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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

/* (c) Anton Medvedev <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Deployer;

use Deployer\Exception\Exception;
use Deployer\Exception\GracefulShutdownException;
use Deployer\Exception\RunException;
use Deployer\Exception\TimeoutException;
use Deployer\Exception\WillAskUser;
use Deployer\Host\Host;
use Deployer\Host\Localhost;
use Deployer\Host\Range;
use Deployer\Importer\Importer;
use Deployer\Support\ObjectProxy;
use Deployer\Task\Context;
use Deployer\Task\GroupTask;
use Deployer\Task\Task;
use Deployer\Utility\Httpie;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\QuestionHelper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ConfirmationQuestion;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use function Deployer\Support\array_merge_alternate;
use function Deployer\Support\env_stringify;
use function Deployer\Support\is_closure;
use function Deployer\Support\str_contains;

 * Defines a host or hosts.
 * ```php
 * host('');
 * host('', '');
 * ```
 * Inside task can be used to get `Host` instance of an alias.
 * ```php
 * task('test', function () {
 *     $port = host('')->get('port');
 * });
 * ```
 * @return Host|ObjectProxy
function host(string ...$hostname)
    $deployer = Deployer::get();
    if (count($hostname) === 1 && $deployer->hosts->has($hostname[0])) {
        return $deployer->hosts->get($hostname[0]);
    $aliases = Range::expand($hostname);

    foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
        if ($deployer->hosts->has($alias)) {
            $host = $deployer->hosts->get($alias);
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Host \"$host\" already exists.");

    if (count($aliases) === 1) {
        $host = new Host($aliases[0]);
        $deployer->hosts->set($aliases[0], $host);
        return $host;
    } else {
        $hosts = array_map(function ($hostname) use ($deployer): Host {
            $host = new Host($hostname);
            $deployer->hosts->set($hostname, $host);
            return $host;
        }, $aliases);
        return new ObjectProxy($hosts);

 * @return Localhost|ObjectProxy
function localhost(string ...$hostnames)
    $deployer = Deployer::get();
    $hostnames = Range::expand($hostnames);

    if (count($hostnames) <= 1) {
        $host = count($hostnames) === 1 ? new Localhost($hostnames[0]) : new Localhost();
        $deployer->hosts->set($host->getAlias(), $host);
        return $host;
    } else {
        $hosts = array_map(function ($hostname) use ($deployer): Localhost {
            $host = new Localhost($hostname);
            $deployer->hosts->set($host->getAlias(), $host);
            return $host;
        }, $hostnames);
        return new ObjectProxy($hosts);

 * Returns current host.
function currentHost(): Host
    return Context::get()->getHost();

 * Returns hosts based on provided selector.
 * ```php
 * on(select('stage=prod, role=db'), function (Host $host) {
 *     ...
 * });
 * ```
 * @return Host[]
function select(string $selector): array
    return Deployer::get()->selector->select($selector);

 * Returns array of hosts selected by user via CLI.
 * @return Host[]
function selectedHosts(): array
    $hosts = [];
    foreach (get('selected_hosts', []) as $alias) {
        $hosts[] = Deployer::get()->hosts->get($alias);
    return $hosts;

 * Import other php or yaml recipes.
 * ```php
 * import('recipe/common.php');
 * ```
 * ```php
 * import(__DIR__ . '/config/hosts.yaml');
 * ```
 * @throws Exception
function import(string $file): void

 * Set task description.
function desc(?string $title = null): ?string
    static $store = null;

    if ($title === null) {
        return $store;
    } else {
        return $store = $title;

 * Define a new task and save to tasks list.
 * Alternatively get a defined task.
 * @param string $name Name of current task.
 * @param callable():void|array|null $body Callable task, array of other tasks names or nothing to get a defined tasks
function task(string $name, $body = null): Task
    $deployer = Deployer::get();

    if (empty($body)) {
        return $deployer->tasks->get($name);

    if (is_callable($body)) {
        $task = new Task($name, $body);
    } elseif (is_array($body)) {
        $task = new GroupTask($name, $body);
    } else {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Task body should be a function or an array.');

    if ($deployer->tasks->has($name)) {
        // If task already exists, try to replace.
        $existingTask = $deployer->tasks->get($name);
        if (get_class($existingTask) !== get_class($task)) {
            // There is no "up" or "down"casting in PHP.
            throw new \Exception('Tried to replace Task \'' . $name . '\' with a GroupTask or vice-versa. This is not supported. If you are sure you want to do that, remove the old task `Deployer::get()->tasks->remove(<taskname>)` and then re-add the task.');
        if ($existingTask instanceof GroupTask) {
        } elseif ($existingTask instanceof Task) {
        $task = $existingTask;
    } else {
        // If task does not exist, add it to the Collection.
        $deployer->tasks->set($name, $task);


    if (!empty(desc())) {
        desc(''); // Clear title.

