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* DirectAdmin Related Functionality
* @author Joe Huss <>
* @copyright 2019
* @package MyAdmin
* @category Licenses

function get_directadmin_license_types()
    return [
        'ES 5.0'            =>        'CentOS 5 32-bit',
        'ES 5.0 64'            =>        'CentOS 5 64-bit',
        'ES 6.0'            =>        'CentOS 6 32-bit',
        'ES 6.0 64'            =>        'CentOS 6 64-bit',
        'ES 7.0 64'            =>        'CentOS 7 64-bit',
        'ES 8.0 64'            =>        'CentOS 8 64-bit',
        'FreeBSD 8.0 64'    =>        'FreeBSD 8.x 64-bit',
        'FreeBSD 9.1 32'    =>        'FreeBSD 9.x 32-bit',
        'FreeBSD 9.0 64'    =>        'FreeBSD 9.x 64-bit',
        'Debian 5'            =>        'Debian 5.0 32-bit',
        'Debian 5 64'        =>        'Debian 5.0 64-bit',
        'Debian 6'            =>        'Debian 6.0 32-bit',
        'Debian 6 64'        =>        'Debian 6.0 64-bit',
        'Debian 7'            =>        'Debian 7.0 32-bit',
        'Debian 7 64'        =>        'Debian 7.0 64-bit',
        'Debian 8 64'        =>        'Debian 8.0 64-bit'

* @param string $module
* @param $packageId
* @param bool $order
* @param bool|array $extra
* @return bool|string
function directadmin_get_best_type($module, $packageId, $order = false, $extra = false)
    $types = get_directadmin_license_types();
    $db = get_module_db($module);
    $found = false;
    $parts = [];
    $settings = \get_module_settings($module);
    $db->query("select * from services where services_id={$packageId}");
    if ($db->next_record(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        if ($module == 'licenses') {
            return $db->Record['services_field1'];
        $service = $db->Record;
        if ($db->Record['services_field1'] != 'slice') {
            $parts = explode(' ', $db->Record['services_name']);
            $parts[3] = trim(str_replace(['-', 'bit'], ['', ''], $parts[3]));
        if ($extra === false) {
            $extra = ['os' => '', 'version' => ''];
    if (!isset($order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os']) || $order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'] == '') {
        if (in_array($service['services_type'], [get_service_define('KVM_LINUX'), get_service_define('CLOUD_KVM_LINUX')])) {
            $order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'] = 'centos5';
        } elseif (in_array($service['services_type'], [get_service_define('OPENVZ'), get_service_define('SSD_OPENVZ')])) {
            $db->query("select * from {$settings['PREFIX']}_masters where {$settings['PREFIX']}_id={$order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_server']}");
            if ($db->Record[$settings['PREFIX'].'_bits'] == 32) {
                $order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'] = 'centos-6-x86.tar.gz';
            } else {
                $order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'] = 'centos-6-x86_64.tar.gz';
    if (isset($order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'])) {
        $db->query("select * from vps_templates where template_file='".$db->real_escape($order[$settings['PREFIX'].'_os'])."' limit 1", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
            $found = true;
            $parts = [$db->Record['template_os'], $db->Record['template_version'], $db->Record['template_bits']];
    if (in_array(strtolower($parts[2]), ['i386', 'i586', 'x86'])) {
        $parts[2] = 32;
    } elseif (in_array(strtolower($parts[2]), ['amd64', 'x86-64'])) {
        $parts[2] = 64;
    if (in_array(strtolower($db->Record['template_os']), ['debian'])) {
        $parts[0] = 'Debian';
    } elseif (isset($db->Record['template_os']) && in_array(strtolower($db->Record['template_os']), ['ubuntu'])) {
        $parts[0] = 'Debian';
        $parts[1] = '8';
    } elseif (isset($db->Record['template_os']) && in_array(strtolower($db->Record['template_os']), ['freebsd', 'openbsd'])) {
        $parts[0] = 'FreeBSD';
    } elseif (isset($db->Record['template_os']) && in_array(strtolower($db->Record['template_os']), ['centos', 'fedora', 'rhel', 'redhat'])) {
        $parts[0] = 'ES';
    } elseif (isset($db->Record['template_os'])) {
        $parts[0] = $db->Record['template_os'];
    if (strtolower($parts[0]) == 'FreeBSD') {
        if ($parts[3] == 32) {
            $parts[2] = '9.1';
        } elseif (mb_substr($parts[2], 0, 1) == 8) {
            $parts[2] = '8.0';
        } elseif (mb_substr($parts[2], 0, 1) == 9) {
            $parts[2] = '9.0';
    } elseif (!isset($parts[3]) || $parts[3] == 32) {
        $parts[3] = '';
    if ($parts[0] == 'ES') {
        $parts[1] = mb_substr($parts[1], 0, 1).'.0';
    } else {
        $parts[1] = mb_substr($parts[1], 0, 1);
    $daType = trim("{$parts[0]} {$parts[1]} {$parts[2]}");
    if (isset($types[$daType])) {
        myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', "Matched DA Type for $types[$daType] to {$daType}", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        return $daType;
    } else {
        myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', "Couldn't find matching da type from os {$daType} fakkubg back go ES 8.0 64", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        return "ES 8.0 64";
    return false;

