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const elementsWithinCount = (elements, selector, count, msg) => {
  cy.get(selector).within(() => {
    cy.get(elements.join(', '))
      .should(list => {
        expect(list).have.length(count, msg);

const commonElements = [

const focusableElements = [

const tabbableElements = [

 * Checks if the count of focusable or tabbable elements is correct.
 * Focusable elements are those in the normal tab order (native
 * focusable elements or those with tabIndex 0). The count logic
 * will break on tabindexes > 0 because we do not want to override
 * the browser's base tab order.
 * Tabbable elements are those in the normal tab order (native
 * focusable elements or those with tabIndex >= 0).

Cypress.Commands.add('hasCount', (elementCategory, selector, count) => {
  let elements;
  let msg;

  if (elementCategory === 'focusable') {
    elements = [...commonElements, ...focusableElements];
    msg = `Page does not contain ${count} focusable elements.`;
  } else if (elementCategory === 'tabbable') {
    elements = [...commonElements, ...tabbableElements];
    msg = `Page does not contain ${count} tabbable elements.`;

  elementsWithinCount(elements, selector, count, msg);