import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import backendServices from 'platform/user/profile/constants/backendServices';
import recordEvent from 'platform/monitoring/record-event';
import DowntimeNotification, {
} from 'platform/monitoring/DowntimeNotification';
import { RequiredLoginView } from 'platform/user/authorization/components/RequiredLoginView';
import RequiredVeteranView from '../components/RequiredVeteranView';
import EmailCapture from './EmailCapture';
function createVicSettings() {
// vicInitialAuthStatus is used as a flag so that a user who already had the rate limit applied and allowed through
// as an unauthorized user won't be rate limited again as an authorized user after logging in and potentially blocked.
const disableRateLimitedAuth = window.sessionStorage.getItem(
const randomizer = Math.random();
return {
serviceRateLimitedUnauthed: randomizer > 1,
serviceRateLimitedAuthed: !disableRateLimitedAuth && randomizer > 1,
class VeteranIDCard extends React.Component {
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// Once the login logic is all done...
// This will occur even for unauthenticated users and should only occur once.
if (this.props.user.profile.loading && !nextProps.user.profile.loading) {
const userProfile = nextProps.user.profile;
const {
} = this.props.vicSettings;
if (nextProps.user.login.currentlyLoggedIn) {
if (serviceRateLimitedAuthed) {
recordEvent({ event: 'vic-authenticated-ratelimited' });
this.renderEmailCapture = true;
if (userProfile.veteranStatus?.status === 'NOT_FOUND') {
recordEvent({ events: 'vic-lookup-failed' });
} else if (userProfile.veteranStatus?.status === 'SERVER_ERROR') {
recordEvent({ events: 'vic-error' });
} else {
recordEvent({ event: 'vic-authenticated' });
} else if (serviceRateLimitedUnauthed) {
recordEvent({ event: 'vic-unauthenticated-ratelimited' });
this.renderEmailCapture = true;
} else {
// Set the flag that the user was already rate limited and allowed to pass through as an unauthorized
// user so that the serviceRateLimitedAuthed won't also be applied.
window.sessionStorage.setItem('vicDisableRateLimitedAuth', 'true');
recordEvent({ event: 'vic-unauthenticated' });
render() {
if (this.renderEmailCapture) {
return <EmailCapture />;
return (
appTitle="Veteran ID Card application"
<RequiredVeteranView userProfile={this.props.user.profile}>
VeteranIDCard.defaultProps = {
vicSettings: createVicSettings(),
const mapStateToProps = state => ({ user: state.user });
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(VeteranIDCard);
export { VeteranIDCard };