    return $task;

 * Call that task before specified task runs.
 * @param string $task The task before $that should be run.
 * @param string|callable():void $do The task to be run.
 * @return Task|null
function before(string $task, $do)
    if (is_closure($do)) {
        $newTask = task("before:$task", $do);
        before($task, "before:$task");
        return $newTask;

    return null;

 * Call that task after specified task runs.
 * @param string $task The task after $that should be run.
 * @param string|callable():void $do The task to be run.
 * @return Task|null
function after(string $task, $do)
    if (is_closure($do)) {
        $newTask = task("after:$task", $do);
        after($task, "after:$task");
        return $newTask;

    return null;

 * Setup which task run on failure of $task.
 * When called multiple times for a task, previous fail() definitions will be overridden.
 * @param string $task The task which need to fail so $that should be run.
 * @param string|callable():void $do The task to be run.
 * @return Task|null
function fail(string $task, $do)
    if (is_callable($do)) {
        $newTask = task("fail:$task", $do);
        fail($task, "fail:$task");
        return $newTask;
    $deployer = Deployer::get();
    $deployer->fail->set($task, $do);

    return null;

 * Add users options.
 * @param string $name The option name
 * @param string|array|null $shortcut The shortcuts, can be null, a string of shortcuts delimited by | or an array of shortcuts
 * @param int|null $mode The option mode: One of the VALUE_* constants
 * @param string $description A description text
 * @param string|string[]|int|bool|null $default The default value (must be null for self::VALUE_NONE)
function option(string $name, $shortcut = null, ?int $mode = null, string $description = '', $default = null): void
        new InputOption($name, $shortcut, $mode, $description, $default)

 * Change the current working directory.
function cd(string $path): void
    set('working_path', parse($path));

 * Execute a callback within a specific directory and revert back to the initial working directory.
 * @return mixed|null Return value of the $callback function or null if callback doesn't return anything
function within(string $path, callable $callback)
    $lastWorkingPath = get('working_path', '');
    try {
        set('working_path', parse($path));
        return $callback();
    } finally {
        set('working_path', $lastWorkingPath);

    return null;

 * Executes given command on remote host.
 * Examples:
 * ```php
 * run('echo hello world');
 * run('cd {{deploy_path}} && git status');
 * run('password %secret%', secret: getenv('CI_SECRET'));
 * run('curl', timeout: 5);
 * ```
 * ```php
 * $path = run('readlink {{deploy_path}}/current');
 * run("echo $path");
 * ```
 * @param string $command Command to run on remote host.
 * @param array|null $options Array of options will override passed named arguments.
 * @param int|null $timeout Sets the process timeout (max. runtime). The timeout in seconds (default: 300 sec; see {{default_timeout}}, `null` to disable).
 * @param int|null $idle_timeout Sets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output) in seconds.
 * @param string|null $secret Placeholder `%secret%` can be used in command. Placeholder will be replaced with this value and will not appear in any logs.
 * @param array|null $env Array of environment variables: `run('echo $KEY', env: ['key' => 'value']);`
 * @param bool|null $real_time_output Print command output in real-time.
 * @param bool|null $no_throw Don't throw an exception of non-zero exit code.
 * @throws Exception|RunException|TimeoutException
function run(string $command, ?array $options = [], ?int $timeout = null, ?int $idle_timeout = null, ?string $secret = null, ?array $env = null, ?bool $real_time_output = false, ?bool $no_throw = false): string
    $namedArguments = [];
    foreach (['timeout', 'idle_timeout', 'secret', 'env', 'real_time_output', 'no_throw'] as $arg) {
        if ($$arg !== null) {
            $namedArguments[$arg] = $$arg;
    $options = array_merge($namedArguments, $options);
    $run = function ($command, $options = []): string {
        $host = currentHost();

        $command = parse($command);
        $workingPath = get('working_path', '');

        if (!empty($workingPath)) {
            $command = "cd $workingPath && ($command)";

        $env = array_merge_alternate(get('env', []), $options['env'] ?? []);
        if (!empty($env)) {
            $env = env_stringify($env);
            $command = "export $env; $command";

        $dotenv = get('dotenv', false);
        if (!empty($dotenv)) {
            $command = ". $dotenv; $command";

        if ($host instanceof Localhost) {
            $process = Deployer::get()->processRunner;
            $output = $process->run($host, $command, $options);
        } else {
            $client = Deployer::get()->sshClient;
            $output = $client->run($host, $command, $options);

        return rtrim($output);

    if (preg_match('/^sudo\b/', $command)) {
        try {
            return $run($command, $options);
        } catch (RunException $exception) {
            $askpass = get('sudo_askpass', '/tmp/dep_sudo_pass');
            $password = get('sudo_pass', false);
            if ($password === false) {
                writeln("<fg=green;options=bold>run</> $command");
                $password = askHiddenResponse(" [sudo] password for {{remote_user}}: ");
            $run("echo -e '#!/bin/sh\necho \"\$PASSWORD\"' > $askpass");
            $run("chmod a+x $askpass");
            $command = preg_replace('/^sudo\b/', 'sudo -A', $command);
            $output = $run(" SUDO_ASKPASS=$askpass PASSWORD=%sudo_pass% $command", array_merge($options, ['sudo_pass' => escapeshellarg($password)]));
            $run("rm $askpass");
            return $output;
    } else {
        return $run($command, $options);

 * Execute commands on a local machine.
 * Examples:
 * ```php
 * $user = runLocally('git config');
 * runLocally("echo $user");
 * ```
 * @param string $command Command to run on localhost.
 * @param array|null $options Array of options will override passed named arguments.
 * @param int|null $timeout Sets the process timeout (max. runtime). The timeout in seconds (default: 300 sec, `null` to disable).
 * @param int|null $idle_timeout Sets the process idle timeout (max. time since last output) in seconds.
 * @param string|null $secret Placeholder `%secret%` can be used in command. Placeholder will be replaced with this value and will not appear in any logs.
 * @param array|null $env Array of environment variables: `runLocally('echo $KEY', env: ['key' => 'value']);`
 * @param string|null $shell Shell to run in. Default is `bash -s`.
 * @throws RunException
function runLocally(string $command, ?array $options = [], ?int $timeout = null, ?int $idle_timeout = null, ?string $secret = null, ?array $env = null, ?string $shell = null): string
    $namedArguments = [];
    foreach (['timeout', 'idle_timeout', 'secret', 'env', 'shell'] as $arg) {
        if ($$arg !== null) {
            $namedArguments[$arg] = $$arg;
    $options = array_merge($namedArguments, $options);

    $process = Deployer::get()->processRunner;
    $command = parse($command);

    $env = array_merge_alternate(get('env', []), $options['env'] ?? []);
    if (!empty($env)) {
        $env = env_stringify($env);
        $command = "export $env; $command";

    $output = $process->run(new Localhost(), $command, $options);

    return rtrim($output);

 * Run test command.
 * Example:
 * ```php
 * if (test('[ -d {{release_path}} ]')) {
 * ...
 * }
 * ```
function test(string $command): bool
    $true = '+' . array_rand(array_flip(['accurate', 'appropriate', 'correct', 'legitimate', 'precise', 'right', 'true', 'yes', 'indeed']));
    return trim(run("if $command; then echo $true; fi")) === $true;

 * Run test command locally.
 * Example:
 *     testLocally('[ -d {{local_release_path}} ]')
function testLocally(string $command): bool
    return runLocally("if $command; then echo +true; fi") === '+true';

 * Iterate other hosts, allowing to call run a func in callback.
 * ```php
 * on(select('stage=prod, role=db'), function ($host) {
 *     ...
 * });
 * ```
 * ```php
 * on(host(''), function ($host) {
 *     ...
 * });
 * ```
 * ```php
 * on(Deployer::get()->hosts, function ($host) {
 *     ...
 * });
 * ```
 * @param Host|Host[] $hosts
function on($hosts, callable $callback): void
    if (!is_array($hosts) && !($hosts instanceof \Traversable)) {
        $hosts = [$hosts];

    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        if ($host instanceof Host) {
            Context::push(new Context($host));
            try {
            } catch (GracefulShutdownException $e) {
                Deployer::get()->messenger->renderException($e, $host);
            } finally {
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Function on can iterate only on Host instances.");

 * Runs a task.
 * ```php
 * invoke('deploy:symlink');
 * ```
 * @throws Exception
function invoke(string $taskName): void
    $task = Deployer::get()->tasks->get($taskName);

