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Test Coverage
## Name ideas
* colorpicker
* color-picker2
* Cpicker
* Colorizer
* Разноцвет
* Colorific
* Chromatic
* Colorado
* Piccolo
* Colorificator
* ColorMan
* ColorConnector
* Chlor
* Colorite
* Colorful
* Fillco
* Coloring
* Clr
* Color glue
* Gay
* Fairy
* ✘ Picky
    * Associates with color-picker
    * Short
    * Other sense (haughty)
    * ✘ picky mode
    - too unclear
    - doesn’t start with color
* ✔ color-pickers
    + generic name
    + starts with color
    + not taken npm-name
    + reflects a lot of color-picker use-cases
* color-tool
    + wiky article
    + starts with color
    + more generic than picker

## Notes
* Source/Target concept.
    * ✗ Each source, firing change event, causes ColorManager to update all the targets
    * ✘ How to populate target/sources? Should we create any of them? Basically, passing modes and options isn’t that good because it’s the same as inventing own standard of creating elements
    * Minimal reliable prerequisites:
        * ✗ It’s good to pass targets selector, like $.colorite({ targets: $(".color-target")})
        * ✗ It’s good to pass sources selector, like $.colorite({ sources: $(".color-source")})
        * ✘ It’s good to parse source and target’s attributes in order to init them
            * Source tpl: `<div class="color-source" data-color-source="style.background"></div>`
            * Target tpl: `<div class="color-source" data-color-target="style.background, text"></div>`
            * Source/Target tpl: `<input class="color-source" data-color-target="value" data-color-source="value" value="123"></div>`
                * How to parse/output only one component of model?
                    * ✔ Alternative notation (Mustache/Ractive/Web-Components-like): `<input value="{{ color.hue }}"></input>`
                        * But this requires kind of parser, which isn’t that fast you’d like to (not native one).
                    * ✔ What about web-components?
                        * The only allow an `<template>` element, which isn’t that convenient to use.
                            * Is it?
                        * Suppose we use web-components. Then how to init them?
                    * What about Ractive?
                        * 60 unecessary kb.
                        * key features - templating, data-binding
                        * We can implement that features ourselves.
                            * Source tpl: `<!-- color-source --><div style="background: {{ hsb }}">{{ hex }}</div>`
        * What’s difference bw target/source? Is there a situation when you need target to be updated, but no source picked?
            * Seems that no. So, there’s no difference. Source is automatically target.
            * Wishful notation: `<a href="" data-color-bind='{ "text":"{{red}}", "color":"{{hsl}}" }'></a>`

* ✔ Popupping moved to the jquery.popupper.js

* Generalized to accept any kind of dragging areas.
    * ✔ Areas could be of any form: triangle, circular, plot, line → Slidy.js
    * Thumbs easily can be biger than areas itself
    * Cpickr is just a mediator between Color model and Area regulators (Pickers).

* Picker targets can be set up right on target elements: it allows init them with no js at all.

* Basic way of launching cpickr `$(el).picky({ mode: "hs"})`
    * So, make container, connect cpickr, viola.
    * That’s why zones have to be rendered separately

* ✔ It should work jquery-independent.
    * And any-lib independent too: if there’re no external libs hooked up (popupper etc), call _own simplistic methods_.

* ✗ How to pass functions to options of a specific picker?

* The concept
    * lots of different pickers for different modes: hs, hl, ls, h, l, etc, each has own behaviour
    * Targets are easily bound component-expose way, by automatic exposing color values to the global (all color values)

* Each picker is a duplex stream;

* ✔ There’s no Picky class. Everything is a picker. Picker can pick the full color and consist of sub-pickers. Picker is the final point.
    * If you want to create custom picker, do it programmatically, it’s easy: just extend class Picker and include sub-pickers you need, that’s all.

* Color object can be programmatically shared between pickers - in that case, pickers are bound;
    * Otherwise, color is parsed from the attributes.

* DO Russian version on a site by the goodui guidelines.

* The product has a very narrow audience and high competitional standards.
You have to implement some exclusive feature to make use exactly this one picker. Which is that?
    * Relative palettes (exists)
    * Lab space (rare, interesting)
    * Real Palette? Like luma etc
    * Multiple pickers, connected by line
    * Inverted picking style (bg is a picker)
    * Triangle picker
    * Any kind of picker (versality)
    * Circular palette pickers (in examples)
    * Image picker
    * Natural colors picker
    * Pantone picker

* Competitors
    * System picker (especially osx)
    * Photoshop picker and alike

* Comparison table: Name | Value | Ideal case
    * SEO | Easy to google | First item
    * Features | Versatility to use | All the common use-cases
    * Speed | UX satisfaction | As native
    * Conventions | Easy to install | jQuery plugin / module / web-coomponent
    * Docs | Easy to solve troubles | FAQed every issue
    * Badges, tests | Subconscious trust | as 6to5
    * Demo page | Engagement | Concise & maximally intuitive