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# Quick Start

Getting started with `kafka-gitops` is simple. For this tutorial, we will assume:

- You have installed the `kafka-gitops` command as [described here](/
- You have a kafka cluster running on `localhost:9092`. 

!> **NOTE**: If you desire to use this with Confluent Cloud, read our [Confluent Cloud page][ccloud].

## Desired State File

First, create a desired state file named `state.yaml`. In this file, we'll define a topic. To showcase how to set topic configs, we'll make it a compacted topic.

    partitions: 6
    replication: 1
      cleanup.policy: compact

## Configuration

Currently, configuring `kafka-gitops` is done via environment variables. To configure properties, prefix them with `KAFKA_`. For example:

* `KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS`: Injects as `bootstrap.servers`
* `KAFKA_CLIENT_ID`: Injects as ``

For our quick start example, open a terminal where your `state.yaml` file is located and set the bootstrap servers:

export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092

!> **NOTE**: If running `kafka-gitops` against a secured Kafka cluster, it must be run with super user credentials or a user with special ACLs. [Read more on our permissions page][permissions].

## Validate
We can validate the desired state file conforms to the [specification][specification]. To do this, run:

kafka-gitops validate

By default, it will look for `state.yaml` in the current directory. To specify a different file name, run:

kafka-gitops -f my-state-file.yaml validate

An example success message would look like:

[VALID] Successfully validated the desired state file.

## Plan

We're now ready to generate a plan to execute against the cluster. By using the plan command, we are **NOT** changing the cluster.

Generate a plan by running:

kafka-gitops plan

This will generate an execution plan that looks like:

Generating execution plan...

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

The following actions will be performed:

Topics: 1 to create, 0 to update, 0 to delete.

+ [TOPIC] my-example-topic
    + cleanup.policy: compact

ACLs: 0 to create, 0 to update, 0 to delete.

Plan: 1 to create, 0 to update, 0 to delete.

In most cases, you will want to output the plan to a file which can then be passed to the apply command. Plan files are `JSON` files. This can be done by running:

kafka-gitops plan -o plan.json

If running against a Kafka cluster with no authorizer configured or if you simply want to only manage topics, you can ignore ACLs completely. This can be done by running:

kafka-gitops --skip-acls plan

## Apply

To execute a plan against the cluster, we use the apply command.

!> **WARNING**: This will apply changes to the cluster. This can be potentially destructive if you do not have all topics and ACLs defined.


kafka-gitops apply

By default, the apply command will generate a plan and then apply it. For most situations, **you should output a plan file from the plan command and pass it to the apply command**.


kafka-gitops apply -p plan.json

An output of a successful apply would look like:

Executing apply...

Applying: [CREATE]

+ [TOPIC] my-example-topic
    + cleanup.policy: compact

Successfully applied.

[SUCCESS] Apply complete! Resources: 1 created, 0 updated, 0 deleted.

If there is a partial failure, successes will not be rolled back. A failure error would look something like:

[ERROR] Error thrown when attempting to create a Kafka topic:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.PolicyViolationException: Topic replication factor must be 3

[ERROR] An error has occurred during the apply process.
[ERROR] The apply process has stopped in place. There is no rollback.
[ERROR] Fix the error, re-create a plan, and apply the new plan to continue.

Congrats! You've successfully started using GitOps strategies to manage your cluster. If you have security on your cluster, read the [services][services] page to start defining services. 

[ccloud]: /
[permissions]: /
[specification]: /
[services]: /