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Hard tabs

    // Enable the slide overview mode

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    // Transition style

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    dependencies: [

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    overview: true,

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    rtl: false,

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <h2>This background image will be sized to 100px and repeated.</h2>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <p class="fragment grow">grow</p>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs


MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

        id: '1ea875674b17ca76', // Obtained from server

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs


MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

        { src: 'plugin/multiplex/master.js', async: true },

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

        // Example values. To generate your own, see the server instructions.

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    // Factor of the display size that should remain empty around the content

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <h2>All CSS color formats are supported, like rgba() or hsl().</h2>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <h2>This slide will have a full-size background image.</h2>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <h2>Video. Multiple sources can be defined using a comma separated list.</h2>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    <h2>Embeds a web page as a background. Note that the page won't be interactive.</h2>

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

        url: '' // Location of server

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

    multiplex: {

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead

Hard tabs

        id: '1ea875674b17ca76', // id, obtained from server

MD010 - Hard tabs

Tags: whitespace, hard_tab

Aliases: no-hard-tabs

This rule is triggered by any lines that contain hard tab characters instead of using spaces for indentation. To fix this, replace any hard tab characters with spaces instead.


Some text

    * hard tab character used to indent the list item

Corrected example:

Some text

    * Spaces used to indent the list item instead