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# Slack Recipe

require 'contrib/slack.php';


## Installing

<a href=""><img alt="Add to Slack" height="40" width="139" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /></a>

Add hook on deploy:

before('deploy', 'slack:notify');

## Configuration

- `slack_webhook` – slack incoming webhook url, **required**
  set('slack_webhook', '');
- `slack_channel` - channel to send notification to. The default is the channel configured in the webhook
- `slack_title` – the title of application, default `{{application}}`
- `slack_text` – notification message template, markdown supported
  set('slack_text', '_{{user}}_ deploying `{{branch}}` to *{{target}}*');
- `slack_success_text` – success template, default:
  set('slack_success_text', 'Deploy to *{{target}}* successful');
- `slack_failure_text` – failure template, default:
  set('slack_failure_text', 'Deploy to *{{target}}* failed');

- `slack_color` – color's attachment
- `slack_success_color` – success color's attachment
- `slack_failure_color` – failure color's attachment
- `slack_fields` - set attachments fields for pretty output in Slack, default:
  set('slack_fields', []);

## Usage

If you want to notify only about beginning of deployment add this line only:

before('deploy', 'slack:notify');

If you want to notify about successful end of deployment add this too:

after('deploy:success', 'slack:notify:success');

If you want to notify about failed deployment add this too:

after('deploy:failed', 'slack:notify:failure');

## Configuration
### slack_channel

Channel to publish to, when false the default channel the webhook will be used

```php title="Default value"

### slack_title

Title of project

```php title="Default value"
return get('application', 'Project');

### slack_text

Deploy message

```php title="Default value"
'_{{user}}_ deploying `{{target}}` to *{{hostname}}*'

### slack_success_text

```php title="Default value"
'Deploy to *{{target}}* successful'

### slack_failure_text

```php title="Default value"
'Deploy to *{{target}}* failed'

### slack_rollback_text

```php title="Default value"
'_{{user}}_ rolled back changes on *{{target}}*'

### slack_fields

### slack_color

Color of attachment

```php title="Default value"

### slack_success_color

```php title="Default value"

### slack_failure_color

```php title="Default value"

### slack_rollback_color

```php title="Default value"

## Tasks

### slack:notify

Notifies Slack.

### slack:notify:success

Notifies Slack about deploy finish.

### slack:notify:failure

Notifies Slack about deploy failure.

### slack:notify:rollback

Notifies Slack about rollback.