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## React Apollo GraphQL [from scratch]

Today you have basically two ways how to start new React application: [NextJs]( or [Create React App]( 

However, there is no fun in using other peoples frameworks so I created this application from scratch. If you ever wondered how to set up your own boilerplate. This is a good place to start.


## Demo

You can try the application [here]( (it might take a while before the free server wakes up)
📘 Backend API is running [here]( You can find the source code of the backend application [here](

# Development

System Dependencies:

1. `brew install node`
2. `brew install yarn`

Run development server:

1. `yarn install`
2. `yarn apollo:generate-types:watch`
3. `yarn watch`

## Useful Commands

- `yarn lint:ts` lint TS files
- `yarn lint:css` lint CSS
- `yarn lint:circular-dependencies` detect circular dependencies
- `yarn apollo:generate-types` generate TS definitions from GraphQL schema
- `yarn apollo:remove-all-types` remove all automatically generated TS definitions
- `yarn test` run jest
- `docker-compose up` run the application in Docker 🐳 container


- [ ] Optimize [antd]( package with [babel-plugin-import](
- [ ] Create custom vendors config with [DllPlugin](
- [x] Implement _request password reset_ + _request password change_
- [x] Implement _automatic token refresh_

# Production

Keep in mind that `main` and `vendors` packages **are huge**. I plan to implement [babel-plugin-import]( and [DllPlugin]( in the future.

1. `SERVER_URL= yarn build`
2. `yarn prod`