* @param string        $page
* @param string        $post
* @param bool|string[] $options
* @return string
function directadmin_req($page, $post = '', $options = false)
    require_once __DIR__.'/../../../workerman/statistics/Applications/Statistics/Clients/StatisticClient.php';

    if ($options === false) {
        $options = [];
    $defaultOptions = [
        CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false,
    foreach ($defaultOptions as $key => $value) {
        if (!isset($options[$key])) {
            $options[$key] = $value;
    if (!is_url($page)) {
        if (mb_strpos($page, '.php') === false) {
            $page .= '.php';
        if (mb_strpos($page, '/') === false) {
            $page = "clients/api/{$page}";
        } elseif (mb_strpos($page, 'api/') === false) {
            $page = "api/{$page}";
        if (mb_strpos($page, 'clients/') === false) {
            $page == "clients/{$page}";
        if (!is_url($page)) {
            $page = "{$page}";
    $call = basename(parse_url($page)['path'], '.php');
    \StatisticClient::tick('DirectAdmin', $call);
    $response = getcurlpage($page, $post, $options);
    if ($response === false) {
        \StatisticClient::report('DirectAdmin', $call, false, 1, 'Curl Error', STATISTICS_SERVER);
    } else {
        \StatisticClient::report('DirectAdmin', $call, true, 0, '', STATISTICS_SERVER);
    return trim($response);

* @return array
function get_directadmin_licenses()
    $response = directadmin_req('list');
    $licenses = [];
    if (trim($response) == '') {
        return $licenses;
    $lines = explode("\n", trim($response));
    $linesValues = array_values($lines);
    foreach ($linesValues as $line) {
        parse_str($line, $license);
        if (isset($license['lid'])) {
            $licenses[$license['lid']] = $license;
    return $licenses;
* @param $lid
* @return string
function get_directadmin_license($lid)
    $response = directadmin_req('license', ['lid' => $lid]);
    return $response;

* @param $ipAddress
* @return bool|mixed
function get_directadmin_license_by_ip($ipAddress)
    $licenses = get_directadmin_licenses();
    $licensesValues = array_values($licenses);
    foreach ($licensesValues as $license) {
        if (isset($license['ip']) && $license['ip'] == $ipAddress) {
            return $license;
    return false;

* @param $ipAddress
* @return bool
function directadmin_ip_to_lid($ipAddress)
    $license = get_directadmin_license_by_ip($ipAddress);
    if ($license === false) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $license['lid'];

* activate_directadmin()
* @param $ipAddress
* @param boolean|string $ostype
* @param $pass
* @param $email
* @param string $name
* @param string $domain
* @param false|int $custid optional customer id or null for none
* @return string|false license id
function activate_directadmin($ipAddress, $ostype, $pass, $email, $name, $domain = '', $custid = null)
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', "Called activate_directadmin({$ipAddress}, {$ostype}, {$pass}, {$email}, {$name}, {$domain})", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $settings = \get_module_settings('licenses');
    $license = get_directadmin_license_by_ip($ipAddress);
    if ($license === false) {
        $options = [
            CURLOPT_REFERER => ''
        if (strpos($ostype, ',') !== false) {
            [$pid, $os] = explode(',', $ostype);
            $ostype = $os;
        } else {
            $pid = 2712;
        $post = [
            'uid' =>  DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
            'id' => DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
            'password' => DIRECTADMIN_PASSWORD,
            'api' => 1,
            'name' => $name,
            'pid' => $pid,
            'os' => $ostype,
            'domain' => $domain != '' ? $domain : $ipAddress,
            'payment' => 'balance',
            'ip' => $ipAddress,
            'pass1' => $pass,
            'pass2' => $pass,
            'username' => 'admin',
            'email' => $email,
            'admin_pass1' => $pass,
            'admin_pass2' => $pass,
            'ns1' => '',
            'ns2' => '',
            'ns_on_server' => 'yes',
            'ns1ip' => '',
            'ns2ip' => ''
        $url = '';
        $response = directadmin_req($url, $post, $options);
        request_log('licenses', $GLOBALS['tf']->session->account_id, __FUNCTION__, 'directadmin', 'createlicense', $post, $response);
        myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__);
        $matches = preg_split('/error=0&text=License Created&lid=/', $response);
        if (empty($matches) || !isset($matches[1]) || $matches[1] == '') {
            return false;
        $lid = urldecode($matches[1]);
        $response = directadmin_makepayment($lid);
        request_log('licenses', $GLOBALS['tf']->session->account_id, __FUNCTION__, 'directadmin', 'makepayment', $lid, $response);
        myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__);
        $GLOBALS['tf']->history->add($settings['TABLE'], 'add_directadmin', 'ip', $ipAddress, $custid);
        return $lid;
    return $license['lid'];

