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export const serviceLabels = {
  AC: 'U.S. Army Air Corps',
  AF: 'U.S. Air Force',
  AR: 'U.S. Army',
  CG: 'U.S. Coast Guard',
  CV: 'Civilian, Wake Island Naval Air Station',
  FP: 'Civilian Ferry Pilot',
  MM: 'U.S. Merchant Marine',
  PH: 'U.S. Public Health Service',
  NN: 'U.S. Navy Nurse Corps',
  WA: 'Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps',
  WS: 'Women’s Army Corps',
  CF: 'Royal Canadian Air Force',
  RO: 'Army, Navy, or Air Force ROTC',
  CA: 'U.S. Citizen, Served with Allies (WWII)',
  WR: 'Women’s Reserve (Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard)',
  CS: 'Civilian, Strategic Service (OSS)',
  KC: 'Quartermaster Corps, Keswick Crew (WWII)',
  CB: 'Defense of Bataan (WWII)',
  CO: 'U.S. Army Transport Service',
  CI: 'Civilian, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Technician',
  CC: 'U.S. Civilian AFS Volunteer (WWII)',
  GS: 'Civilian Crew, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Vessels',
  FT: 'American Volunteers Flying Tigers',
  CE: 'Royal Canadian Corps of Signals',
  C2: 'Civilian Air Transport Command (United)',
  C3: 'Civilian Air Transport Command (TWA)',
  C4: 'Civilian Air Transport Command (Vultee)',
  C5: 'Civilian Air Transport Command (American)',
  C7: 'Civilian Air Transport Command (Northwest)',
  CD: 'U.S. Navy Transport Service',
  NM: 'Non-Military Civilian',
  AL: 'Allied Forces',
  AA: 'U.S. Army Air Forces',
  AT: 'U.S. Army Air Forces (Air Transport Command)',
  GP: 'Guam Combat Patrol',
  MC: 'U.S. Marine Corps',
  NA: 'U.S. Navy',
  NO: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.',
  PS: 'Philippine Scouts',
  CM: 'Cadet or Midshipman',
  WP: 'Women Air Force Service Pilots',
  GU: 'Wake Island Defender (Guam)',
  MO: 'U.S Merchant Seamen, Operation Mulberry (WWII)',
  FS: 'American Field Service',
  ES: 'American Volunteer Guard',
  FF: 'Foreign Forces',
  GC: 'U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey',
  PA: 'Philippine Army',
  AG: 'U.S. Air National Guard',
  NG: 'U.S. Army National Guard',
  PG: 'Philippine Guerilla',
  XA: 'U.S. Navy Reserve',
  XR: 'U.S. Army Reserve',
  XF: 'U.S. Air Force Reserve',
  XC: 'U.S. Marine Corps Reserve',
  XG: 'Coast Guard Reserve',