptions: PropTypes.array,
labels: PropTypes.shape({}),
nestedContent: PropTypes.shape({}),
widgetProps: PropTypes.shape({}),
selectedProps: PropTypes.shape({}),
enableAnalytics: PropTypes.bool,
title: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]),
errorMessages: PropTypes.shape({}),
value: PropTypes.string,
onChange: PropTypes.func,