* deactivate_directadmin()
* @param mixed $ipAddress
* @return string|null
function deactivate_directadmin($ipAddress)
    $module = 'licenses';
    $response = get_directadmin_licenses();
    foreach ($response as $idx => $data) {
        if ($data['ip'] == $ipAddress) {
            $license = $data;
    if (!isset($license)) {
        $license = get_directadmin_license_by_ip($ipAddress);
    if ($license['active'] == 'Y') {
        $url = '';
        $post = [
            'uid' => DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
            'password' => DIRECTADMIN_PASSWORD,
            'api' => 1,
            'lid' => $license['lid']
        $options = [
            //CURLOPT_REFERER => '',
            CURLOPT_REFERER => ''.$license['lid']
        $response = directadmin_req($url, $post, $options);
        myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__);
        request_log($module, $GLOBALS['tf']->session->account_id, __FUNCTION__, 'directadmin', 'deactivateLicense', $post, $response);
        $deActdLicense = get_directadmin_license_by_ip($ipAddress);
        $bodyRows = [];
        if ($deActdLicense['active'] == 'Y') {
            $bodyRows[] = 'DirectAdmin license IP: '.$ipAddress.' unable to cancel.';
            $bodyRows[] = 'Deactivation Response: .'.json_encode($response);
            $subject = 'License Deactivation Issue IP: '.$ipAddress;
            $smartyE = new TFSmarty();
            $smartyE->assign('h1', 'License Deactivation');
            $smartyE->assign('body_rows', $bodyRows);
            $msg = $smartyE->fetch('email/client/client_email.tpl');
            (new \MyAdmin\Mail())->adminMail($subject, $msg, false, 'client/client_email.tpl');
        return true;

* @param $ipAddress
* @return null|string
function directadmin_deactivate($ipAddress)
    return deactivate_directadmin($ipAddress);

* @param string $lid
* @return string
function directadmin_makepayment($lid)
    $url = '';
    $referrer = '';
    $post = [
        'uid' => DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
        'password' => DIRECTADMIN_PASSWORD,
        'api' => 1,
        'action' => 'pay',
        'lid' => $lid
    $options = [
        CURLOPT_REFERER => $referrer
    $response = directadmin_req($url, $post, $options);
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__, 'licenses');
    return $response;

function directadmin_get_os_list($active = '')
    $url = '';
    $post = [
        'uid' => DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
        'password' => DIRECTADMIN_PASSWORD,
        'api' => 1,
    $response = directadmin_req($url, $post);
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__, 'licenses');
    return $response;

function directadmin_get_products()
    $url = '';
    $post = [
        'uid' => DIRECTADMIN_USERNAME,
        'password' => DIRECTADMIN_PASSWORD,
        'api' => 1,
    $response = directadmin_req($url, $post);
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', $response, __LINE__, __FILE__, 'licenses');
    return $response;

function activate_free_license($ipAddress, $type, $email, $hostname = '')
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', "Called activate_free_license($ipAddress, $type, $email, $hostname)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $daObj = new FreeDirectAdmin('licenses', $type, false, false);
    $license_key = $daObj->create($ipAddress, $email, 'vps - '.$ipAddress, $hostname);
    return $license_key;

* Delete a license
* @param int $lid DA portal License ID
* @return array/boolean $response
function delete_free_license($lid, $type)
    myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', "Called delete_free_license($lid)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
    $daObj = new FreeDirectAdmin('licenses', $type, false, false);
    $license_key = $daObj->delete($lid);
    return $license_key;

 * Modify license OS
 * @param int $lid DA portal License ID
 * @param string $os Operating System
 * @return array/boolean $response
function directadmin_modify_os($lid, $os)
    if ($lid) {
        $licenses = get_directadmin_licenses();
        $os_string = directadmin_get_os_list();
        $os_arr = explode(PHP_EOL, trim($os_string));
        foreach ($os_arr as $row) {
            $os_exp = explode('=', $row);
            $os_list[$os_exp[0]] = $os_exp[1];
        if (isset($licenses[$lid])) { //validate license id
            if (in_array($os, array_keys($os_list))) {
                $url = ''.$lid;
                $post = [
                    'saveos' => 'OS Updated',
                    'os' => $os
                $response = directadmin_req($url, $post);
                return $response;
            } else {
                myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', 'Invalid OS is passed.', __LINE__, __FILE__, 'licenses');
        } else {
            myadmin_log('licenses', 'info', 'Invalid DA License Id passed.', __LINE__, __FILE__, 'licenses');
    return false;