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# Third Party App Directory

## Overview

The [Third Party App Directory]( is a list of third party applications that are available for veterans to connect their data. The app list is built as a React [widget]( that is lazy loaded onto a static template generated by our static content build process.

Third party app data is queried from the Apps API endpoint in [vets-api]( App logos are stored separately in an S3 bucket that adheres to the VA [Content Security Policy](

The app directory is mounted on a static page that is generated from a template in the Drupal CMS. Updates to any content outside the list of applications must be coordinated with the [Public Websites team]( developing the [Resources and Support center](

## Development

In order to develop and view changes to the app directory you'll need to follow the vets-website static content build [instructions]( or simply run the following commands:

yarn build:content --pull-drupal

After the build process is complete you should run the preview server concurrently with the webpack server

yarn preview


yarn watch

Click [this link](http://localhost:3001/preview?nodeId=9615) to preview any changes to the app directory.

## Running tests

To run all unit tests for the app directory you can run the following:

yarn test:unit src/applications/third-party-app-directory/**/*.unit.spec.js*

## Codeowners

The [lighthouse bilby]( team owns development of this widget and will be tagged on any pull requests. Their slack channel is #connected-apps.