 * Upload files or directories to host.
 * > To upload the _contents_ of a directory, include a trailing slash (eg `upload('build/', '{{release_path}}/public');`).
 * > Without the trailing slash, the build directory itself will be uploaded (resulting in `{{release_path}}/public/build`).
 *  The `$config` array supports the following keys:
 * - `flags` for overriding the default `-azP` passed to the `rsync` command
 * - `options` with additional flags passed directly to the `rsync` command
 * - `timeout` for `Process::fromShellCommandline()` (`null` by default)
 * - `progress_bar` to display upload/download progress
 * - `display_stats` to display rsync set of statistics
 * Note: due to the way php escapes command line arguments, list-notation for the rsync `--exclude={'file','anotherfile'}` option will not work.
 * A workaround is to add a separate `--exclude=file` argument for each exclude to `options` (also, _do not_ wrap the filename/filter in quotes).
 * An alternative might be to write the excludes to a temporary file (one per line) and use `--exclude-from=temporary_file` argument instead.
 * @param string|string[] $source
 * @param array $config
 * @phpstan-param array{flags?: string, options?: array, timeout?: int|null, progress_bar?: bool, display_stats?: bool} $config
 * @throws RunException
function upload($source, string $destination, array $config = []): void
    $rsync = Deployer::get()->rsync;
    $host = currentHost();
    $source = is_array($source) ? array_map('Deployer\parse', $source) : parse($source);
    $destination = parse($destination);

    if ($host instanceof Localhost) {
        $rsync->call($host, $source, $destination, $config);
    } else {
        $rsync->call($host, $source, "{$host->connectionString()}:$destination", $config);

 * Download file or directory from host
 * @param array $config
 * @throws RunException
function download(string $source, string $destination, array $config = []): void
    $rsync = Deployer::get()->rsync;
    $host = currentHost();
    $source = parse($source);
    $destination = parse($destination);

    if ($host instanceof Localhost) {
        $rsync->call($host, $source, $destination, $config);
    } else {
        $rsync->call($host, "{$host->connectionString()}:$source", $destination, $config);

 * Writes an info message.
function info(string $message): void
    writeln("<fg=green;options=bold>info</> " . parse($message));

 * Writes an warning message.
function warning(string $message): void
    $message = "<fg=yellow;options=bold>warning</> <comment>$message</comment>";

    if (Context::has()) {
    } else {

 * Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end.
function writeln(string $message, int $options = 0): void
    $host = currentHost();
    output()->writeln("[$host] " . parse($message), $options);

 * Parse set values.
function parse(string $value): string
    return Context::get()->getConfig()->parse($value);

 * Setup configuration option.
 * @param mixed $value
 * @throws Exception
function set(string $name, $value): void
    if (!Context::has()) {
        Deployer::get()->config->set($name, $value);
    } else {
        Context::get()->getConfig()->set($name, $value);

 * Merge new config params to existing config array.
 * @param array $array
function add(string $name, array $array): void
    if (!Context::has()) {
        Deployer::get()->config->add($name, $array);
    } else {
        Context::get()->getConfig()->add($name, $array);

 * Get configuration value.
 * @param mixed|null $default
 * @return mixed
function get(string $name, $default = null)
    if (!Context::has()) {
        return Deployer::get()->config->get($name, $default);
    } else {
        return Context::get()->getConfig()->get($name, $default);

 * Check if there is such configuration option.
function has(string $name): bool
    if (!Context::has()) {
        return Deployer::get()->config->has($name);
    } else {
        return Context::get()->getConfig()->has($name);

function ask(string $message, ?string $default = null, ?array $autocomplete = null): ?string
    if (defined('DEPLOYER_NO_ASK')) {
        throw new WillAskUser($message);

    if (output()->isQuiet()) {
        return $default;

    if (Deployer::isWorker()) {
        return Deployer::proxyCallToMaster(currentHost(), __FUNCTION__, ...func_get_args());

    /** @var QuestionHelper */
    $helper = Deployer::get()->getHelper('question');

    $tag = currentHost()->getTag();
    $message = parse($message);
    $message = "[$tag] <question>$message</question> " . (($default === null) ? "" : "(default: $default) ");

    $question = new Question($message, $default);
    if (!empty($autocomplete)) {

    return $helper->ask(input(), output(), $question);

