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Test Coverage
* proper default picker style
* control of slidy params - wheel, sniper etc

* make tests public

* write ideal pickers code - photoshop.html
* write megapickers code

* Make slidy demo page
* Add donate button to the slidy’s demo page
* Make slidy readme
* Fulfill readme with technical badges

* alphas in ranges
* circular ranges
* multicolors
* IE, safari
* displace scales
* paint "good" range rect
* paint grid
* webcomponentify
* Transfer delta-stream
* It is duplex-stream btw
* Able to be piped

* keep hue value untouched on changing green controller (is sat===0 don’t change hue)
* start hue picker from less popular picker - like, green. Red is too frequent.

* Implement test page
    * predefined areas
    * predefined targets
    * predefined inputs
* Preset color (predefined)
* Mode switcher
* Snapping
* Values on the palette
* Set color to different targets
* Mutual sliders motion

* Use popupr insteadof own picker
* Init on any kind of input
* Test on different color objects: jquery.color, Color.ls, etc

* trigger change of input on change
* load last used colorlist and init color from local storage
* make tip position precisely to the caret
* standart replacer for input mode=color element.
* press-release habrahabr, vkontakte, smashing etc: Own color picker with toys & beauties. List of concurent features.
* lab
* any page object color picker (WTF? HOW?).
* color stack is neat & lite, not pesky: just shows last used colors. Maybe group colors by similarity?
* read data-attributes additional to options

 - transparency optional
 - saturation alternative mode
 - marks of used colors
   -targets overlapping correct
   * caret showing correct (eol)

* placement with no overlapping of targets

* hover on color in stack shows guides

* !!! think about way to adjust any page of design only with cpickr = what to edit -> edit!!!!!

* click = select all value in field

* find a way to convert value from hex, for ex, to rgba, in input field

+ targets overlapping
* resize
* color stack
+ recheck format of color oninput
* demo page to my site
* set transparency in accordance with format, not separate property

* [type=color]

### Lite [demo]()

A widespread over the web tiny hsl picker with no options (2kb).
[default hsl picker]

### Artist [demo]()

[triangle + circle]

### Channels [demo]()

Common color spaces channels mixer.

### Palettes [demo]()

Word-like palettes of common colors picker

### Photoshop

Full photoshop-compliant color picker

### OSX picker

OSX crossplatform picker polyfill

### Megapicker

All-in-one color space picker. You can study color spaces with that tool.

### [Add your picker]()