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## Nest REST API

Demo application [is running here]( (it might take a while before the free server wakes up)

📘 API is documented [here](

The core code of this application was generated automatically by [create-opinionated-app](

### Example Features


- [x] Basic Project Setup
- [x] Environment Variables
- [x] Database (TODO: migrations)
- [x] Tests


- [x] Authorization (TODO: refresh token)
- [ ] Health Check
- [x] Basic CRUD operations
- [x] Documentation
- [ ] In-memory Cache


- [x] Heroku CD
- [x] GitHub Actions CI

### Development

1. Start development server: `yarn start:dev`

### Useful Commands

- `yarn test` runs jest
- `yarn start:debug` start debug server
- `yarn format` Prettify source code
- `yarn lint:ts` Show ts errors

## Deployment on Heroku

This application is Heroku ready.


1. Install Heroku CLI: `brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku`
2. Login: `heroku login`
3. Go to your app folder: `cd ~/nest-rest-api`
4. Create new project on Heroku `heroku create`

You can find more information [here](