import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { getFormNumber } from '../utilities/helpers';
const AddressAuthorizationPolicy = props => {
const { formData } = props;
return (
<div className="vads-u-margin-y--3">
<va-accordion uswds bordered open-single>
<va-accordion-item bordered header="Our address authorization policy">
{getFormNumber(formData) === '21-22' ? (
<p data-testid="address-authorization-policy-2122">
<strong>I authorize</strong> any official representative of the
organization named in Item 15 to act on my behalf to change my
address in my VA records. This authorization does not extend to
any other organization without my further written consent. This
authorization will remain in effect until the earlier of the
following events: (1) I revoke this authorization by filing a
written revocation with VA; or (2) I appoint another
representative, or (3) I have been determined unable to manage my
financial affairs and the individual or organization named in Item
16A is not my appointed fiduciary.
) : (
<p data-testid="address-authorization-policy-2122a">
<strong>I authorize</strong> the individual named in Item 16A to
act on my behalf to change my address in my VA records. This
authorization does not extend to any other individual without my
further written consent. This authorization will remain in effect
until the earlier of the following events: (1) I revoke this
authorization by filing a written revocation with VA; or (2) I
revoke the appointment of the individual named in Item 16A, either
by explicit revocation or the appointment of another
AddressAuthorizationPolicy.propTypes = {
formData: PropTypes.object,
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
formData: state.form?.data,
export default connect(