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6 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Utilities for testing forms built with our schema based form library

import Form from '@department-of-veterans-affairs/react-jsonschema-form';
import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils';
import sinon from 'sinon';

import React from 'react';
import { findDOMNode } from 'react-dom';
import SchemaForm from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/components/SchemaForm';

import {
} from 'platform/forms-system/src/js/state/helpers';
import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/dom';
import { fillDate as oldFillDate } from './helpers';
import set from '../../utilities/data/set';

function getDefaultData(schema) {
  if (schema.type === 'array') {
    return [];
  if (schema.type === 'object') {
    return {};

  return undefined;

 * A React component that takes in a schema, uiSchema, and formData
 * and renders a form. We use this to test that definitions from form configs
 * are correct without having to setup a whole form and handle state
 * management.
 * @extends {React.Component}
 * @property {object} schema JSON Schema object for a form snippet
 * @property {object} uiSchema  Object with UI information for a form snippet
 * @property {object} data  Object with form data
 * @property {string} arrayPath This is the array path in the schema that you want
 * to render as a pagePerItem page
 * @property {number} pagePerItemIndex When simulating a page per item form page,
 * this is the index for the item to render.
 * @property {boolean} reviewMode Renders the form in review mode if true
 * @property {function} onSubmit Will be called if a form is submitted
 * @property {function} onFileUpload Will be called if a file upload is triggered
 * @property {function} updateFormData Will be called if form is updated
export class DefinitionTester extends React.Component {
  debouncedAutoSave = sinon.spy();

  constructor(props) {
    const { data, uiSchema } = props;
    const definitions = {
      ...(props.definitions || {}),
    const schema = replaceRefSchemas(props.schema, definitions);

    const {
      data: newData,
      schema: newSchema,
      uiSchema: newUiSchema,
    } = updateSchemasAndData(schema, uiSchema, data || getDefaultData(schema));

    this.state = {
      formData: newData,
      schema: newSchema,
      uiSchema: newUiSchema,

  handleChange = data => {
    const { schema, uiSchema, formData } = this.state;
    const { pagePerItemIndex, arrayPath, updateFormData } = this.props;

    let fullData = data;

    if (arrayPath) {
      fullData = set([arrayPath, pagePerItemIndex], data, formData);

    const newSchemaAndData = updateSchemasAndData(schema, uiSchema, fullData);

    let newData =;
    const newSchema = newSchemaAndData.schema;
    const newUiSchema = newSchemaAndData.uiSchema;

    if (typeof updateFormData === 'function') {
      if (arrayPath && typeof pagePerItemIndex === 'undefined') {
        // Adding this console message to help with troubleshooting
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
          'pagePerItemIndex prop is required when arrayPath is specified',
      newData = updateFormData(
        arrayPath ? formData[arrayPath][pagePerItemIndex] : formData,

      formData: newData,
      schema: newSchema,
      uiSchema: newUiSchema,

  render() {
    let { schema, uiSchema, formData } = this.state;
    const { pagePerItemIndex, arrayPath } = this.props;

    if (arrayPath) {
      schema =[arrayPath].items[pagePerItemIndex];
      uiSchema = uiSchema[arrayPath].items;
      formData = formData ? formData[arrayPath][pagePerItemIndex] : formData;

    return (
        title={this.props.title || 'test'}

 * Finds a form rendered into the DOM with ReactTestUtils
 * and triggers a submit event on it.
 * @param {Element} form The element containing the form
export function submitForm(form) {
  ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(form, Form).onSubmit({
    preventDefault: f => f,

function getIdentifier(node) {
  const tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
  const id = ? `#${}` : '';
  const name = ? `[name='${}']` : '';
  let classList = '';

  const classes = node.getAttribute('class');
  if (classes) {
    // Make a dot-separated list of class names
    classList = classes.split(' ').reduce((c, carry) => `${c}.${carry}`, '');
    return `${tagName}${classList}`;

  return `${tagName}${id}${name}${classList}`;

const bar = '\u2551';
const elbow = '\u2559';
const tee = '\u255F';

function printTree(node, level = 0, isLastChild = true, padding = '') {
  const nextLevel = level + 1; // For tail call optimization...theoretically...
  const lastPipe = isLastChild ? `${elbow} ` : `${tee} `;

  console.log(`${padding}${lastPipe}${getIdentifier(node)}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console

