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# How to Deploy a Craftcms Project

require 'recipe/craftcms.php';


Deployer is a free and open source deployment tool written in PHP. 
It helps you to deploy your Craftcms application to a server. 
It is very easy to use and has a lot of features. 

Three main features of Deployer are:
- **Provisioning** - provision your server for you.
- **Zero downtime deployment** - deploy your application without a downtime.
- **Rollbacks** - rollback your application to a previous version, if something goes wrong.

Additionally, Deployer has a lot of other features, like:
- **Easy to use** - Deployer is very easy to use. It has a simple and intuitive syntax.
- **Fast** - Deployer is very fast. It uses parallel connections to deploy your application.
- **Secure** - Deployer uses SSH to connect to your server.
- **Supports all major PHP frameworks** - Deployer supports all major PHP frameworks.

You can read more about Deployer in [Getting Started](/docs/

The [deploy](#deploy) task of **Craftcms** consists of:
* [deploy:prepare](/docs/recipe/ – Prepares a new release
  * [deploy:info](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Displays info about deployment
  * [deploy:setup](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Prepares host for deploy
  * [deploy:lock](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Locks deploy
  * [deploy:release](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Prepares release
  * [deploy:update_code](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Updates code
  * [deploy:shared](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Creates symlinks for shared files and dirs
  * [deploy:writable](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Makes writable dirs
* [deploy:vendors](/docs/recipe/deploy/ – Installs vendors

The craftcms recipe is based on the [common](/docs/recipe/ recipe.

## Configuration
### log_files

```php title="Default value"

### shared_dirs

Overrides [shared_dirs](/docs/recipe/deploy/ from `recipe/deploy/shared.php`.

```php title="Default value"

### shared_files

Overrides [shared_files](/docs/recipe/deploy/ from `recipe/deploy/shared.php`.

```php title="Default value"

### writable_dirs

Overrides [writable_dirs](/docs/recipe/deploy/ from `recipe/deploy/writable.php`.

```php title="Default value"

## Tasks

### craft:gc

Runs garbage collection.

### deploy

Deploys Craft CMS.

This task is group task which contains next tasks:
* [deploy:prepare](/docs/recipe/
* [deploy:vendors](/docs/recipe/deploy/