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Test Coverage
# react-easter

Easily add Easter eggs to your React app

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## Installation

With npm:

$ npm install --save-dev react-easter

Or with Yarn:

$ yarn add react-easter

## Usage

The usage is very simple, there is just a couple of props to pass.

const EasterEgg = require('react-easter');

// ...

render() {
  return (
        keys={/* Array of keys to type to trigger the easter egg */}
        simultaneous={/* Add this prop if keys should be pressed all together */}
        timeout={/* Duration to show your easter egg, easter egg is displayed forever if prop is not set */}>
      {/* Your easter egg JSX goes here */}

You can add `react-easter` anywhere in your component hierarchy, because it adds a global
keyboard events listener and doesn't stops any event bubbling.

For example:

const EasterEgg = require('react-easter');

export default class YourComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const konamiCode = [

    return (
      <EasterEgg keys={konamiCode}
        <div class="overlay">
          <iframe class="sexy-nude-geek-girls-playing-mario"
                  allowfullscreen />

## Props

* `keys` – Just array of string representing each button to be pressed;
* `simultaneous` – Set this prop if user should press buttons all together;
* `timeout` – Amount of time in milliseconds while easter egg is displayed.

## Supported keys

All alphabetic letters and numbers could be passed as is, i.e. letter "a" is just "a".

If you use `simultaneous` mode and you have the `Shift` button in your hotkey combination,
please set the unmodified buttons.

For example, to have a `Shift+!` hotkey, you should pass `keys={["shift", "1"]}`,
because "Shift" and "1" pressed together produce "!".

## Dependencies

Project uses [react-shortcut]( to handle keyboard shortcuts.

## Test coverage

Library has ~100% test coverage:

$ npm run test:coverage

> react-easter@1.0.0 test:coverage ~/projects/react-easter
> NODE_ENV=test jest --coverage --no-cache --config .jestrc

 PASS  test/Component.js
  <EasterEgg />
    ✓ Should render (16ms)
    ✓ Should handle keys sequently without timeout (1032ms)
    ✓ Should handle keys sequently with timeout (1011ms)

File          |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
All files     |      100 |    77.78 |      100 |      100 |                |
 Component.js |      100 |    77.78 |      100 |      100 |                |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       3 passed, 3 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        3.831s
Ran all test suites.

## Code style

Library is 100% compatible with [airbnb-base]( for ES5.

## Available commands

Library has the following commands available:

* Run the tests:

  $ npm test

* Run the tests and display test coverage:

  $ npm run test:coverage

* Run the linter:

  $ npm run lint

## Build

No building required, library is implemented with ES5 React syntax for better compatibility and shipped as is.

## License

Library is shipped "as is" under MIT License.

## Contributing

Feel free to contribute but don't forget to test everything properly.
