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Test Coverage
# Contribution guide

There are two ways of contributing to this project:

1.  If you are requesting a feature which is not already in this project, or If you see something wrong or not working, please check [the issue tracker section](, if that problem you met is not in already opened issues then open the issue by clicking on `new issue` button

2.  If you have a solution to that, and willing to work on it, follow the below steps to contribute:
    1. Make sure that you have golang already installed on your computer. Refer here :point_right: [golang installation guides](
    2.  Fork this repository
    3.  Clone it on your local computer by running `git clone` __Replace *your username* with the username you use on github__
    4.  Open the cloned repository which appears as a folder on your local computer with your favorite code editor
    5.  Create a separate branch off the *main branch*,
    6.  Write your codes which fix the issue you found, or which add the feature you want to add
    7.  Commit and push the branch you created
    8.  Open a pull request, comparing your new created branch with our original main branch [here](

## NOTE:
__After your Pull Request get merged please add yourself to [AUTHORS FILE](