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Test Coverage
package utils

import (


func generateStdin(in *os.File) *os.File {
    if in == nil {
        in = os.Stdin
    return in

func askBasicQuestions(in *os.File, variable string, textToAsk string) string {
    in = generateStdin(in)
    if _, err := fmt.Fscanf(in, "%s", &variable); err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error message: Empty response, please enter a value!\n")
    return variable

// AskWorkingDirectory function
func AskWorkingDirectory(in *os.File) string {
    var workingDir string
    return askBasicQuestions(in, workingDir, "\nEnter the working directory (Enter a dot (.) for the current directory):")

// AskRubocop is a function which asks a user if they will use rubocop and then returns the answer of the user
func AskRubocop(in *os.File) string {
    var isRubocop string
    return askBasicQuestions(in, isRubocop, "\nWill you use Rubocop as a linter? Enter y for yes or any other key for no")

// AskGithub is a function which asks a user if they will use github
func AskGithub(in *os.File) string {
    var isGithub string
    return askBasicQuestions(in, isGithub, "\nWill you use github as a collaboration tool? Enter y for yes or any other key for no")

// AskDatabase is a function which asks a user which database they will use and returns the answer
func AskDatabase(in *os.File) string {
    in = generateStdin(in)
    var database string
    var tmpDb int
    fmt.Println("\nSelect Enter the number corresponding to the database you want to use: ")
    if _, err := fmt.Fscanf(in, "%d", &tmpDb); err != nil {
    switch tmpDb {
    case 1:
        database = "sqlite3"
    case 2:
        database = "postgresql"
    case 3:
        database = "mysql"
    case 4:
        database = "oracle"
    case 5:
        database = "frontbase"
    case 6:
        database = "ibm_db"
    case 7:
        database = "sqlserver"
    case 8:
        database = "jdbcmysql"
    case 9:
        database = "jdbcpostgresql"
    case 10:
        database = "jdbcsqlite3"
    case 11:
        database = "jdbc"
        fmt.Println(`The database you choose is not supported by rails yet!
        So, I will create for you a rails app with a default database which is sqlite3`)
        database = "sqlite3"

    return database

// AskProjectName function
func AskProjectName(in *os.File) string {
    var projectName string
    return askBasicQuestions(in, projectName, "\n\nWhat is the project name you want to use?")

// Copy function to copy files
func Copy(src, dst string) {
    source, _ := os.Open(src)

    defer source.Close()

    destination, _ := os.Create(dst)

    defer destination.Close()
    if _, err := io.Copy(destination, source); err != nil {

// WriteToFile is a function which used to write to file
func WriteToFile(file, stringToWrite string) {
    mFile, _ := os.OpenFile(file, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
    fmt.Fprintln(mFile, stringToWrite)

// GetHomeDirectory is used to get home directory
func GetHomeDirectory() string {
    homeDirectory, _ := homedir.Dir()
    return homeDirectory

// IsDirectoryExists function is used to prove if a passed string stands for a directory
func IsDirectoryExists(directory string) bool {
    _, err := os.Stat(GetHomeDirectory() + "/" + directory)
    if os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return false
    return true

// CreateGithubActionsDirectory is a function which creates github actions directory
func CreateGithubActionsDirectory(isGithub, wrkDr, projectName string) {
    if isGithub == "y" {
        fmt.Printf("\nInitializing github actions in %s directory...\n", projectName)
        os.Mkdir(wrkDr+"/.github", 0755)
        os.Mkdir(wrkDr+"/.github/workflows", 0755)

// CreateProjectDirectory function is to create projec
func CreateProjectDirectory(workingDir, projectName string) string {
    var tmpWrkDr, wrkDr string
    if workingDir == "." {
        // create project in current directory
        tmpWrkDr, _ = os.Getwd()
        wrkDr = tmpWrkDr + "/" + projectName
    } else {
        // checking if a directory exists
        if IsDirectoryExists(workingDir) {
            wrkDr = GetHomeDirectory() + "/" + workingDir + "/" + projectName
        } else {
            fmt.Println("The directory you entered does not exists, your project will be created in the current directory")
            tmpWrkDr, _ = os.Getwd()
            wrkDr = tmpWrkDr + "/" + projectName

    // create a project directory
    fmt.Printf("\nCreating directory to %s...\n", projectName)
    os.Mkdir(wrkDr, 0755)

    return wrkDr

// AskTests is a function which asks if a user will use tests
func AskTests(in *os.File) (string, string) {
    in = generateStdin(in)
    var isTests string
    var testFrameworkNumber int
    var testFramework string
    fmt.Println("\n\nWill you write some unit tests for your project? Enter y for yes or any other key for no")
    if _, err := fmt.Fscanf(in, "%s", &isTests); err != nil {
    if isTests == "y" || isTests == "Y" {
        fmt.Println("\nChoose a number which corresponds to the testing framework you will be using:\n1.RSpec")
        if _, err := fmt.Fscanf(in, "%d", &testFrameworkNumber); err != nil {
        if testFrameworkNumber != 1 {
            for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
                fmt.Println("\nChoose a number which corresponds to the testing framework you will be using:\n1.RSpec")
                if _, err := fmt.Fscanf(in, "%d", &testFrameworkNumber); err != nil {
                if testFrameworkNumber == 1 {
            fmt.Println("\nThe testing framework you chose is not supported")
    switch testFrameworkNumber {
    case 1:
        testFramework = "rspec"
    return testFramework, isTests

// DisplayLastCommands func shows a user next steps
func DisplayLastCommands() string {
    return `


Your project has been initialized successfully
The remaining task is to go on github and create a repository and copy its url
Come back in the root directory of this project and 
Run the following commands respectifully

1. git remote add .
2. git commit -m "Initial commit"
3. git remote add origin [Paste the url you copied from github]"
4. git push -u origin master"

Congratulations and good luck for your new project`