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Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

import { getIntroState } from 'platform/forms/save-in-progress/selectors';
import featureFlagNames from 'platform/utilities/feature-toggles/featureFlagNames';
import IntroductionLogin from '../components/IntroductionLogin';

import { getAppData } from '../selectors';

export const IntroductionPage = ({ route, user }) => {
  return (
    <div className="schemaform-intro">
      <h1>Apply to use transferred education benefits</h1>
      <h2 className="vads-u-font-size--h3 vads-u-font-size--h3 vads-u-font-family--sans vads-u-font-weight--normal vads-u-margin-top--2p5">
        Equal to VA Form 22-1990e (Application for Family Member to Use
        Transferred Benefits)

      <p className="vads-u-margin-top--4">
        <strong>Note:</strong> This application is only for{' '}
        <strong>Transfer of Entitlement for Post-9/11 GI Bill</strong> (Chapter
        33) education benefits.

      <h2 className="vads-u-font-size--h3">
        Follow these steps to get started

      <div className="process schemaform-process">
          <li className="process-step list-one">
            <h3 className="vads-u-font-size--h4">Check your eligibility</h3>
              In order to receive this benefit, you must be a spouse or child of
              a sponsor who has transferred a benefit to you.
              If this isn’t the right benefit for you,{' '}
              <a href="">
                learn more about other education benefits
          <li className="process-step list-two">
            <h3 className="vads-u-font-size--h4">Gather your information</h3>
              <strong>Here’s what you’ll need to apply</strong>:
              <li>Your sponsor’s military service history</li>
              <li>Your current address and contact information</li>
              <li>Your bank account direct deposit information</li>
            <p className="vads-u-margin-bottom--0">
              <strong>Note</strong>: If you aren’t legally an adult (at least 18
              years old), your parent or guardian must sign your application.
          <li className="process-step list-three">
            <h3 className="vads-u-font-size--h4">Start your application</h3>
              We’ll take you through each step of the process. It should take
              about 15 minutes.

            <va-additional-info trigger="What happens after I apply?">
                After you apply, you may get an automatic decision. If we
                approve or deny your application, you’ll be able to download
                your decision letter right away. We’ll also mail you a copy of
                your decision letter.
              <p className="vads-u-margin-bottom--0">
                <strong>Note</strong>: In some cases, we may need more time to
                make a decision. If you don’t get an automatic decision right
                after you apply, you’ll receive a decision letter in the mail in
                about 30 days. And we’ll contact you if we need more

      <IntroductionLogin route={route} />

        className={`omb-info--container vads-u-padding--0 vads-u-margin-top--${
          user?.login?.currentlyLoggedIn ? '4' : '2p5'
        } vads-u-margin-bottom--2`}

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  isPersonalInfoFetchFailed: || false,

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(IntroductionPage);

IntroductionPage.propTypes = {
  route: PropTypes.shape({
    formConfig: PropTypes.shape({
      prefillEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
      savedFormMessages: PropTypes.object,
    pageList: PropTypes.array,
  user: PropTypes.object,