 * @param mixed $default
 * @return mixed
 * @throws Exception
function askChoice(string $message, array $availableChoices, $default = null, bool $multiselect = false)
    if (defined('DEPLOYER_NO_ASK')) {
        throw new WillAskUser($message);

    if (empty($availableChoices)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Available choices should not be empty');

    if ($default !== null && !array_key_exists($default, $availableChoices)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Default choice is not available');

    if (output()->isQuiet()) {
        if ($default === null) {
            $default = key($availableChoices);
        return [$default => $availableChoices[$default]];

    if (Deployer::isWorker()) {
        return Deployer::proxyCallToMaster(currentHost(), __FUNCTION__, ...func_get_args());

    /** @var QuestionHelper */
    $helper = Deployer::get()->getHelper('question');

    $tag = currentHost()->getTag();
    $message = parse($message);
    $message = "[$tag] <question>$message</question> " . (($default === null) ? "" : "(default: $default) ");

    $question = new ChoiceQuestion($message, $availableChoices, $default);

    return $helper->ask(input(), output(), $question);

function askConfirmation(string $message, bool $default = false): bool
    if (defined('DEPLOYER_NO_ASK')) {
        throw new WillAskUser($message);

    if (output()->isQuiet()) {
        return $default;

    if (Deployer::isWorker()) {
        return Deployer::proxyCallToMaster(currentHost(), __FUNCTION__, ...func_get_args());

    /** @var QuestionHelper */
    $helper = Deployer::get()->getHelper('question');

    $yesOrNo = $default ? 'Y/n' : 'y/N';
    $tag = currentHost()->getTag();
    $message = parse($message);
    $message = "[$tag] <question>$message</question> [$yesOrNo] ";

    $question = new ConfirmationQuestion($message, $default);

    return $helper->ask(input(), output(), $question);

function askHiddenResponse(string $message): string
    if (defined('DEPLOYER_NO_ASK')) {
        throw new WillAskUser($message);

    if (output()->isQuiet()) {
        return '';

    if (Deployer::isWorker()) {
        return (string)Deployer::proxyCallToMaster(currentHost(), __FUNCTION__, ...func_get_args());

    /** @var QuestionHelper */
    $helper = Deployer::get()->getHelper('question');

    $tag = currentHost()->getTag();
    $message = parse($message);
    $message = "[$tag] <question>$message</question> ";

    $question = new Question($message);

    return (string)$helper->ask(input(), output(), $question);

function input(): InputInterface
    return Deployer::get()->input;

function output(): OutputInterface
    return Deployer::get()->output;

 * Check if command exists
 * @throws RunException
function commandExist(string $command): bool
    return test("hash $command 2>/dev/null");

 * @throws RunException
function commandSupportsOption(string $command, string $option): bool
    $man = run("(man $command 2>&1 || $command -h 2>&1 || $command --help 2>&1) | grep -- $option || true");
    if (empty($man)) {
        return false;
    return str_contains($man, $option);

 * @throws RunException
function which(string $name): string
    $nameEscaped = escapeshellarg($name);

    // Try `command`, should cover all Bourne-like shells
    // Try `which`, should cover most other cases
    // Fallback to `type` command, if the rest fails
    $path = run("command -v $nameEscaped || which $nameEscaped || type -p $nameEscaped");
    if (empty($path)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Can't locate [$nameEscaped] - neither of [command|which|type] commands are available");

    // Deal with issue when `type -p` outputs something like `type -ap` in some implementations
    return trim(str_replace("$name is", "", $path));


 * Returns remote environments variables as an array.
 * ```php
 * $remotePath = remoteEnv()['PATH'];
 * run('echo $PATH', env: ['PATH' => "/home/user/bin:$remotePath"]);
 * ```
function remoteEnv(): array
    $vars = [];
    $data = run('env');
    foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $line) {
        list($name, $value) = explode('=', $line, 2);
        $vars[$name] = $value;
    return $vars;

 * Creates a new exception.
function error(string $message): Exception
    return new Exception(parse($message));

 * Returns current timestamp in UTC timezone in ISO8601 format.
function timestamp(): string
    return (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')))->format(\DateTime::ISO8601);

 * Example usage:
 * ```php
 * $result = fetch('{{domain}}', info: $info);
 * var_dump($info['http_code'], $result);
 * ```
function fetch(string $url, string $method = 'get', array $headers = [], ?string $body = null, ?array &$info = null, bool $nothrow = false): string
    $url = parse($url);
    if (strtolower($method) === 'get') {
        $http = Httpie::get($url);
    } elseif (strtolower($method) === 'post') {
        $http = Httpie::post($url);
    } else {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown method \"$method\".");
    $http = $http->nothrow($nothrow);
    foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
        $http = $http->header($key, $value);
    if ($body !== null) {
        $http = $http->body($body);
    return $http->send($info);