  // Recurse for each child
  const newPadding = padding + (isLastChild ? '  ' : `${bar} `);
  const children = Array.from(node.children);
  children.forEach((child, index) => {
    const isLast = index === children.length - 1;
    return printTree(child, nextLevel, isLast, newPadding);

 * Gets the DOM node associated with the form tree passed in.
 * @param {React.Element} form The root level of a rendered form
 * @returns {object} An DOM node for the form, with added helper methods
export function getFormDOM(form) {
  const formDOM = form?.container || findDOMNode(form);

  if (!formDOM) {
    throw new Error(
      'Could not find DOM node. Please make sure to pass a component returned from ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(). If you are testing a stateless (function) component, be sure to wrap it in a <div>.',

   * Returns the element or throws a nicer error.
   * @param  {string} selector The css selector
   * @return {element}         The element returned from querySelctor()
  formDOM.getElement = function getElement(selector) {
    const element = this.querySelector(selector);

    if (!element) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find element at ${selector}`);

    return element;

  formDOM.fillData = function fillDataFn(id, value) {
    ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(this.getElement(id), {
      target: {
    ReactTestUtils.Simulate.input(this.getElement(id), {
      target: {

  formDOM.files = function fillFiles(id, files) {
    ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(this.getElement(id), {
      target: {

  formDOM.submitForm = () => {
    if (form?.container) {
      fireEvent.submit(formDOM.querySelector('form'), {
        preventDefault: f => f,
    } else {

  formDOM.setCheckbox = function toggleCheckbox(selector, checked) {
    ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(this.getElement(selector), {
      target: {

  // Accepts 'Y', 'N', true, false
  formDOM.setYesNo = function setYesNo(selector, value) {
    const isYes =
      typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase() === 'y' : !!value;
    ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(this.getElement(selector), {
      target: {
        value: isYes ? 'Y' : 'N',

  formDOM.selectRadio = function selectRadioFn(fieldName, value) {
        target: { value },
  }; = function click(selector) {;

  formDOM.fillDate = function populateDate(partialId, dateString) {
    oldFillDate(this, partialId, dateString);

   * Prints the formDOM as a tree in the console for debugging purposes
   * @return {void}
  formDOM.printTree = function print() {

  return formDOM;

 * Enzyme helper that fires a change event with a value for
 * an element at the given selector
 * @param {Enzyme} form The enzyme object that contains a form
 * @param {string} selector The selector to find the input to fill
 * @param {string} value The data to fill in the input
export function fillData(form, selector, value) {
  form.find(selector).simulate('change', {
    target: {

 * Enzyme helper that fires a change event with a value for
 * a checkbox at the given name
 * @param {Enzyme} form The enzyme object that contains a form
 * @param {string} fieldName The input name of the checkbox
 * @param {string} value The data to fill in the input
export function selectCheckbox(form, fieldName, value) {
  form.find(`input[name*="${fieldName}"]`).simulate('change', {
    target: { checked: value },

 * Enzyme helper that fires a change event with a value for
 * a radio button at the given name
 * @param {Enzyme} form The enzyme object that contains a form
 * @param {string} fieldName The input name of the radio button
 * @param {string} value The data to fill in the input
export function selectRadio(form, fieldName, value) {
    .simulate('change', {
      target: { value },

 * Enzyme helper that fills in a date field with data from the
 * given date string.
 * @param {Enzyme} form The enzyme object that contains a form
 * @param {string} partialName The name for the date field, without the month/day/year prefix.
 * @param {string} dateString The date to fill in the input
export function fillDate(form, partialName, dateString) {
  const date = dateString.split('-');

  const month = form.find(`select[name="${partialName}Month"]`);
  const day = form.find(`select[name="${partialName}Day"]`);
  const year = form.find(`input[name="${partialName}Year"]`);

  month.simulate('change', {
    target: { value: date[1] },

  day.simulate('change', {
    target: { value: date[2] },
  year.simulate('change', {
    target: { value: date[0] },