* This file defines form objects that help build and test the Form Renderer.
* In a real use-case scenario, the `formConfig` object will
* be calculated after fetching configuration from Drupal.
* As such, we purposely do not name this file `form.js` so as to bypass
* unit testing that automatically takes place on all `config/form.js` files
* in `src/applications`.
// Here is an example of conditional pages:
// import { dependsOn } from '../utils/conditional';
// chapters: {
// chapter1: {
// title: 'Chapter 1',
// pages: {
// page1: {
// depends: dependsOn({
// operator: 'or',
// conditions: [
// {
// field: 'isEligible1',
// value: true,
// },
// {
// field: 'isEligible2',
// value: true,
// },
// ],
// }),
// },
// },
// },
// },
// This is a sample of the data structure produced by content-build.
export const normalizedForm = {
cmsId: 71160,
formId: '2121212',
moderationState: 'draft',
title: 'Form with Two Steps',
ombInfo: {
expDate: '8/29/2025',
ombNumber: '1212-1212',
resBurden: 30,
chapters: [
id: 162008,
type: 'digital_form_your_personal_info',
chapterTitle: 'Your personal information',
pages: [
pageTitle: 'Name',
includeDateOfBirth: false,
pageTitle: 'Identification information',
includeServiceNumber: false,
id: 161344,
chapterTitle: 'Generated Address',
type: 'digital_form_address',
pageTitle: 'Address',
additionalFields: {
militaryAddressCheckbox: false,
id: 161351,
chapterTitle: 'Generated Phone',
type: 'digital_form_phone_and_email',
pageTitle: 'Phone and email address',
additionalFields: {
includeEmail: false,
id: 162026,
type: 'digital_form_list_loop',
additionalFields: {
optional: false,
chapterTitle: 'Generated List & Loop',
pageTitle: 'List & Loop',
id: 172736,
type: 'digital_form_custom_step',
chapterTitle: 'My custom step',
pages: [
bodyText: 'My custom body text',
components: [
hint: 'This is optional hint text',
label: 'My custom text input',
required: true,
type: 'digital_form_text_input',
pageTitle: 'My custom page',
bodyText: 'With additonal body text',
components: [
hint: null,
label: 'A text input with no hint text',
required: true,
type: 'digital_form_text_input',
hint: 'This text input is not required',
label: 'An optional text input',
required: false,
type: 'digital_form_text_input',
pageTitle: 'An additional page',
* This is a mock of VA Form 21-4140. It will provide a blueprint we can test
* against, and it will serve as the output goal for Drupal and content-build
* tickets related to the Form Engine: Recreating VA Form 21-4140 epic.
export const employmentQuestionnaire = {
cmsId: 10001,
formId: '21-4140',
moderationState: 'published',
title: 'Employment Questionnaire',
ombInfo: {
expDate: '7/31/2024',
ombNumber: '2900-0079',
resBurden: 5,
chapters: [
id: 162013,
type: 'digital_form_your_personal_info',
chapterTitle: 'Your personal information',
pages: [
pageTitle: 'Name and date of birth',
includeDateOfBirth: true,
pageTitle: 'Identification information',
includeServiceNumber: true,
id: 20003,
chapterTitle: "Veteran's mailing information",
type: 'digital_form_address',
pageTitle: 'Address',
additionalFields: {
militaryAddressCheckbox: true,
id: 20004,
chapterTitle: "Veteran's contact information",
type: 'digital_form_phone_and_email',
pageTitle: 'Phone and email address',
additionalFields: {
includeEmail: true,
id: 162032,
type: 'digital_form_list_loop',
additionalFields: {
optional: true,
chapterTitle: "Veteran's employment history",
pageTitle: 'List & Loop',
export default [normalizedForm, employmentQuestionnaire];