import React from 'react';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import {
} from '../tests/mocks/setup';
import ChooseDateAndTime from './ChooseDateAndTime';
import { createReferral } from './utils/referrals';
import { createProviderDetails } from './utils/provider';
import confirmedV2 from '../services/mocks/v2/confirmed.json';
import * as getProviderByIdModule from '../services/referral';
import * as fetchAppointmentsModule from '../services/appointment';
import { FETCH_STATUS } from '../utils/constants';
describe('VAOS ChoseDateAndTime component', () => {
const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();
const confirmed = [
minutesDuration: 30,
version: 2,
description: 'VAOS_UNKNOWN',
id: '00C893va',
resourceType: 'Appointment',
start: '2023-12-21T09:00:00-08:00',
status: 'cancelled',
location: {
clinicId: '437',
stationId: '983',
vistaId: '983',
clinicName: null,
clinicPhone: null,
clinicPhoneExtension: null,
clinicPhysicalLocation: null,
practitioners: [],
vaos: {
appointmentType: 'vaAppointment',
apiData: {
minutesDuration: 30,
priority: 0,
clinic: '437',
comment: 'Follow-up/Routine: I have a headache',
description: 'Upcoming COVID-19 appointment',
end: '2023-12-21T18:19:34',
id: '00C893va',
kind: 'clinic',
localStartTime: '2023-12-21T09:00:00.000-06:00',
locationId: '983',
serviceType: 'covid',
start: '2023-12-21T18:19:34',
status: 'cancelled',
contact: {
telecom: [
type: 'email',
value: null,
practitioners: [],
preferredTimesForPhoneCall: [],
reasonCode: {
text: 'Follow-up/Routine: Covid shot',
cancelationReason: null,
cancellable: false,
patientIcn: null,
requestedPeriods: null,
slot: null,
telehealth: null,
isCancellable: false,
isCommunityCare: false,
isCompAndPenAppointment: false,
isCOVIDVaccine: true,
isExpressCare: false,
isPastAppointment: true,
isPendingAppointment: false,
isPhoneAppointment: false,
isUpcomingAppointment: false,
isVideo: false,
videoData: {
isVideo: false,
cancelationReason: null,
communityCareProvider: null,
preferredProviderName: null,
const initialFullState = {
featureToggles: {
vaOnlineSchedulingCCDirectScheduling: true,
referral: {
selectedProvider: createProviderDetails(1),
providerFetchStatus: FETCH_STATUS.succeeded,
appointments: {
confirmedStatus: FETCH_STATUS.succeeded,
const initialEmptyState = {
featureToggles: {
vaOnlineSchedulingCCDirectScheduling: true,
referral: {
selectedProvider: [],
providerFetchStatus: FETCH_STATUS.notStarted,
appointments: {
confirmed: [],
confirmedStatus: FETCH_STATUS.notStarted,
const failedState = {
featureToggles: {
vaOnlineSchedulingCCDirectScheduling: true,
referral: {
selectedProvider: [],
providerFetchStatus: FETCH_STATUS.failed,
appointments: {
confirmedStatus: FETCH_STATUS.succeeded,
beforeEach(() => {
global.XMLHttpRequest = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest();
.stub(getProviderByIdModule, 'getProviderById')
.resolves({ data: createProviderDetails(1) });
.stub(fetchAppointmentsModule, 'fetchAppointments')
afterEach(() => {
it('should fetch provider or appointments from store if it exists and not call API', async () => {
const screen = renderWithStoreAndRouter(
currentReferral={createReferral('2024-09-09', 'UUID')}
store: createTestStore(initialFullState),
expect(await screen.getByTestId('pick-heading')).to.exist;
it('should call API for provider or appointment data if not in store', async () => {
const screen = renderWithStoreAndRouter(
currentReferral={createReferral('2024-09-09', 'UUID')}
store: createTestStore(initialEmptyState),
expect(await screen.getByTestId('loading')).to.exist;
it('should show error if any fetch fails', async () => {
const screen = renderWithStoreAndRouter(
currentReferral={createReferral('2024-09-09', 'UUID')}
store: createTestStore(failedState),
expect(await screen.getByTestId('error')).to.exist;