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Test Coverage
Contributing to dev-pipeline
Contributions should be submitted as pull requests via Github_.  If this isn't
an option for some reason we'll try to work with you, but the more hoops we
need to jump through to get and review your code the less likely anybody is to
integrate it.

Code Contributions
dev-pipeline is primarily written in Python3.  Code should be formatted
according to PEP8_, preferably with an automatic tool like autopep8_; when in
conflict, the tool *always* wins.

As a general guideline, algorithm-based implementations are appreciated.

Documentation Contributions
Documentation, including files like README, is written in reStructuredText_.
Please perform at least a cursory check (:code:`rst2html` or the moral
equivalent on your system) before submitting your pull request.  Documentation
should be written in American English.

Remember that while rst files are used to generate output, developers (both
those contributing to and using dev-pipeline) have to deal with the raw text.
Keep lines limited to 80 characters and consider how your change will look
when diffed.

Opening Issues
Issues are tracked on Github_.

Before opening a new issue, please do a cursory check.  Time spent looking at
duplicates is time that's not spent working on the code.

If you have code to resolve the issue, please submit a pull request.

.. _autopep8:
.. _Github:
.. _PEP8:
.. _readme: README.rst
.. _reStructuredText: