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Test Coverage
 * Module for React related startup functions
 * @module platform/startup/react
 * @see module:platform/startup
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

 * Mounts a React application in a given location. Also sets up dev tools and sets the global
 * VetsGov object on window.
 * @param {ReactElement} component The React element you want to mount
 * @param {Element} [root] A DOM element to mount the react application into. By default,
 * this will be the element with an id of 'react-root'.
export default function startReactApp(
  root = document.getElementById('react-root'),
) {
  // Detect if this is a child frame. If yes, initialize the react devtools hook to work around
  // This must occur before any react code is loaded.
  if (window.parent !== window) {

  // Create a global that all code can use. This is mostly useful for overrides for
  // think like api URL endpoints during testing.
  window.VetsGov = window.VetsGov || {
    api: {
      url: '', // API server. Evetually should be '' in production.
    scroll: {
      // Default scroll settings.  These are overridden by our E2E tests.
      duration: 500,
      delay: 0,
      smooth: true,
  // If the specified root element is null/undefined, we don't know where to place the component,
  // therfore we discard it. This prevents components who have a specified root from being placed
  // on the page unintentionally.
  if (!root) {

  // Don't over-write content within the react-root if this is a saved page
  // loaded directly into a browser - this allows Veteran's to save pages and
  // view them later. Otherwise, calling render will clear out the content &
  // render a header & footer with no content
  if (window.location?.protocol === 'file:') {

  if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
    ReactDOM.render(component, root);
  } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
      ReactDOM.render(component, root);