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Test Coverage
package actions

import (
    forcessl ""
    paramlogger ""

    csrf ""
    i18n ""


// ENV is used to help switch settings based on where the
// application is being run. Default is "development".
var ENV = envy.Get("GO_ENV", "development")
var app *buffalo.App
var T *i18n.Translator

// App is where all routes and middleware for buffalo
// should be defined. This is the nerve center of your
// application.
// Routing, middleware, groups, etc... are declared TOP -> DOWN.
// This means if you add a middleware to `app` *after* declaring a
// group, that group will NOT have that new middleware. The same
// is true of resource declarations as well.
// It also means that routes are checked in the order they are declared.
// `ServeFiles` is a CATCH-ALL route, so it should always be
// placed last in the route declarations, as it will prevent routes
// declared after it to never be called.
func App() *buffalo.App {
    if app == nil {
        app = buffalo.New(buffalo.Options{
            Env:         ENV,
            SessionName: "_xela_session",

        // Automatically redirect to SSL

        // Log request parameters (filters apply).

        // Protect against CSRF attacks.
        // Remove to disable this.

        // Wraps each request in a transaction.
        //  c.Value("tx").(*pop.Connection)
        // Remove to disable this.

        // Setup and use translations:

        app.GET("/", HomeHandler)

        auth := app.Group("/auth")
        app.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, HomeHandler)
        bah := buffalo.WrapHandlerFunc(gothic.BeginAuthHandler)
        auth.GET("/{provider}", bah)
        auth.DELETE("", AuthDestroy)
        auth.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, bah, AuthCallback)
        auth.GET("/{provider}/callback", AuthCallback)
        // TODO Put all these resources into a group like auth is
        dr := DutoniansResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        dg := app.Resource("/dutonians", dr)
        dg.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, dr.List, dr.Show)
        er := EventsResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        eg := app.Resource("/events", er)
        eg.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, er.List, er.Show)
        ar := AbstractsResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        ag := app.Resource("/abstracts", ar)
        ag.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, ar.List, ar.Show)
        pr := ProposalsResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        pg := app.Resource("/proposals", pr)
        pg.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, pr.List, pr.Show)
        sr := SponsorshipsResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        sg := app.Resource("/sponsorships", sr)
        sg.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, sr.List, sr.Show)
        lr := LinksResource{&buffalo.BaseResource{}}
        lg := app.Resource("/links", lr)
        lg.Middleware.Skip(Authorize, lr.List, lr.Show)
        // app.Resource("/dutonians", DutoniansResource{})
        // app.Resource("/events", EventsResource{})
        // app.Resource("/abstracts", AbstractsResource{})
        // app.Resource("/proposals", ProposalsResource{})
        // app.Resource("/sponsorships", SponsorshipsResource{})
        // app.Resource("/links", LinksResource{})
        app.ServeFiles("/", assetsBox) // serve files from the public directory

    return app

// translations will load locale files, set up the translator `actions.T`,
// and will return a middleware to use to load the correct locale for each
// request.
// for more information:
func translations() buffalo.MiddlewareFunc {
    var err error
    if T, err = i18n.New(packr.NewBox("../locales"), "en-US"); err != nil {
    return T.Middleware()

// forceSSL will return a middleware that will redirect an incoming request
// if it is not HTTPS. "" => "".
// This middleware does **not** enable SSL. for your application. To do that
// we recommend using a proxy:
// for more information:
func forceSSL() buffalo.MiddlewareFunc {
    return forcessl.Middleware(secure.Options{
        SSLRedirect:     ENV == "production",
        SSLProxyHeaders: map[string]string{"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"},