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# Fantastico Licensing API

Class to itnerface with the Fantastico Licensing API to manage Fantastico Server and VPS License Types.  More info at

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## Installation

Install with composer like

composer require detain/fantastico

## Basic Usage

### Initialization

Initialize passing the API credentials like

use detain\Fantastico;

$fantastico = new Fantastico('API Username', 'API Password');

### List Licensed IPs

$details = $fantastico->getIpListDetailed(Fantastico::ALL_TYPES);

***Note*** Returns an array of license entries, each entry being an array like 

    'ipAddress' => '',
    'addedOn' => '2009-05-05 19:39:32',
    'isVPS' => 'No',
    'status' => 'Active'

### Create a new License

Add a license for a given IP.

***Note*** Type 1 = Server, Type 2 = VPS

$result = $fantastico->addIp('', 1);

### Change The IP for a License

***Note*** In this example '' is the original (old) ip and '' is the updated (new) IP

$result = $fantastico->editIp('', '')

## License

Fantastico Licensing class is licensed under the LGPL-v2.1 license.