import moment from 'moment';
export function validateSponsorDeathDate(
{ isDeceased, dateOfBirth, dateOfDeath },
) {
// dob = date of birth | dod = date of death
if (dateOfBirth && isDeceased === 'yes' && dateOfDeath) {
const dob = moment(dateOfBirth);
const dod = moment(dateOfDeath);
// Check if the sponsor is deceased and date of death is on or before date of birth
if (dod.isSameOrBefore(dob)) {
"The sponsor's date of death must be after the sponsor's date of birth.",
// Check if dates have 16 or more years between them
if (dod.diff(dob, 'years') < 16) {
"From sponsor's date of birth to sponsor's date of death must be at least 16 years.",
return errors;
export function validateTopLevelDomain(errors, email) {
if (email.length === 0) return;
const index = email.lastIndexOf('.');
const topLevelDomain = email.substring(index + 1, email.length);
const hasNumbers = input => {
return /\d/.test(input);
if (hasNumbers(topLevelDomain))
'Enter a valid email address using the format Your email address can only have letters, numbers, the @ symbol and a period, with no spaces.',