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Test Coverage
package languages

import (


func questions() (string, string, string, string, string) {
    // declaration and initialization of variables
    workingDir = utils.AskWorkingDirectory(nil)
    projectName = utils.AskProjectName(nil)
    isGithub = utils.AskGithub(nil)
    isRubocop = utils.AskRubocop(nil)
    testFramework, isTests = utils.AskTests(nil)
    return workingDir, projectName, isGithub, isRubocop, testFramework

// RubyBoiler function which will provide a bilerplate of the ruby project
func RubyBoiler() {
    workingDir, projectName, isGithub, isRubocop, testFramework = questions()
    // informing a user about the ruby installation
Make sure that ruby is well installed, and your bundler is working well. If it is not the case 
please refer to this link for ruby installation guides:

    // create project dir
    wrkDr := utils.CreateProjectDirectory(workingDir, projectName)

    // initialize rubocop
    if isRubocop == "y" {
        fmt.Printf("\nInitializing rubocop in %s directory...\n", projectName)
        utils.Copy(utils.GetHomeDirectory()+"/.boiler/boiler/lib/.ruby/.rubocop.yml", wrkDr+"/.rubocop.yml")

    if isGithub == "y" {
        // initialize github actions
        utils.CreateGithubActionsDirectory(isGithub, wrkDr, projectName)
        utils.Copy(utils.GetHomeDirectory()+"/.boiler/boiler/lib/.ruby/.github/workflows/linters.yml", wrkDr+"/.github/workflows/linters.yml")
        utils.Copy(utils.GetHomeDirectory()+"/.boiler/boiler/lib/.ruby/.github/workflows/tests.yml", wrkDr+"/.github/workflows/tests.yml")

        // create a PR template file
        fmt.Printf("\nCreating PR template file in %s directory...\n", projectName)
        utils.Copy(utils.GetHomeDirectory()+"/.boiler/boiler/lib/.defaults/.github/", wrkDr+"/.github/")

    // create a readme file
    fmt.Printf("\nCreating README file in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    utils.Copy(utils.GetHomeDirectory()+"/.boiler/boiler/lib/.defaults/", wrkDr+"/")

    // create initial files
    fmt.Printf("\nCreating lib folder in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    os.Mkdir(wrkDr+"/lib", 0755)

    fmt.Printf("\nCreating bin folder in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    os.Mkdir(wrkDr+"/bin", 0755)

    fmt.Printf("\nAdding .gitkeep file in %s/lib directory...\n", projectName)
    os.Create(wrkDr + "/lib/.gitkeep")

    fmt.Printf("\nCreating main.rb file in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    os.Create(wrkDr + "/bin/main.rb")
    utils.WriteToFile(wrkDr+"/bin/main.rb", "puts 'Hello from Boiler! Welcome to the new world!'")

    // change working dir
    fmt.Println("\nChecking out your project dir...")

    // initialize gemfile
    fmt.Printf("\nInitializing gem in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    exec.Command("bundle", "init").Run()

    if isTests == "y" && testFramework == "rspec" {
        // initialize rspec
        fmt.Printf("\nInitializing rspec in %s directory...\n", projectName)
        str := "gem install rspec"
        argsRspec := strings.Split(str, " ")
        exec.Command(argsRspec[0], argsRspec[1:]...).Run()
        utils.WriteToFile("Gemfile", "gem 'rspec', '~>3.0'")
        exec.Command("rspec", "--init").Run()

    if isRubocop == "y" {
        // install rubocop in gems
        fmt.Println("\nWriting gems...")
        utils.WriteToFile("Gemfile", "gem 'rubocop', '~>0.81.0'")

    // initialize git
    fmt.Printf("\nInitializing git in %s directory...\n", projectName)
    exec.Command("git", "init").Run()

    // installing bundler gems
    fmt.Printf("\nInstalling gems %s directory, this might take some minutes, please wait...\n", projectName)
    exec.Command("bundle", "install").Run()